His poems even make people write off the pen.

Below, many people record crazy.

All sounds have disappeared.

What everyone is left with is a deep shock, crazy records, and memories.

They have to remember every moment here, and every voice of Jiang Chen, lest they forget.

But Jiang Chen's words made them feel hopeless.

They don't know how much there is still in the mouth of the person in front of them, and how many voices that can touch their hearts.

Until someone's notebook is full of text, even arms, feet and clothes have text on them

Jiang Chen's voice slowly fell into a veil of admiration.

"Your Majesty"

"The new era is coming, China needs your country and you. n

"The struggle between new culture and old culture should not be the main body of our nation and this country.

This is just our choice. The new culture is the future culture and the past. It doesn't matter whether we give up or give up. In the past, we have to embrace the future and we will forever. Finally, I send you a song. "

"The mountain road I walked was the one where Xu Xiake once stayed, the pass that the Six Kingdoms once patrolled and dared not go forward. The tower I stopped and overlooked was once firmly guarded by Yu Qian, and now I can gallop freely. The Northwest Prairie is what Huo Qubing once fought for. I can still eat the braised pork that Su Shi kept in his hands, and I can drink the delicious wine from the flowers that Taibai raised a glass to invite the moon for. When I read the bones and flesh of the flute of my predecessors, I can still blurt out a sentence they used to describe their love, hatred and separation after being overjoyed and sad. The greatest gifts this land has left for our descendants should be these two pieces, right? , one is history, the other is culture, the former can learn from the world, and the latter can moisten the heart.

"Thank you"

The words fell to Jiang Chen and bowed deeply to the crowd.

Then before everyone could react, __ she turned around and walked towards the backyard,

Stay, the people who are still shocked,

These people also echoed in Jiang Chen Gangzi's words.

Even some top presences are no exception.

Jiang Chen's words were too shocking.

Chapter [-]: Going to Fuyi, Hidden and Name

"Sir, wait a second"

"The principal will be out soon"

"No need, goodbye everyone."

In the backyard, Jiang Chen waved to a staff member, and then, amid their astonished expressions, he stepped lightly on the ground, and the next moment his figure rose into the sky like this.

The courtyard wall of Peking University is a full two meters high.

But at this time, in their horrified light, Mr. Jin Gu just flew away.


That's right, fly.

At this moment, only this word remained in their minds.

There are no other words to describe it.

"I, I, am I!"


"Hey, why are you pinching me?"

"I'm not dreaming, Mr. Jin Gu really flew away"

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Jin Gu wrote martial arts novels. The light work of martial arts novels seems to be able to fly over the eaves!"

"No way""

"That, that!"

Several staff members were completely stunned.

And in their daze.

What's even more ignorant is the headmaster and others who managed to get out of the back.

But when these people got the news from the workers, their eyes became dazed.


"What about Mr. Jin Gu?"

"You are kidding me!"

"Headmaster, no no"

The riots at Peking University are obviously not going to end in a short time.

Jiang Chen climbed over the country's wall.

Soon they got the Qing Gang disciple and the little girl who came out.

With the little girl, he left this place of right and wrong quickly, and he did not expect that the sensation this time would be so big.

It's just too loud to slip now.

After more than an hour.

Only then did his figure return to the courtyard.

At this moment, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, with a sigh of relief, Jiang Chen didn't forget what he promised to that person before.

"Take this thing to Shuimu's blood sugar and give it to Hou Debang.

Jiang Chen instructed a disciple of the Qing Gang to hand over the report related to the carbon soil four experiment. He promised to show this to Hou Debang, but of course he did not intend to break his promise.

Will the Prince Debang encroach on his things?

He wasn't worried at all.

Xian Pi said that Hou Debang, as the leader of modern China, his character is absolutely guaranteed.

Not to mention, he took it out so openly in his speech in Beitai, even if he wanted to occupy it, it would not be so easy.


A green gang responded and carefully took Jiang Chen's things.

And finish these orders.

Jiang Chen can be considered to have completed everything this time.

Start to rest.

The matter at Peking University has come to an end. He plans to stay in Kyoto for a while, and then go for a walk in a few days. Finally, he starts to take action.

With the passage of time, the First World Tai War became more and more intense.

The time he had been waiting for was coming.

After preparing for so long, he is still looking forward to it.

It's just Jiang Chen's idea.

It had to be interrupted when it was ready.

Yes, it was interrupted

Because the next day.

When Jiang Chen got the newspaper in his hand, he couldn't help being stunned.

It was too early in the morning, and because of his request, the disciples of the Qing Gang sent almost all the newspapers on the market directly.

It was done by Lianren, and the front page headlines were all about him.

At this time, all the newspapers and periodicals in the entire Kyoto, whether they are newspapers or tabloids, whether they are run by Chinese people

That's right it's him.

"Mr. Jin Gu appeared at Peking University, and Zi Beitai gave a speech on my history of China"

"Establishment of the Shang Dynasty, the existence of the Shang Dynasty proved by Mr. Jin Gu

"Mr. Jin Gu invented the carbon and soil four identification method, may win the Nobel Prize"

"The Controversy Between Mr. Jin Gu and Gu Hongming's Papers"

"Between One Theory, One Hundred Poems, Mr. Jin Gu's Talent is Ancient and Present"

Every sober and sober title appears on the front page. Although there is no uc shock department in this era, these questions are enough to attract everyone's attention.

As a result, there was a faint change in the way the Qing Gang disciples looked at Jiang Chen's Qie Guang.

Previously, the disciples of the Qing Gang looked at him with a sense of mystery, fear and curiosity.

Now when these disciples look at him again, they are adored, excited, and almost the same color as those students.

Faced with such a situation, Jiang Chen knew that he seemed to be a little too much in the limelight.


It's not a bit big anymore.

This evolution of Peking University, coupled with the final battle of literary and white.

In an instant, Jiang Chen, who was initially on the stage just because the martial arts novels gained a little fame, and the battle for literary whiteness, instantly climbed to an unprecedented peak.

Whether it is the shocking evolution of Peking University.

or the establishment of the Shang Dynasty.

For Yuruling, the entire era is a nuclear bomb-level existence.

And in the final debate on the literary and prose, the arrogance of hundreds of poems and prose made almost all the literati be convinced by it, even the representatives of ancient prose had to bow their heads.

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