It can be said that the students at Peking University at this moment, no matter what they are at Wang, this moment has come

"Mr. Jin Gu, he is going to enter history, I thought he would be able to evolve chemistry, or vernacular?

"Yes, history, I don't know how this history can be advanced!"

"I am rejuvenating China, and Pi is doing it because of the Western magic of science?"

Mentors are talking one by one.

Everyone couldn't help but be full of doubts. For them, Jiang Chen's entry into history really didn't make them think of it.

However, these discussions accompanied Jiang Chen into the classroom.All the environment could not help but suddenly quiet down.

"Hello teacher!"

A famous student got up and bowed towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen also bowed slightly.

"Everyone, I believe that everyone already knows who I am, so I don't need to introduce it. This time is my first class at Peking University and my first class in my life. If there is anything wrong, please correct me."

The classroom at the moment when the clear voice spoke was extraordinarily quiet.

Jiang Chen's voice continued immediately.

Chapter 2 The rise of China, not we are the revival (big chapter for subscription) ([-])

"What is history? History is abbreviated_"History" refers to the systematic recording, research and interpretation of the past events and activities of human society and the behavior of these events. History exists objectively. No matter how writers write history, history is based on its own way exists and cannot be changed.

It has three meanings: 1. A discipline that records and interprets historical events as a series of human processes, 2. Evolution, origin, and 3. Past facts. "

"The problem of history is that Wang is constantly discovering the real past, which is to use materials to speak, and how people can become a question that can be discussed in reality. History is an extension. History is the inheritance of culture, and accumulation and expansion are the trajectory of human civilization.

"Our China is great and brilliant. This kind of brilliance has lasted for more than [-] years. From the glory of Yin and Shang to the decline of the Qing Dynasty, we have witnessed too many myths.

We also face too many challenges, but we believe in the future and this nation.

"Someone once asked me if China could rise, and my answer was very simple and only one word.

Yes, and will certainly stand among the nations of the world again.

"Our history has experienced difficulties and witnessed brilliance, but we have only fallen for a short time.

The face of sinking does not mean complete decline, and the empire of the boss will also have a day of awakening. "

"Let's take a look at these sets of data. These are the data of the Tang Dynasty and the data of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties."

After speaking, a group of black and white pictures appeared on the huge screen tomb behind Jiang Chen.

"This, this is?"

"Mr. Jin Gu, what is this gdp?"

Among the voices, some students can't wait to speak.

"The so-called edd_gross domestic product is the final result of the production activities of all resident units of a country (or region) in a certain period of time. Gdb is the core indicator of national economic accounting, and it is also a measure of the economic status and development level of a country or region. An important indicator, and also the main basis for whether the country is strong and rich."

Jiang Chen explained.

And it was this explanation that instantly made all the teachers and students in Beitai explode.

"How, how is this possible?"

"This, this is?"

"Mr. Jin Gu, the gdp of the Northern Song Dynasty probably has [-]% of the world's land."

"Not only, but even in the Qing Dynasty, the value of this gdp has reached one of the earth's

"Mr. Jin Gu, you?"

Dao Dao's voice opened, and some people subconsciously wanted to question, but facing Jiang Chen, they held back abruptly, and their faces turned red for a while.

"Everyone, don't be impatient."

"In the Northern Song Dynasty, the total GDP was 2655 billion US dollars, accounting for 63% of the world's total economic output. In the Qing Dynasty before the Opium War in 1820, China's total GDP was 2286 billion US dollars, accounting for 32% of the world's total economic output. In the Northern Song Dynasty, per capita GDP was 2280 The US dollar exceeded the per capita gdp of Western Europe at that time, which was 427 US dollars. Of course, gdp does not mean everything, but it means that we have at least been strong and great. What we need is not rise, but recovery.

"We were great once, and we will certainly be great in the future.

"Others, look at this again"

The projection screen behind the speech opening changed again.

In this era, the projector was invented long ago. Jiang Chen used it two years ago. Two years later, the level of the projector has undoubtedly been improved again.

With the projector screen, the content of the screen changed again.

"Paper making, guide thorium, gunpowder, and printing are the four great inventions that I define, and they are also the cornerstones of modern civilization."

