A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 127 Uninvited Guest

When Charles saw Quirrell handing him a bag of money, his face was not very good-looking, and he thought it must be his money.

It doesn't matter, as long as you have money.

Mrs. Angelina has a lot of connections. She wrote back and said that she helped to contact a few Beauxbatons students who are going to graduate this year. It is just right for them to entrust this job.

Gabriel also replied to the letter together. After Charles read the letter, his forehead was covered with cold sweat. She actually let Ruby fly on her back.

Ruby's physical strength is not a problem, the problem is that its feathers are very smooth, and it will be dangerous if you don't hold it firmly!

After splitting the teaching content of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Charles sent it to Mrs. Angelina together with the reward, and at the same time wrote a rather stern letter to Gabriel, telling her not to play such a dangerous game in the future .

The next day, Gabriel returned a painting, which was her tearful appearance.

Charles is unmoved, and security matters cannot be compromised.

The work arranged by Voldemort was subcontracted, and Charles was relieved. After dinner, he came to Professor McGonagall's office with a leave note.

The Easter holiday lasts for two weeks. A small number of students will go home, and the vast majority will stay in school, so those who leave school need to pay a note.

Professor McGonagall read the leave note, and the leave request on it was "Go back and buy a house." After asking about the situation, he said: "That house is too cheap, and the east is Beihai."

Charles replied: "I know, it's windy there in winter, but it doesn't matter."

Professor McGonagall saw that this guy didn't understand his hint, so he said clearly: "Azkaban is in the middle of the North Sea, the house is so cheap, we have to consider whether it is affected by the dementors."

As a landlord herself, she knew something about housing prices, so she doubted that there would be no dementors disturbing her there.

Charles scratched his head, thought for a while, and asked, "Didn't it mean that the dementors wouldn't leave Azkaban without authorization?"

He remembered that the Ministry of Magic still had restraint on dementors, so they wouldn't run around.

Professor McGonagall said seriously: "The wind over the North Sea is very strong, and they say they will be blown away."

Charles blinked, and understood a little bit, it seemed that these dementors would also make excuses.

Professor McGonagall continued: "You know the Patronus Charm, so you don't have to worry, but have you ever thought about what your grandfather would do if he encountered a dementor?"

Charles thought about it seriously, what if the old man brought the dementors home to reminisce about the old days, if he served them with sandwiches from the supermarket, would they think that the food made by the machine has no soul?

He finally said: "It's still not sure if there are dementors, maybe the ruby ​​can drive them away, let's see and see."

Professor McGonagall thinks that there are dementors is just a guess, not sure, so let's wait and see, so he signed and agreed.

"Professor." Charles had an obedient smile on his face, "Why don't you go to the house with me, I've only seen dementors in books."

Unexpectedly, Professor McGonagall gritted his teeth and said, "Oh, I don't know who drew those pictures for Severus, I can't leave now."

Charles was scared, if the old man knew that Professor McGonagall was not able to go to see the house for this reason, I don't know how he would clean himself up.

On the afternoon of his first day off, Charles shivered as he got off the Knights Bus, feeling like his lunch was almost out.

This is a small coastal town in the east of Scotland. There is a small fishing port. The whole town is built on the fishing industry.

The old man came to inquire about the news a few days ago. When Charles arrived, he had already relied on his strong social skills to watch the match between the local football team and the neighboring town football team with a few new friends.

After dinner that day, the grandpa and grandson went for a walk by the beach.

Jack didn't ask Charles why he suddenly wanted to buy a house. He also guessed that buying such a remote and empty place had something to do with ruby, so he directly talked about what he had learned in two days of writing: "That island and a large area around it are national parks. , there are many wild animals living there.”

"On weekdays, there are not many people who go to the island. They are all fishing people. There are some bird-watching enthusiasts in the park on the shore. On weekends, people from the town will go to have a picnic."

"I've had drinks with the guy in the park, he's an electrician, he's been there half his life and he knows a lot."

"That island was nothing special, and I could tell that the wizard who lived there hadn't been discovered."

"It's just that people who died for no reason have been found on the island in recent years. They didn't have any wounds on their bodies, and they weren't poisoned. The Muggles used the hypothermia caused by cooling and strong winds to settle the case.

"I asked Lupin to ask the Aurors. The wizards living there have also been investigated. They were under investigation by the Ministry of Magic when someone died, and it was finally determined that they were not the ones who did it."

"These things are so outlandish that wizards and Muggles want to get rid of this hot baked potato."

Charles picked up the seashells on the beach, frowned and asked, "Is it a dementor?"

Jack thought for a while and said, "The possibility is very small. If it is a dementor, the Ministry of Magic will take action."

Charles tossed the shell back into the sea, shaking his head. "If it was Fudge's whitewashing paper-maker, he might deny losing control of the dementors."

Jack said, "Go and have a look, if it's a dementor, it's easy to handle."

"There are many things that can kill invisibly, even the voice of a mature mandrake and a banshee."

There was no one at the beach, and Charles flew to the island on a broomstick, but Jack flew like a shooting star, and the part below his waist was like billowing smoke.

It is high tide time now, the beach between the island and the land is submerged by sea water, the 4-story Georgian-style red brick building in the middle of the island is pitch black, and there is no one on the island.

The two flew around the small building, found nothing unusual, and then expanded the range.

On the beach at the easternmost end of the island, Jack used "Revealing the Reality" and found a lot of clues.

"It's really a dementor!" Jack frowned, "They actually ran over!"

Charles saw several bright white lights in front of him, extending from the distant sea to the interior of the island.

He asked the old man: "What should I do?"

Jack squeezed his chin and looked at the dark sea in the distance, and said solemnly: "You can figure it out."

"Ah?!" Charles froze for a moment, "Didn't you say that you are very familiar with dementors?"

"Yes." Jack said as a matter of course, "but you are the one who wants to buy the house."

"The dementors will come when you are drinking with the girls at home, are you still looking for me?"

The corner of Charles' mouth twitched, and he understood what the old man meant.

He added: "But I can't be sure when they will come, we can't just wait."

Jack didn't speak, and cast a few more "Revealing Reality", and the paths of the dementors in the air appeared and disappeared.

"They come at high tide," said the old man. "I think the fishers on the shore attract them."

Charles looked at the sea, and then at the waves under his feet that bypassed his shoes. It was high tide time.

From this point of view, there is a good chance that there will be dementors tonight.

Jack said to him: "You will wait here tonight, I will wander around, if you fail, please call for help."

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