"Read, learn, learn how to make better weapons and learn how to develop a country

Learning, how to revive a nation, this is what we need to do. "

"You should know that I am good at vernacular and science. I teach history to let you understand the greatness of the Chinese nation and how powerful our country was once, and to give you confidence. You also have perseverance that a country and a nation can have. Rising up, but not enough confidence, also needs a lot of knowledge and advanced technology. So I came to Beitai, the bishop to teach history and science, and gave Cai Gong a suggestion. Education should be divided into basic education according to the level of the level. And higher education, basic education is the basic education of the nation, including early childhood education, primary education, junior high school education, and senior high school education.

"Graduate education was proposed by me and is being implemented, so I decided to start recruiting graduate students a month later. Those who are interested can participate in the application. I will recruit ten students in total this time.

The words opened, accompanied by his voice, at this moment, the entire auditorium could not help but suddenly become silent.

Many students' faces flushed at this moment.

As for the graduate students, it has been a long time now, and these people are naturally very clear. Although the specifics are still a bit confusing, there is one thing they still understand.

That's when Jiang Chen started recruiting students_.

And if you can become a graduate student of Jiang Chen, you will be a disciple of Jiang Chen. What does this mean?

Even just thinking about it makes one's heart skip a beat.

Not to mention the rest, Jiang Chen's knowledge alone, if they can learn it, there are endless benefits.

Not to mention, some people with a lively mind, their eyes are shining at this time.

Being able to become Jiang Chen's disciples means that they can almost reach the sky in one step.

Even the sky is rising.

"Sir, are you telling the truth?"

"Sir, can you tell me your rules for recruiting disciples?"

"Mr. Jin Gu

The words opened, and the voices were mixed with insects, which made the venue have a noisy color.

It wasn't until Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to suppress the crowd that they calmed down.

"As for the recruitment, there is no falsehood. As for the rules, the school will issue an announcement later."

"The content of the assessment is limited to science subjects.

Jiang Chen slowly spoke about the situation.

And following his words, everyone couldn't help but calm down a bit.

As for asking Jiang Chen why he didn't enroll in the liberal arts, everyone didn't choose to speak because the words on the black list were already the best answer.

The liberal arts may save the country.

But in this era, as long as you are not a fool, you will understand that what China needs most is science talents.

It's not a joke, it's a fact.

Of course, this does not mean that the liberal arts are not important.

Jiang Chen wouldn't teach history if it wasn't important.

But what kind of subject he wants to leave to this era is the best choice.

The course is over.

This time, the fluctuations that have been set off are undoubtedly even greater.

For a while, the entire Peking University campus was in the midst of this heated discussion.

And now the magic capital.

A cruise ship from Europe arrives.

A figure stepped into it unexpectedly.

His name was Alfred, Marshall.

He was Johnson in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the most famous economist in the world.Marshall is a professor at Cambridge University.He was also the undisputed leader of Johnson's orthodox economics.His "Principles of Economics" published in 1890 is regarded as an epoch-making work on the same level as Smith's "The Wealth of Nations" and Li Xitu's "Principles of Taxation".

Now, with the outbreak of war in Europe, he also arrived in China unexpectedly at this time.

At this time, he had just received a newspaper.

But he couldn't understand the Chinese above.

Fortunately, there is an interpreter by his side.

The translator opened his mouth and slowly read the contents of the newspaper.

And listen to this, Alfred.Marshall was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes shone with unprecedented light, and he even snatched the newspaper.

Too bad he didn't understand it at all.

However, not understanding, does not mean that his excitement has diminished.

"Oh my God. This is the work of God."

"x: Jiang Zai had to go and see him

"Take me there quickly."

The words speak, Alfred.Marshall couldn't wait to go to Jiang Chen's place

Chapter [-] World-class genius is king

At this time, the popularity of Peking University's campus has gradually increased. Especially after the news of Jiang Chen's recruitment of graduate students spread, the popularity undoubtedly spread even more.

Not even just Peking University.

At this time, the whole of Peiping even spread out to the outside of Peiping.

Newspapers were published as soon as possible, so in just a few days, most of the country knew the "information about Jiang Chen's admission of students."

And such news is definitely heavy news for the whole of China.

And soon, Cai Yuanpei also issued an announcement.

Beginning this year, Peking University students are divided into undergraduate and postgraduate education.

Students who have completed undergraduate studies can participate in the postgraduate assessment, and if they pass the postgraduate assessment, they can enter the study of a certain exclusive professor.

To the king's assessment content.

Each instructor has constant requirements, and the items that need to be assessed are completely different.

That's right, it's completely different.

In this era, after all, there is no way to compare it with future generations. It is basically nonsense and unrealistic to want to take a unified examination. Just one Peking University and that famous teacher have different majors.different fields

The requirements are also different, which is not the same as the future generations.

Of course, even if there is no unified examination, as soon as the news came out, the entire Peking University was also caught in the hustle and bustle.

This excitement did not calm down until the content of the qualification assessment of the Jiang Chen Research Institute appeared.

Jiang Chen's request was simple.

The content of the assessment is only two, mathematics and physics.

That's right, there are only two items, but even if it's just these two items, many students feel pain in their scalps. For Wang and the others, math is fine.

Peking University's mathematics is not bad at all.

Moreover, Huaxia already has the inheritance of mathematics, but it may be two points behind the modern West.

But physics is actually unfamiliar to most students.

But fortunately.

Jiang Chen's assessment criteria were not completely set.

In addition to participating in the assessment, you can also show your talent in natural science. If you are satisfied, then you can naturally become Jiang Chen's student.

But even this is not something that ordinary people can satisfy.

Because of the development of China for thousands of years.

Even though the whole enterprise society has experienced this great transformation, most of them are still learning the knowledge of liberal arts, although there are some science subjects, but after all, it is a minority.

Fortunately, it is now 1917

For a time, the students of Peking University were all in a frenzy.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, waited quietly.

He wants to see if there will be a few top talents in his recruitment this time.

Peking University may not necessarily have it, but he believes that the whole of China should have it.

The reason why he gave him a month is because he wants to see talents from other parts of China__

And it's just a try.

If feasible, he will then carry out it on a larger scale across the country.

Only in this way can we truly select real world-class talents and allow them to leave more precious heritage to this country and this nation.

"I hope so""

After muttering to himself, Jiang Chen's eyes were filled with a little brilliance, and there was some expectation.

There is also some hope.

That's right, hope.

Although he can forcibly raise the foundation of a country.

Even if it is just ordinary, with his promotion, he can also enter the stage of history.However, even with the same blessing, the role of genius is far beyond that of ordinary people.

his knowledge.His future knowledge, even he may not be able to completely digest it.

But if it is a world-class genius,

And this is the most important thing for the whole nation, for the whole country.

Because only these people are a country, and the things left behind are also them.

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