A Cash Warrior

Chapter 220

# 220

-9 Episode 21

“If you pass the ruins, monsters will attack you in earnest, but Rusalka hiding in the fog around the fortress is the most troublesome. These guys have the upper body like a beautiful woman, but the lower body usually combined with all sorts of monsters. You have to be careful, too, as it uses the beauty world and emits a terrifying scream every time it attacks. After passing through the foggy area where these Rusalkas stand, the fortress will appear.”

“It won’t be easy to get to the fortress.”

“The entrance to the fortress is guarded by a giant named Ghibli. His face resembles a skull and he holds a scythe in his hand, giving him the appearance of a typical grim reaper. If you get hit by this scythe wielding a scythe, your soul will be drained from your body. Baba Yaga on the wall takes this soul, and then he will never be able to come back to life again. They become slaves tied to the wall.”

“What kind of monster is that Baba Yaga?”

“You can think of it as a witch. It handles death and death at will, and one animal is equivalent to thousands. In terms of her star rating, she’d be eight stars. It won’t be easy to even get close to the wall as these are standing on top of the wall and constantly pouring out attacks. No matter how close you get to the wall, it is almost impossible to climb up the wall as the slaves made of souls robbed by Baba Yaga are poured with boiling blood and oil.”

“So, the gates are guarded by Ghibrinis and the walls are guarded by Baba Yaga.”

“This fortress has never been breached. Numerous hunters tried to enter Moscow, but none managed to defeat the Blood Prince Poronech. It is truly impregnable.”

Major Mikhail’s warning was answered by Jeong Dae-sik easily.

“Anyway, isn’t it three days later to reach the fortress of Poronec? That would be enough.”

Major Mikhail showed a puzzled look.

“What do you think is enough?”

Jeong Dae-sik had a confident smile on his lips.

“It’s time for the Fenrir troops to become stronger.”

Magical lights flashed from all directions, and the screams of monsters were heard. In the midst of all around monsters, the Fenrir troops and soldiers were fighting desperately with them.

A monster called Polevik was attacking them, and they looked like scarecrows. He had hair that looked like straw on his skinny body, and was covered in fur like white rags.

These guys made a sound like a rooster and threw something, and when they hit it, they lost consciousness for a moment as if they were drunk. Then Paul Levik came closer, opened his head, and bit his head with his long triangular mouth and chewed it.

The jaws were quite strong, and once bitten, the entire skull exploded. The arms that were loose on both sides were also intimidating, unlike their sloppy appearance.

These guys had a knack for pushing their sharp fingers into their prey’s stomach and removing the intestines at once. As these guys attacked in groups, everyone was fighting with their teeth biting in order not to die.

Of course, no matter how intimidating it was, it was a level 4 monster, so if you wanted to annihilate it at once, there was nothing it couldn’t do. If Jeong Dae-sik jumped to 50 with only his magical power through the status enhancement skill, it was possible to wipe it out with his magical energy at once.

The reason why the melee was not allowed to happen was because the Fenrir troops were under the influence of the target-specific status enhancement skill.

When this skill was activated, it was better to raise the physical activity to the limit as much as possible. Only then will the energy consumed to the limit be restored and the maximum will be increased.

That is why Jeong Dae-sik’s training has always been harsh, and it is still the same today. The Fenrir troops were fighting with all their might in a chaos where it was impossible to determine whether it was actual battle or training.

“A thousand miles east wind!”

As the wind arrow blown by God Deokhwa swept the flocking Polevik, the embodiment created by Lee Jae-woo attacked the place.

What he embodied was a giant that looked like a giant goblin, so it was perfect for scattering Polevik like a scarecrow.

When they hit their bodies with the huge bat they were holding in their hand, the sound of breaking bones was heard and the Poleviks flew into the air.

Then Godeokhwa’s Silairon flew them higher.

“Okay! Let’s go!”

While God Deok-hwa and Lee Jae-woo formed an unexpected combination, there were also people who could do the work of three or four people alone. Seo Ji-won, who boasted of overwhelming power after using the Rich Circlet given by Jeong Dae-sik, was like a reaper wandering through the middle of the battlefield.

Seo Ji-won roamed among Polevik, inhaling magical power whenever he could. Each time, Polevik did not use much strength and fell down like a real scarecrow.

The death force absorbed from the monster could have an adverse effect on Seo Ji-won, but he was trying to find a way in Hawaii, and he was easily digesting it.

There were other people who benefited a lot from the items given by Jeong Dae-sik. It was none other than Hermi Rae. She has the ability to debuff and buff at once thanks to her makeover. She was like that, and because she had various kinds of abilities, her performance stood out.

When Polevik, whose feet became heavy due to Heo Mirae’s debuff, couldn’t move in place, Kim Song-geun’s giant clones smashed them out.

