A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 222 The first attempt at apparation

On Saturday afternoon, in the principal's office, a thin, pale old man said to Dumbledore in an unquestionable tone: "Albus, are you so stupid that you actually agreed to let second-year students learn to apparate? I He will not agree, even if he is the recipient of the Merlin Order of Merlin, First Class!"

Vicky Tycross has been teaching at Hogwarts for many years as an Apparition expert. He also often helps the Ministry of Magic solve related problems. He has seen many young wizards who feel good about themselves teach themselves.

He looked at Dumbledore very puzzledly and found that he didn't look like an old fool.

Dumbledore didn't explain, but just pushed a teapot in front of Tycross.

Teklos picked up the teapot and discovered the problem as soon as he saw it. After looking at it carefully for a while, he opened the lid and shouted inside.

Dumbledore was confused. Why didn't he think of relying on the echo to determine how big the space was that day?

"Is this really what a second grader did?"

Tycross felt that Dumbledore would not lie to him about the students' education. He still couldn't believe it. It would be understandable if he just made the space in the teapot larger. It is now as big as the principal's office. I'm afraid it doesn't take a genius to do that. explained.

He thought seriously for a long time. He was about to say something but hesitated, and finally said: "Then let him try it."

The dinner on this day ended relatively early. The cafeteria began to be cleared at half past six, classes started at half past seven, and the gate was full of students at seven fifteen.

Charles huddled in a corner and didn't expect to be discovered.

Joyce, who went to Wagadu with her back then, stared at Charles and whispered: "You are not 17 years old, so you can't come."

Charles rolled his eyes and said furtively: "I'm just going in to take a look, and I'll hide in the corner when the time comes."

Joyce said nonchalantly: "It's up to you. Anyway, if you are found out, you will be deducted points from Gryffindor."

Charles smiled and said, "Then I'll say you took me in."

Some jokes should not be made casually, especially when the other party is a Ravenclaw who is proficient in potions when house points are involved. God knows what those thinking heads will come up with.

Joyce took out a toy water gun played by Muggles from her pocket and shot Charles.

Charles reacted quickly and dodged. The magic potion sprayed from the water gun passed by, and then Ron's screams were heard.

No one knew when Ron followed Charles. At this time, a flame of almost two meters erupted from the place where he was touched by the potion.

However, he ran very fast and screamed energetically. It was obvious that the fire was just a harmless prank.

Charles just smiled and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

When the time came, the students began to enter. Joyce took two steps and turned around to find that Charles was missing.

Charles didn't want to make himself too conspicuous, so he quietly used a magic spell on himself that he had just learned in the library to divert other people's attention. Unless the other party focused on looking for him, they would just turn a blind eye.

There were more than one or two students who wanted to learn how to apparate secretly when they were young. Four deans were standing at the door, and no one could even think of sneaking in.

There was an old Hufflepuff guy who would have met the requirements if he had been born half an hour earlier, but the usually talkative Professor Sprout was not accommodating.

Charles shrank into a corner, and as soon as he stood still, Dumbledore appeared beside him.

Dumbledore was holding a large roll of transparent tape in his hand and was trying to find a place to tear it. He was wondering whether he should invent a magic spell that would make the head of the transparent tape tilt up on its own.

If Charles remembered correctly, this ring of transparent glue should be the one placed in the cabinet in the living room at home, so he asked curiously: "Principal, what are you doing with Muggle transparent glue?"

Dumbledore replied nonchalantly: "Wiki said that he can give you a chance. He will tutor you alone for ten minutes after class and let you try whether you can disapparate."

"I am making preparations. You should know what splitting means. If you split, I will use this to stick you back."

Charles twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Fortunately, what you took was not double-sided tape."

Dumbledore said with some pride: "I can tell the difference between transparent tape and double-sided tape."

Charles didn't know what to say, but he knew in his heart that this was the principal reminding him not to underestimate the dangers of magic, so he just smiled.