"By the 16th century, paper had become popular in Europe. In medieval Europe, it was said that more than 300 pieces of sheepskin were needed to copy a single "Bible". The dissemination of cultural information was extremely narrow due to the limitation of materials. The invention of paper was a booming development in Europe at that time. Activities in education, politics, business, etc. provided extremely favorable conditions, and also promoted the development of European civilization."

"The advent of printing: accelerated the spread of culture, changed the situation in Europe where only the upper class could read. The invention of the compass provided important conditions for European navigators to circumnavigate the globe and discover the Americas. Promoted the development of world trade gunpowder weapons The invention of the war changed the way of warfare, helped European assets destroy feudalism, and accelerated the course of European history."

Jiang Chen's words continued, and such a new content and a new perspective shocked all the students, including some teachers. At this moment, their expressions couldn't help being a little dull.

Jiang Chen's words really impacted them too much.

In this era, no matter how confident Gu Hongming is, he actually has an inferiority complex towards China.

The backwardness of Bi Yihuaxia is obvious to all.

The Western powers that ran rampant across the entire land of China were not just decorations. The people were not blind, even if their pride made them unwilling to give in, they actually had a sinking in their hearts.

But now, from Jiang Chen's point of view, they have gradually awakened from this sinking.

The term _gdp, as well as the prosperity of China in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, hit their hearts for the first time, and then the four great inventions, and the impact of the four great inventions on the whole world and the entire European civilization, are even more profound. shocked them.

It turned out that the origin and development of European civilization was due to the four great inventions of China.

Especially in the age of sailing, they did not expect that the development of Huaxia would play such a big role

Such a role has never been thought of by them, and from such an angle, no one has ever told them that since 1840, the misery of the backward nation in China seems to have become the main theme.

Rise, rise, seems to be an inescapable theme.

But now, Jiang Chen gave them a new name, a term that was enough to excite them, and even open up a completely new world.

That's right, revival.

He China and their China have never risen, only the revival.This is Huaxia. _


"Mr. Jin Gu is really talented!"

At this time, Gu Hongming couldn't help but stand up.

Although he has confidence in the Chinese civilization, he is not as straightforward as Jiang Chen said, nor as clear as Jiang Chen said.

When Jiang Chen told this context, even Gu Hongming couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

And others even more so.

A flushed face.

Looking very excited and excited.

However, in this history of excitement and excitement, an untimely voice sounded.

"Mr. Jiang Chen, I reserve your opinion on the four great inventions you mentioned for the time being. I do not deny the role of the four great inventions and the world. Doesn't this reflect the inferiority of Chinese civilization?"

With a lame voice, countless and light were instantly attracted and their eyes were projected over.

Chapter [-]: Is the islander finding fault? ? ?Being abused is almost the same (big chapter for subscription)

"Mr. Jiang Chen, I temporarily reserve your opinion on the four great inventions you mentioned. I do not deny the role of the four great inventions in the world. Does this not reflect the inferiority of Chinese civilization?

With a lame voice, _ In an instant, countless and light are attracted and project their sights in the past.

And when the light converges, a figure is also reflected in their drill. This is an Asian face, which looks similar to the Chinese, but in fact, it can be clearly seen that the difference is obvious.


At this moment, this term popped up in many people's minds.

For Europeans, Asians are almost the same.

But for Asians.

Whether it is a Chinese or a Nanyue, it can be distinguished at a glance, which is even more obvious in this era.

And with the whole idea, a famous Peking University student present couldn't help but have a look of anger.

Especially just experienced the old Yuan thing.

Throughout China, the anti-island sentiment has reached an extreme.

"Shut up 1"

"Shut up, in my land of China, how can I allow your island dog to bark!"

"Yeah, blast me out!"


The students, whose voices were mixed with famous names, were so angry that they were about to completely engulf this islander in a blink of an eye. Facing this turbulent crowd, the islander also had a fear.

"Huaxia is the state of etiquette, how can I argue that, should we use force?"

"Am I wrong.

The people of the island country were a little bit sullen with two cowardly words.

"Let him speak?"

Calm words sounded.

Suddenly all the voices were suppressed.

Then one after another figure bowed.

Because the person who spoke at this moment was Gu Hongming.

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