Kim Song-geun was operating only two giant clones, but due to the effect of the Nephilim Blast Plate, the size was larger than the goblin embodied by Lee Jae-woo.

It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a disaster that took the form of Kim Song-geun, as imitations the size of a house trampled on Polevik.

In addition, if the clones took damage, Heo Mirae’s heel was sprayed, showing an almost invincible combination.

However, the person who changed a lot was Ki Chul-min. He seems to have given wings to a tiger since he got Tyrving. When he swung Tyrving over Polevik’s head with a body lightened by Talaria, dozens of Pollevik’s hairs fell and fled.

Polevik could not use his strength in front of him enough to say that he was fighting a scarecrow rather than a monster.

In the end, the Poleviks were annihilated in less than thirty minutes after they attacked them. The soldiers and Major Mikhail, who had been fighting hard in their own way, saw the scene and stifled their tongues at the sight.

“When I heard about the recapture of the Hawaiian Islands, I could have guessed it, but… it’s amazing.”

Jeong Dae-sik cut off his praise.

“It is still not enough to defeat Chernobog.”

“But didn’t I say that there was enough time for the troops to become strong before reaching Moscow? I don’t know if it’s because of my mood, but I really think the skills of the troops are getting better.”

“It’s not about the mood. Fenrir troops continue to grow. You will be able to check the results when you reach the fortress.”

Major Mikhail seemed to have hoped that he might really be able to defeat Chernobog by seeing their skills.

At first, he was ordered by Colonel Vladimir and followed Jeong Dae-sik, but he had a strong feeling that he was monitoring him not to do anything stupid.

It is worth noting that Jeong Dae-sik is a foreigner, so it cannot be said that he is necessarily on the side of the Russian government. Depending on the interests, they may join hands with Durahan and try to hijack the regime, so it was important to prevent Jeong Dae-sik from coming into contact with the rebels.

However, when Jeong Dae-sik’s attitude to defeat Chernobog was serious and he saw with his own eyes the amazing skills of the Fenrir troops, he thought that the restoration of the country, the aspiration of all Russians, might become a reality.

As a result, Major Mikhail’s attitude, which was initially stiff, changed to a very friendly one.

“This kind of battle will be repeated many times in the future. This area has already been occupied by monsters, so no private houses remain.”

Jeong Dae-sik nodded as he heard what Major Mikhail was worried about.

“It’s what I was hoping for. A large number of monsters will make the troops stronger.”

If the crew had heard the conversation in Russian, their faces would have gone slender.

That’s because it means that no matter what monsters you meet, Dae-sik Jeong will roll them instead of going out himself.

Chapter 56. Cancer

“Oh! I’m going to die!”

Jae-woo Lee was lying on the floor with a sound of pain, and Ki Cheol-min almost tripped over there.

Ki Cheol-min revealed this and said, “Move away. Step on it,” and Jae-woo Lee rolls around the floor, making an incongruent tantrum.

“It’s crazy! It’s so hard that I can’t even move!”

“Let’s see where it really is.”

When Ki Cheol-min gently stroked his face, Jae-woo Lee got up from his seat, grumbling. However, he did not stop saying that he was going to die while writing arrogance.

Lee Jae-woo was not the only one who said that. Kim Song-geun was also exhausted, and Seo Ji-won’s face was yellow. Even God Deok-hwa was sitting casually with her head down, so I could guess how hard they were going through.

It was easy to guess by looking at the monster corpses all over the place. Monster corpses were scattered in all directions in a snow-covered field with scattered thickets.

Since there were so many different types, it was like seeing all the monsters that could be seen in Russia. Looking back at the scene, Jeong Dae-sik wiped his taste buds with disappointment.

‘How much is this in money?’

There was no support team or porters, so no matter how many monsters were caught and killed, the byproducts could not be removed. No matter how much space Jeong Dae-sik had, it was difficult to take this many crops.

Besides, they are on their way to defeat Chernobog. Since the corpse of one Chernobog would have been more valuable than hundreds of these monsters, it was impossible to fill the space easily.

The only comforting thing is that you can sell monster by-products in the store. However, the price of monster by-products set in the store was considerably lower than in the real world.

In the words of entropy, it is because the value of monster by-products on Earth is overvalued. I only hit about a third of it.

In addition, it took quite a while to process the by-products. It was impossible to sell the whole carcass in order to achieve commercial value. Since I had to manually paint all the parts worth paying for, I couldn’t do that right now.

So, Dae-Sik Jeong was selling by-products by choosing only the ones he really wanted to make money. Thanks to him, he came to Russia, so he paid most of the money he spent to acquire these and other skills.

‘Still, it’s a pity that it’s a pity. You’re throwing away all the corpses of monsters, so you’re only doing good things for others.’

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