This kind of washing takes almost a year, and now there are still several months.

The only way to see results is to keep going.

And if you really want to see the results, you have to wait for the little guy to start practicing.

That will take a while.

Bi Yi, even in the top martial arts novels, no one started to practice martial arts, at least five or six years old, that is to say, there are still four or five years.

Jiang Chen was not too worried about this.

In the next time, Zhiyu seemed to fall into the original trajectory again.

Sign in during the day, teach the little girl to wash the essence of the little guy, on the other hand, read the newspaper

Waiting for the time to come.

And this wait didn't seem to make him wait too long.

In other words, the original timing has already come, and the difference is only a little time, which does not take too long. ==

Chapter [-]: The Beginning of the Jiang Family's Consecration

Time entered 1915, the situation in the world turned sharply, and the First World War became more and more fiery.

get to this point.

Either side actually has no way out at this moment.

Of course, at this time, they will not know that this war will be so tragic, and they do not know

The scale of this time will be so huge that even if it is defeated, there will be heavy losses.

Ruling will only think that as long as they win the war, they will win the whole world.

On January 1, the Battle of Gallipoli organized by Churchill began

On the 11th, Chinese students studying on the island of Renyu protested against the "21 articles" proposed by the island country

On the 15th, Peiping announced the "Implementation Rules for the Law of Authority" and began to implement the weights and measures standards.

In February, Wu Liande and others established a national Chinese Medical Association in Shanghai, and invited Jiang Ruowei as a lifetime honorary director.


On the 24th, 4 people in the magic capital held a meeting against "Article 21" in Zhangyuan, and launched a boycott of the island nation.


On April 4, the embankment on the upper reaches of the Pearl River collapsed, causing an unprecedented flood in Guangzhou.The merchants and residents of Bishui caused a huge fire due to the carelessness of lunch cooking. The Jiang family quickly dispatched personnel to carry out large-scale disaster relief.

And time, in this case, the formation entered May.

May is a turbulent month, and it is also a month of complete turmoil in the entire China. In this month, Lao Yuan Zhongwang began to set foot on his final road.

Lao Yuan succumbed to the island country and accepted the "21 Articles" of losing his rights and humiliating the country. On the same day, cities rallied to refuse to recognize the "21 Articles" and swore the national humiliation. The National Education Federation decided that each school should use May 5 as the "National Humiliation Day"

The fishing reels of society also entered the climax under this circumstance.

and international.

On the 23rd, Chef Hat Wolf went to war with Austria after withdrawing from the Triple Alliance.


At the beginning of the month, Chef Hat Wolf withdrew from the 3-nation alliance. Three days ago, when the cabinet was given all wartime powers, Hanscat recalled her ambassador to Rome to fight with Austria against the Chef Hat Wolf.The Chef Hat Wolf has united with the Three Powers against the Allies.De'ao prevented more than 3 chef hat werewolves from leaving these two countries to return to China to fight, which has caused strong indignation in the chef hat wolf country.

The battlefield in Europe was a complete mess.

For Jiang Chen, this was the moment he was waiting for.

Ruling is also the best chance for the entire Jiang family and the entire China.

Now the eagle sauce on the other side of the ocean has not yet risen, and the power of Europe has been completely out of the dog's mind because of the war with each other.

In fact, Huaxia has the opportunity to rise rapidly in this situation. As long as the speed is fast enough, European and American countries will not have time to react. Just like today's island countries, although the entire island country started from the Meiji Restoration and originated from the war between Japan and Russia, it really The rise still depends on the First World War and even not only the island countries, the connection of the Eagle sauce is so eagle sauce is because the strong industrial system has undertaken the Second World War and the power of the Western Powers in the Second World War. Gradually grew to the behemoth behind.

Under such circumstances, Huaxia also has a chance.

Unfortunately, the West is in chaos these days.

The East is also not much better.

The main body has Mr. Sun and Lao Yuan.

But this is only the main body. There are many factions on Lao Yuan's side, and Mr. Sun's side is not much better.

Huaxia couldn't take advantage of this opportunity to rise at all, and the only thing that could be done was to take advantage of this opportunity to take a breath, and it would be extremely wrong to be a little more independent.

Jiang Chen had nothing to do with this.

He is not God.

The things that can be changed are the little things.

Especially now that the time given to him to accumulate is not enough.

Of course, Huaxia had no choice, but the Jiang family had no choice.

The preparations have been going on for several years, starting in 1910. If five full years have passed, Jiang Chen is fully prepared.

This preparation is enough for the Jiang family to consecrate the gods all over the world under this circumstance.

At that time, the problem of the Jiang family will no longer be the slightest problem.

All security risks will also be completely resolved.

Only in this way can he show his strengths and not be timid now.

"Smith, sir, it's time to start

"These are the last three papers, please publish them as soon as possible, and please help me buy a ferry ticket to Europe"

"A'Fu, you are ready to go to the magic capital after 2 or [-] days."

The words opened, and Jiang Chen's order was issued by the insect of swiftness.

Go to Europe.

That's right, at this time he was ready to go to Europe again.

And unlike before, this time he will travel to Europe with his true face.

That's right, he is going to Europe. Even if Europe is in a very chaotic situation at this time, he still intends to go to Europe at this moment, because this is the opportunity he was waiting for, and it is also an opportunity for him to prove China to the world.

Zhiyu risk, he is not worried.

Before, he already had enough self-protection ability, not to mention him now.

At this time, his Jiuyang Divine Art has reached the eighth level, and if he breaks through the first level, he will be able to step into the ninth level.

Once he reaches the Nine Levels, I am afraid that modern weapons will not be able to threaten his keenness to decide the master at all, and the strong perception ability is enough to avoid all risks, and even large-caliber artillery shells in this era may not be able to break his defenses.

After all, this is only World War I. Compared with the era when weapons broke out in World War II, the gap between weapons in this era is not a little bit.

Enough self-confidence, but also enough to give him the courage to move forward.

"It's a pity, those foreign devils have to be cheaper."

After muttering to himself, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

But then there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Sometimes a benefit, but not necessarily a benefit, especially in times of war, this kind of benefit may only bring about greater disasters.

Because of this, Jiang Chen was waiting for this time.

"it's 1"


Several people responded quickly.

Soon the entire Jiang family was busy quickly.

This time, Jiang Chen did not go there rashly, but planned to go with a surprise.

Although it is impossible to bring most of the things in a short period of time, he is ready to bring some of them.

As for the rest, he plans to place it in the magic capital first.

With the influence of the Green Gang in the magic capital, there is no need to worry about any risks.

It's just that this transport is a little troublesome

five years of hoarding,

But fortunately, the Green Gang has already arranged personnel to meet the fleet.

Of course, even so, it is almost impossible to clean up without every month. Jiang Chen naturally couldn't wait for a month. In fact, he had already set off on the third day.

Go to the magic capital.

Tickets are already ready.

"Master, why don't I go with you, I'm afraid it's not safe to fight in Europe now?"

Chapter 2 The Beginning of the Jiang Family's Consecration of Gods (please order the first order) ([-])

On the deck, Wang Yaqiao's expression was filled with anxiety, even Jin Rong was a little heavy.

The situation in Europe is felt even if they are in the far east.

"Don't worry, there won't be anything wrong with the Qing Gang and the two of you. I also hope that the Qing Gang will not go astray when I come back. Don't blame me for cleaning up the door..."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said with a deep voice.

"Yes, Master!"

"Sir, don't worry, one day when I am here with Huang Jinrong, it is impossible for the Green Gang to be a traitor to the country."

Huang Jinrong knew exactly what Jiang Chen wanted, so he spoke solemnly.

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