The tables and chairs used for eating in the cafeteria were all moved away, and the noisy students lined up under the command of the deans of their respective colleges.

Professor McGonagall introduced everyone to Vicky Tycross, who taught the Apparition class.

The Apparition class was held once a week for an hour, and the content of the class seemed a bit like chicken soup for the soul to Charles.

There is no wand waving, no spells, just concentration on the target, the determination to be present in the target, and the leisurely movement of the body in a circle.

This sounds hollow, and there is nothing that can be quantified. It seems that as long as a piece of paper is used, it can be learned regardless of whether there is someone to teach it. The most important person in the training class is Madam Pomfrey.

Tycross conjured up many wooden circles and placed them on the ground as targets for the students. These teaching aids were probably not much younger than Dumbledore.

Charles watched the senior brothers and sisters carefully and tried for two rounds, and soon discovered something interesting.

Most people won't get dizzy after standing in place for one or two turns, but at this time many people felt a little unsteady after just one turn. They looked like they were seasick, but they recovered quickly.

Charles pinched his chin and thought, maybe this is a side effect of space teleportation, just like the feeling when using Floo powder, people feel dizzy caused by high-speed rotation. Maybe the failure of Apparition is because of this side effect, which brings fear and then Caused by insufficient determination to cast spells.

He had studied the rotation when using floo powder. It was just a feeling, not a real rotation. Otherwise, the necks of people who just stretched their heads through the fireplace would be twisted into knots.

At this time, he remembered something. When he taught Harry how to ride a bicycle, he couldn't learn how to ride a bicycle. He asked him if he was afraid of pain if he fell, and then asked him if it hurt if he fell or if he hit himself. So the child overcame his fear of falling even though he was beaten when he couldn't learn it, and he learned it in less than the time it took him to finish a bottle of happy water.

It can be seen from this incident that if you don't explore people's potential, you won't know where the limit is. Only by letting go of fear and other unfavorable factors that hinder you can you break through and go further.

Charles had prepared his mind well, and was unmoved even if a seventh-grade guy put his belly button in the wooden circle in front of him and left the belly button in place, waiting for extra tutoring after class.

Naturally, Dumbledore did not use transparent glue to stick the old man on. The deans and Madam Pomfrey worked together to quickly restore him. There was no physical problem, but he was obviously severely psychologically affected. He sat on the floor with a pale face and sweated until the end of get out of class.

At half past eight, the students left, and Charles found himself being forcibly watched.

The deans knew about Charles in advance, and Snape said expressionlessly: "I'll put the chopped mandrake roots together later."

Professor Sprout smiled and said to Charles: "Don't worry, the mandrake roots can grow back into one piece as long as they are fixed, tied with gauze and planted back into the soil."

Professor McGonagall was unhappy and said coldly to the two of them: "This is the time to encourage the students!"

Vicky Tycross looked Charles up and down and said calmly: "I've seen the teapot. You are a very talented child."

"But you have to remember that a powerful and mysterious wizard said five hundred years ago that a person's achievements are the product of talent and hard work. You can't stop working hard just because you have talent."

Charles immediately said: "Thank you Mr. Tycross for your teachings. I will definitely keep them in mind."

Tecros was very satisfied to see that the boy was so humble and polite. He asked everyone to disperse and placed a wooden circle in front of Charles as before.

He didn't ask Charles if he had listened to the three D's he just mentioned. He thought it was unnecessary. If he didn't, it meant he was just a smart kid. He would treat the ten minutes tonight as chatting with Dumbledore.

"Try it," he reminded, "remember not to go outside."

Charles nodded, took a deep breath, stared at the position in the wooden circle, thinking that his whole body would appear there from head to toe, including his clothes, and then turned around confidently.

The next second, the transparent tape in Dumbledore's hand fell to the ground.

Charles disappeared with a "biu" sound.

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