A certain scientific pirate

Chapter 308 Land and Sea Transport

Several large video phone bugs left the warship and climbed onto the land, then spread out in the city. After a while, they began to play the video simultaneously.

The person who acted as the spokesperson was naturally Reiju. She was in the communication room inside the ship at this time, and she was accompanied by another person... She was dressed in a dog-like manner, and even her emerald green hair was very neatly styled. of Bartolomeo.

Despite the fact that this former pirate gentleman always looked arrogant and domineering, when it came to such an occasion, he actually seemed a little reserved, even nervous. Anyway, he was sitting there motionless like a wooden sculpture. If If possible, he wanted to stop even breathing.

Leaving this kind of tiring work to Reijiu, Mo Fei's meeting was still in progress.

"Leave it to Roland to take charge of urban re-planning... How big is the approximate area of ​​Duren Island?" Mo Fei suddenly asked.

Roland flipped through the information brought out from the palace, paused for a moment, and then said, "According to their records, it is 27,000 square kilometers."

"With this area, it can be used as a 'main island'... Leave the detailed planning to Roland. Next, I will explain the macro layout plan of the island chain..."

"In addition to Durham Island, in order to form an island chain, four more islands need to be placed on the north and south sides of the island. The specific distribution is three in the north and one in the south. Five islands are arranged in a row. At the same time It is also necessary to set up another island in the South China Sea near the windless zone as the 'entrance' to the channel, so that the five islands in the middle, the island in the South China Sea as the entrance, plus the Seven Waters Capital of the Grand Route, a total of seven islands are connected in a line. , this is the complete island chain.”

"In the future, we plan to build a sea train track around the island chain, so that the seven islands will completely become a whole. The sea train is a specially designed vehicle. It has a sound setting to drive away the Neptune species. Under normal circumstances, It will not be attacked by sea kings and can be used to transport people between islands."

"What's more important is the setting of the shipping route and how to prevent fellow ships from being attacked by the Sea King. First of all, regarding the setting of the shipping lane, I plan to have it close to the waters on the east side of the island. There's nothing to say about it. Anyway, it's not attached to the sea. The east side is attached to the west side.”

"As for the more critical issue of how to ensure the safety of shipping routes, I currently have two ideas. The first point is to throw a few more desert islands in the eastern waters and make them ancillary to the island chain. This can act as a barrier to some extent. function; in comparison, the second point is more important... I plan to ensure the safety of the shipping route by raising the seabed, or in other words, create a waterway by raising the seabed."

"To put it simply, I plan to raise the height of the seabed with a width of 100 meters to a depth of 50 meters underwater. A width of 100 meters and a water depth of 50 meters are enough for any ship to navigate, even a giant ship. And 50 The depth of meters is a completely shallow water area for giant sea kings, and they will not invade this kind of water at all."

"Small-scale terrain changes will not have much impact on the surrounding environment. In order to avoid being criticized by environmentalists, I am also planning to 'punch' holes in the raised seabed to turn it into an 'underwater arch bridge structure' , this way it won’t interfere with the Neptune species’ ability to shuttle around... It won’t affect the ecology or damage the environment, so everyone is happy.”

"In addition, we must also consider the power issues of sailboats when crossing the windless zone. For this reason, I plan to build several steam tugs so that I can provide customers with more refined services."

You can also collect more tolls.

After Roland and others were stunned for a while, they finally reacted, and then he said, "The plan is very thorough, and there seems to be no problem with credibility and reliability. If there is any problem...it should be the amount of work and the work. It’s about quantity.”

"Well, I probably have to live as a black slave for a while." Mo Fei said, because only he can complete a lot of work, so you can imagine how hard he works. However, he was not complaining, but joking. At this moment, his enthusiasm for construction was unprecedentedly high.

"So since there is an island chain and you are here to take charge, why not just use the ability of the Piao Piao Fruit to send ships into the Grand Route. That would be safe and you don't have to work hard to perfect the route." Then. Roland asked such a very professional question.

Roland thought that this question was very reasonable, but when he raised his head with a thoughtful expression, he found that Mo Fei was looking at him with wide eyes, as if she were looking at an alien.

Or to describe it more accurately, the meaning in Mo Fei's eyes at this time should be "playing the piano to a cow".

Was all his explanation just now in vain?

"Is there anything wrong with what I said?" Roland felt as if he had made some unforgivable mistake.

"Roland, you don't understand the fun of construction and management games. I'm really disappointed. I'm so disappointed..." Mo Fei said while shaking her head, "Planning traffic routes is the soul of this type of game. And the use of 'special skills' can only temporarily overcome the crisis. Self-sustainability is the key to the safe operation of the system."

Roland: "..."

For the first time in his life, he felt that there might be something wrong with his IQ, because he couldn't understand a word of what Mo Fei just said.

"Ahem, um, I understand. Anyway, I just need to do my job well."

Luo Lanxin said that from now on I will listen to whatever you say, and if I show my initiative, I will be your son.

"Well, I'm going to start working next... In the South China Sea and the Grand Line, I wonder if there are any unwanted islands that others have dropped at sea. It would be best if they are islands with moderate altitude, beautiful environment, and abundant nature."

"It doesn't matter who dropped it, but I remind you that when you pick it up, it's best not to be seen by others. Especially at this time, it's best not to conflict with the countries that are members of the World Government."

"Don't worry, do I seem to be such an unreliable person?"

Of course, Mo Fei is not an unreliable person. On the contrary, he is quite reliable at this time... Under the premise of having a clear goal, he will complete it in the fastest way. As for the means to achieve this goal, Let’s just say it’s probably legal.

There are many small islands in the world, and you don’t need to be too careful to distinguish whether they are ownerless things. If you move them away, no one will have any objections, because there is no place to raise opinions... How can an island suddenly become silent? The earth disappears out of thin air. This kind of thing is beyond human control and can only be a miracle of nature.

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