A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 107 All resolved

If the strength of a poisonous leopard is one stone, the poisonous gas will monopolize eight buckets.

The wizard saw that the poisonous leopard was mad and no longer under his control to spit out poisonous gas, and immediately took out a mask to put on. Bell saw the timing and cast a spell, smashing the mask to pieces.

Even if the wizard didn't have the gas mask, he would have to run far away. Bell chased him immediately without giving him a chance to escape. He lay on the ground before, but took the opportunity to roll off the cliff.

At this time, the poisonous gas around Charles was filled, blocking the only light in the sky, and the light of the ball of light emitted by the wand was also blocked, and the surroundings were dark.

He took out a simple anti-gas mask filled with activated charcoal and covered Furong's mouth and nose. This was prepared for using chlorine gas to deal with Voldemort. Time will be all right.

Charles asked Fleur to cover the mask by herself, then used his memory to pick up Fleur with both hands and ran away. He couldn't see clearly and couldn't fight well.

After running for a few steps, he found that Fu Rong's cold hand touched his face, and the next moment the mask was covering his face.

"I don't need it!" Charles said hastily.

Fu Rong whispered to him: "Take a breath, we will take turns to use it."

Charles did as he did, and the area of ​​the poisonous gas was wider than he expected, and he didn't get out after running for a while.

If someone was nearby, they could see that the poison gas spit out by the poison leopard was also running with Charles and the others. They followed wherever they went, and they just kept hanging around them.

The venomous leopard took the opportunity to dispose of all the Chinese biting cabbage around it, but its body was already full of holes from the bite, and the blood kept oozing out. Sooner or later, it would die due to excessive bleeding.

Charles didn't know how far he ran. The mask was used alternately between the two of them many times, but they never ran out. The two also discovered the problem.

But they couldn't allow them to think too much, the roar of the poisonous leopard approached quickly.

Charles immediately put Fleur down, held her tightly in his arms, and pressed her head against his chest, preventing her from seeing what happened next.

The Nangdubao roared and jumped into the poisonous gas, thinking to chew up and swallow those two people.

It's just that the poison leopard suddenly found itself bumped into a colorful light, which was the last memory of its life.

Charles heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and thought that the poison leopard should be dead. If it could survive the Avada Kedavra Rainbow Curse, he would admit it.

After a while, there was no sound around, but the poisonous gas was still there.

Charles thought for a while, then waved his wand to try the Flying Charm, which he was already very proficient in.

I saw the poisonous gas all around kept gathering towards the tip of the wand, not only the surrounding poisonous gas, but also the poisonous gas spit out by the poison leopard earlier and the poisonous gas on them also flew from a distance, and finally condensed into a black and green ball the size of a basketball. Venom Ball.

Charles collected the venom balls, thinking that he might need them sometime in the future.

From time to time, the distant mountains emit the light of magical fighting, and the battle between Bell and the wizard who controls the poison leopard is still going on.

Charles rushed over with Fleur in his arms, and Bell yelled loudly when he noticed them coming: "Don't come here, this is a personal grudge between me and him!"

So the two sat down on the hillside in the distance, Charles also took out the happy water, and watched the battle with Furong.

Bell dodged a black curse from the opponent and said: "Edie, your venom leopard is dead, now you are a waste, now it's time to settle your crimes!"

Fleur regained some strength, and said to Charles in surprise: "He is the 'butcher' Edie?! Edie is the most ferocious wizard on the African continent, and many villages were slaughtered by him. It is said that he is using black magic to Make some sort of powerful magic weapon."

Charles nodded slightly, the broomstick had been recalled by his side and was ready to join the battle at any time, and then changed his position to protect Fleur behind him.

Edie replied with a voice like ice: "I am immortal, why are you fighting me in vain? Wouldn't it be good to be a part of my power? When I rule the world, your names will be sung by the world." !"

Bell smiled and asked him: "Do you know why we are not afraid of the gas of the poisonous leopard?"

After he finished asking, there was a white curse, and Edie was hit for a moment, but he just swayed and didn't fall down.

At this time, a puppet doll fell off Edie and broke into several pieces.

"It's a surrogate doll!" Fu Rong exclaimed, she seemed to be familiar with African magic, "I heard from my grandmother that to make this kind of surrogate doll, you need to kill a person first, and use black magic His life is placed on a puppet, and he can die once for himself."

Charles frowned, maybe this surrogate doll could help take the next Avada Kedavra.

Bell smiled and said, "You should know that only the tears of the phoenix can undo the poison of the leopard. Guess which phoenix's tears I used?"

"Fox, or Spark?"

"Or... rubies?"

Edie suddenly looked around nervously, only to block Bell's rain of spells, and seemed to want to run.

If you defend for a long time, you will lose, Bell's attack hit Edie, and consumed another surrogate doll.

"It's useless." Edie lifted up his robe, and was covered with dead dolls. "Are you going to die by yourself, or watch me kill those two people before you die?"

Bell sneered, and was about to cast a spell with a wave of his wand. Edie saw his wand move, and at the same time cast himself a defensive charm similar to the Iron Armor Charm.

This time a large cloud of bright, hot white flame erupted from the tip of Bell's wand, and Edie didn't seem to care.

At this moment, Bell suddenly took out a wine bottle from his pocket and threw it over, and the flames instantly engulfed the bottle.

Edie's eyes were pierced by the light of the flames and there was only a gap left. He didn't see the bottle and Bell escaped with Apparition.

Charles turned quickly when he saw the color and size of the liquid in the bottle, and threw himself on Fleur, pinning her under him.

No matter what, Fu Rong was also a girl, and she was startled by the pressure of the boy, but she suddenly heard Charles say, "Open your mouth!"

After Fleur subconsciously opened her mouth, she felt that her ears were tightly covered by Charles' hands.

The next moment, a huge explosion louder than thunder sounded at the place where the battle was fought just now, and countless dirt, stones, and weeds rushed towards the surroundings like sea waves. The speed was so fast that Charles had no time to cast the Iron Armor Curse.

Countless sundries fell from the sky like rain, all of which were blocked by Charles.

After everything calmed down, Charles sat on the grass rubbing his ears, temporarily deaf.

After a few minutes, several rays of light lit up in the distance, and after a while, Berto came to them with a dead body.

"it's over."

Bell left Edie's body on the grass, sat beside Charles, panting heavily.

Charles' hearing recovered a little, and he took out a bottle of happy water and handed it to Bell.

"Next time there is so much explosive liquid, dare you say it earlier." Charles complained, "I was almost killed by you."

Bell smiled and said, "I didn't expect you guys to dare to get so close, but I think a wizard who can deal with the poison leopard must not be afraid of this little thing."

Charles ignored him, took out the unfinished dinner and said, "I don't care, I'm starving to death, eat whatever you want."

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