A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 114: A Very Historic Antique

The old man pulled the wooden cart to the alley of the nearby residential area and stopped in front of a tavern.

Fang Yan tugged on Charles' sleeve again, and pointed to the signboard, on which there was only a coffin with a lid on it.

Charles smiled and said, "What's the matter, there are pubs in England that use pig's heads as signs."

Fang Yan asked curiously, "Are the pig heads sold in that shop delicious?"

Now Charles was silent for asking, and could only answer: "I'll ask for you if I have a chance."

The old man pulling the cart is also the owner of this tavern, and warmly invited the two children to drink juice in the tavern.

As soon as he entered the store, Fang Yan yelled "Wow", and was surprised to see that the doormat under his feet had cleaned his shoes clean.

Charles also frowned, thinking it was quite interesting.

"Brother Yin," Fang Yan tugged on Charles' sleeve again, "That dog's tail is so interesting!"

Charles said: "That's a swallowtail dog, very fierce... Hey, don't drool!"

There were only four tables in the store, and seven people who seemed to be customers put together two of them, and those dancing there seemed to be discussing dance moves.

They glanced at Charles and went on with their business.

Charles didn't look at them, and pulled Fang Yan to sit down at a table, with himself between them.

The proprietor went to the counter and got them two glasses of lime juice, and added a good deal of honey to it.

The boss was courteous for a few moments, turned around to look, took a painting from the wall to Charles, and said, "Thank you for helping me fix the car. I only have wine here, so I'll give this to you. Antique."

It was a very old papyrus with a picture of a mountain that looked like Chiramjaro.

Fang Yan's big watery eyes lit up, and Charles' voice appeared in Charles' ears: "I can tell at a glance that this painting is not simple, and what secrets it hides."

Charles thought for a while, and said blankly, "Oh, I'm so embarrassed."

Then he took out some gold coins and put them on the table and said, "Well, give me a barrel of the best wine here, and sell me the painting by the way."

The boss agreed.

A few minutes later, as soon as Charles walked out of the tavern, he immediately dragged Fang Yan away.

In the tavern, the boss sat there quietly looking at the two glasses of juice in front of him, and they didn't drink half of it.

"It's a good thing he's his disciple." The boss nodded, "He's very vigilant."

Then he looked at the seven people who surrounded him, and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go to Ghana to see our new villa."

Over there, Charles found a teahouse with many families, and sat down with Fang Yan to catch his breath.

"Scared me to death." Fang Yan said, patting his chest, "The people next to them are very deadly, they must have killed many people."

Charles asked her curiously: "Can you see?"

"Sure!" Fang Yan looked very proud, "I can see a lot of things that other people can't see."

Then she said depressingly: "So I was taken to the construction site by my father since I was a child. When they were dusting, I would look at the pillars and walls behind the formwork and see where there were big holes like honeycomb and pockmarks."

Charles blinked and sighed, "It's amazing. It's not too much to charge one hundred yuan at a time."

"You underestimated me," Fang Yan pouted, "Help when the second bridge is being built, three hundred yuan a time!"

Charles' eyes widened in surprise. At that time, ordinary construction workers only paid a hundred dollars a month. /*Ask the retired teacher*/

It's just that Fang Yan said very depressed: "But the money was saved by my mother, and she said that she would use it when she grows up."

Afterwards, she stopped talking about this unpleasant topic, took a sip of the juice that was just served, and said: "Let's not talk about this, there is something hidden in that painting just now, it is probably a treasure map."

Charles said: "I'll show Professor Dumbledore first when I go back, and then I'll see what's on it when there's no problem."

"Thinking about it now, there are many things wrong with this matter, and it seems to be directed at us."

Fang Yuan nodded in agreement.

After lunch, Charles and Fang Yan returned to where the Hogwarts representative team lived.

These days, the contestants are discussing the preparation for the start of the competition, and at the same time, they are pre-processing the medicinal materials that have just been collected.

Others are playing their own way, because apart from Charles and Seamus, no one dares to trouble Hogwarts students these days.

Now the simulated Quidditch has moved to a corner of the cafeteria, and it seems to be very popular and has received a lot of orders.

Dumbledore stayed with the teams during the day to avoid unnecessary accidents.

When he saw the papyrus drawing that Charles took out, his expression became serious, and he took out the Elder Wand and fiddled with it, and it really worked out.

I saw Mount Kilimanjaro on the paper moving, and the picture flew to the top of the mountain. On the top of the mountain stood seven wizards, doing different movements with their empty hands.

Dumbledore nodded slightly and said, "It's some kind of spell, African style."

In the past, magic wands were not used in Africa, and spells were cast by gestures. This way of casting spells is also available in many places.

Newt Scamander, who was on the sidelines, went on to say: "I think of a legend I heard in Africa before. Two hundred years ago, there was a powerful wizard family in Kenya and Tanzania. I heard that their tradition It's a bit strange. They fought against wizards from Britain, Germany and Portugal more than a hundred years ago, and fled to Mount Kilimanjaro after they failed, and then went down from time to time to try to take revenge, and finally disappeared."

Charles nodded slightly after hearing this, which matched the colonial history of Western powers.

At this time, Fang Yan suddenly turned his head and said to Charles: "Their gestures are a bit similar to our hand formulas, and they are a bit like the royal alchemists of the Ming Dynasty."

After she finished speaking, she quickly made a spell-casting gesture, and a layer of glowing eggshell-like shield appeared outside her body.

"Oh!" Dumbledore exclaimed, "liàng!"

Charles and Fang Yan didn't know whether he meant "bright" or "beautiful".

Just now everyone noticed that Fang Yan's hand gesture is slightly different from the one on the paper in details.

Charles squeezed his chin and said to the other party: "This must not be related to Emperor Jianwen or Zheng He."

No one can answer what he said. This topic is too big. Many years later, Fang Yan was transferred to the archeology major when he was in college, and he studied this topic all the way to the professor.

Dumbledore pushed the papyrus towards Charles, and said seriously: "This is a good collection, but I don't recommend learning it, because you have not been trained in African spells."

Charles thought so too. The spellcasting system was too different. If he used other people's high-end magic all of a sudden, there might be an elephant standing on his chest, so he put the painting away and ignored it.

Moreover, the Potions Tournament is about to start, and Charles has to get busy, assisting Professor Baburin in arranging the activities of the team members during the five-day competition time, not as lazy as he is now.

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