Now the foundation of ancient writing is very deep.

Don't look at the fact that they have the upper hand now, but that's just the support of the students. In fact, very few top-level cultural people have stepped into it.

"Sir, what do you think of such a seminar!"

Duke Cai spoke softly towards Jiang Chen.

He didn't seem to be in a hurry at this moment, or he was very calm at this moment.

"very good!"

"The more you argue, the clearer it becomes, isn't it, Duke Cai"

Jiang Chen replied with a smile.

Ruling has long lost interest in participating in this. His identity, to be honest, all the people present are actually not equal to him.

Whoever he debates, the result will only be that he wins.

Unless someone can deprive him of his aura, there is no solution to this.

As for depriving the halo, I am afraid that no one can do it in this era.

As long as he does not treason, this kind of thing will hardly happen.

As for the dispute between ancient writing and modern writing, his heart is naturally on modern writing, but this does not mean that ancient writing is useless, in fact, ancient writing still plays a great role.

Today, these Bai Shiwen are taking the lead, which is obviously a bit extreme. Because of his influence, Mr. Zhongfu's talent is naturally good, but some people are not so good. OK

It would be better to abolish all ancient Chinese traditions in order to avoid the time when it really evolves into abolishing all ancient texts.

In the previous life, Huaxia lost something, and as a result, it took decades to find Jiang Chen in the later life, but he didn't want to experience such a second scene again.

To be able to avoid it, according to nature is the best choice and the best result.

Chapter [-]: Aftermath Ripples, Big Brother Comes to the Door

For a time, the noisy voices in the auditorium were constantly heard, and the battle situation of the higher-level entry of the two sides seemed to become more and more intense, and this kind of intensity even had a trend of intensifying

In the end, Duke Cai spoke up.

Pressed with both hands.

The entire auditorium then gradually quieted down.

Along with the silence, Duke Cai's voice sounded.

"Concubine, I didn't intend to express my opinion today, but the Taijia's active speech has also infected me, so I will say something."

"I said bluntly, I think this discussion will be very good. If there is a problem, we will discuss freely and brainstorm ideas. This is a measure of our Peking University reform. The Taijia just discussed the issue of school rules. We at Peking University have The rules, I think the biggest rule of Peking University is scientific democracy, inclusiveness, what is the premise of scientific democracy, equality, equality before the truth, everyone is equal, not to mention teachers and students, inclusive, that is, everyone can rage on their own From an academic point of view, speak freely. This should be the Xuefeng of our North Pacific. I believe that discussions like today will often be found in the future. I also hope that discussions like this will be more intense, as long as it is beneficial to education. The more the better. "

Duke Cai's voice was calm and cocky. As the most prosperous educator of this era, Duke Cai's wisdom and instincts can be compared even in the presence of few.

Falling with his words.

In an instant, there was applause from the audience.

It also represents the end of this seminar.

Even if the result still does not appear.

But for both parties, it was a twilight.

Although the new culture was dissatisfied, but Duke Cai said so, it was not easy for them to continue, and the old culture was relieved. After all, Huang Kan's previous operation was really too showy.

No one mentions it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Once they are really mentioned, they will inevitably fall into complete passivity.

And that's not what they say they want to happen.

Even if you want to refute the new culture, it's not now.

Can wait.

This seminar has come to an abrupt end.

However, the battle between the new culture and the old culture is not destined to end so easily.

Even soon fell into the storm again.

The reason for the Zhiyu turmoil is that Mr. Shifu's formulation of the contract for the recruitment and dismissal of Peking University professors undoubtedly caused a huge turmoil again at this moment.

But this is obviously not what Jiang Chen needs to participate in.

In fact, Huang Kan did not participate in this incident, just as a bystander, quietly watching all this. For him, life is still the same, and Peking University is still the same.

It's one of life's pleasures to see these people arguing every now and then.

As for who is heresy and who is heresy.

Actually neither.

Or both are right.

The only difference is that both are too extreme.

Even when he was in the evolution of Beitai, he said that ancient writing is the past and vernacular writing is the future, and the two need to be inherited, but it is clear that few people actually listen to these words.

The hardest thing in the world to do is to change a person's mind

Don't talk about him, how many people can't do it one after another.

And Jiang Chen didn't want to change people's minds in the past.

Because that's what great men do, and Pi is him.

All he needs is to leave enough legacy for this civilization and this country to rise.

Maybe this way, the country will have a smoother road in the future.

As for avoiding the current hardships, it may be cruel, but for a country and a nation

Hardship may be the best medicine, and only after experiencing hardship can there be a possibility of soaring into the sky.

He believes in the future__

in the courtyard

There were already three more people.

That's right, three people.

Jiang Chen did expect to recruit scholars, but in fact, this is just the number of places to recruit, it does not mean that everyone can meet this standard, or that most people can't reach this standard.

In the end, only two people were admitted, and only one person came in through a special way.

They were Ze Rong and Zhou Peiyuan. Among them, Ze Rong and Zhou were students from Peking University who came in for the assessment, while Zhou Peiyuan submitted a copy of "The Second Rule of Trisecting Angles", which attracted Jiang Chen's attention.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, the three people are not very old.

The oldest of the three, Ze Rong, was only five years old, and the others were only fourteen years old.

However, the identities of the three are not at all simple.

Ze Rong's scientific name is Yu Ci and Keats.The characters are Huating, Muguang Haozixiang, Factory Buddha, and Shore Buddha.Born in Dongyang, physicist and educator.He is one of the founders of Huaxia's modern physics research, one of the founders of Huaxia's optical research and optical instrument development, and the first in Huaxia's research on piezoelectric effect of crystals.

Zhou, from Yinxian County, Zhejiang Province, biologist and educator, the main founder of Huaxia Experimental Embryology

The founder of Huaxia marine scientific research The outstanding leader of biological science research created a precedent for Huaxia's "cloning" technology, and is known as the "Father of Huaxia Cloning".

Peiyuan, a native of Xing County.Famous fluid mechanics, theoretical physicist, educator.Huaxia Academician

One of the founders of modern Chinese mechanics and theoretical physics.

Three more top-notch guys.

As for the two bosses, body quenching is naturally impossible.

It is difficult for them to wake up and quench their bodies even if they are over four years old. As for the internal force washing, it is also difficult to do it.

After all, once a person is four years old, the bones and meridians have already been shaped.

Jiang Chen could only teach them how to train their body.

Although there is no medicated bath with a body quenching method, just an ordinary way of exercising is enough to make the body stronger.

Of course, the main thing is to teach them knowledge.

When he arrived in Peiping from Jiangnan Prefecture, he brought a lot of books with him.

Basically insensitive, but he has brought all the books on basic education.

At this time it can be used.

And for the trio it almost felt like they had reached heaven.

Originally being able to join Jiang Chen's door and become Jiang Chen's graduate students already made them feel very excited, even extremely lucky, after all, this is Jiang Chen and Mr. Jin Gu.

Huaxia and former recipient of the highest scientific achievement.

Unexpectedly, the surprise was just the beginning.

Subsequent gains will be even greater.

Chapter 2: Aftermath Ripples, Big Brother Comes to the Door

Jiang Chen's knowledge made them hungry.

It would be even better if the teacher wouldn't let them punch, they might just want to be on top of this one piece of information [-] hours a day, [-] hours a day.

Jiang Chen was also a little speechless about this.

He wondered if it was a common problem with these scientists.

They don't seem to care about their bodies at all.

Compared with their own body knowledge, they say they need it

You can even throw everything away for it.

This can be clearly seen from these people.

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