A Cash Warrior

Chapter 113

# 113

– Volume 5 Episode 13

Like a knuckle, the bones on the back of the hand were reinforced with a hard material, but it was said that it was made by grinding dragon bones.

Dragon bones were known to be the hardest of all extant materials.

Therefore, it was not easy to process, so there were only three craftsmen in the world who could handle dragon bones.

As a result, the price of items containing dragon bones was exorbitant.

The dragon’s ransom itself was incredibly high, and the labor cost was terrifying, so all dragon-related items boasted an astronomical amount.

Hanna Jang said that it was the same with this knuckle glove, and treated it as if she were enslaving it.

The official name was Dragon Bone Gloves, but it was difficult to even talk about the price.

Anyway, it was such a great thing that Hanna Jang made a fuss.

Since the bones that went into it belong to the Fire Dragon and the Fire Dragon, this weapon had a fire attribute that could neither be taken out nor beaten.

And it boasted that much firepower.

At the place where you hit with this knuckle, a foot-foot explosion will occur.

The size of the explosion differed depending on how much magical power was injected, and I didn’t know that it would probably be as powerful as exploding a bomb when combined with an enhanced powerful force.

They also had strong resistance to fire.

I’d say it’s actually compatibility.

As long as it wasn’t the dragon’s breath, the knuckle gloves could devour any kind of fire.

It was also possible to release it back.

Using this point, it was possible to shoot sparks like a fire arrow.

Almost anything related to firepower was possible.

As Hanna Jang promised, although it was not an S-class item, I was satisfied with two AAA-class items.

However, since there is no end to human greed, on the other hand, I was very curious.

‘If AAA-grade items are at this level, what do you mean by S-grade? What is the SS level? Wouldn’t it be much better?’

Jeong Dae-sik changed his arms and left the national treasure trove in a much fresher look.

As I drove home, my phone rang.

When I answered the phone, I heard the voice of Ki Cheol-min, whom I had never contacted before.

– Where are you now?

-It’s no different, I found someone who can enchant me. You said you asked Choi Hee? Choi said that he would go with him, so he said he could go today. When the time comes, will you go together?

“As I said before, I’m fine.”

– If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait again. In that case, why not just go this time?

“No, I have no intention of enchanting my weapons.”

-why not?

Jeong Dae-sik did not say that he had ripped new items from the national treasury.

After all, battle suits and knuckle gloves are also borrowed items.

Even if the battle suit had no self-healing function, it would not have been enchanted.

Jeong Dae-sik was driving, so he replied roughly.

“It’s just, it’s a waste to use it on my armor. I’m thinking of selling it.”

– Selling? are you crazy This is something that money can’t buy! That’s how precious it is. But are you going to sell it?

“Isn’t it that expensive? Anyway, I’m fine. You go and do it.”

– I won, I see. It’s up to you, but I’d advise you to just leave it alone as you might change your mind later. then hang up

After finishing the phone call with Ki Chul-min, Jeong Dae-sik changed his mind to go home.

Now that I have received a new weapon, I wanted to try it out.

I don’t want it to be like that, but if the self-healing function of the battle suit seems to be futile, I intend to use the enchantment scroll.

To decide whether to enchant or not to get used to the new weapon, Jeong Dae-sik summoned entropy and said.

“Entropy, where is the nearest dungeon from here?”

“Link now and send me all the information about that dungeon. I’ll go right there. Oh, and give me directions to where the dungeon is.”

At the words of entropy, Jeong Dae-sik raised his head.

The U-turn signal was just coming, so I hurriedly got to the first lane and broke the steering wheel.

Boo ah ah!

The car turned with a clear sound, and Jeong Dae-shik excitedly stepped on the accelerator.

In the dungeon where he stopped for a test of a new weapon, Jeong Dae-sik hunted with excitement.

The knuckle gloves that explode in flames have an exciting taste, so I didn’t know the time was passing even in a dungeon full of monsters.

The battle suit also had the effect of adding agility, so it was almost like flying.

As a result, I arrived at the boss mob and ended up attacking the dungeon in a haphazard manner.

‘I accidentally got a magic stone.’

Jeong Dae-shik threw a magic stone a little smaller than his fist into the air and received it back.

It was a magical gemstone that was red enough to look close to black.

The purity may be high, but the magical power that resides there is insignificant, so it was not of much value.

Still, about 2.3 billion will be enough.

‘Isn’t this enough to dispose of through disguise?’

He didn’t like to receive any kind of item because he dealt mainly with monster by-products.

Magic Stone would be more like that.

Magic crystals were difficult to handle, so they were not very traded in the shade.

I had to go to the official exchange, and they were famous for slashing prices.

After all, they know that there is no one else to buy without them, and they push their guts.

‘Sheesh, my stomach hurts trying to hand it over to the scammers. I’m not in urgent need of money, so should I just leave it alone for a while?’

However, there was no change in the fact that the places where it could be sold were limited even if it was left alone.

I don’t know if the technology to generate electricity from magic crystals develops further than now.

It is an undeniable fact that magic crystals contain unprecedented energy and are emerging as a hope for human civilization, but the pace of technology development has not kept pace.

So far, a huge facility was required to generate electricity from magic crystals.

It’s only natural, in a way, that it’s only been a little over 10 years since the world of extended reality began.

Jeong Dae-sik came out of the dungeon and got into the car and asked Entropy.

“Hey, entropy. Find out if there is a place nearby where you can dispose of magic crystals.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”


It was an ear-opening story.

Jeong Dae-sik said right away.

“Show me that right now.”

According to Jeong Dae-sik’s order, a sales window was opened saying that entropy was newly created.

Up until now, Jung Dae-sik had been unilaterally buying from a store, but now he can sell it as well.

“Hey, what’s wrong with this! Would this be so convenient?”

Jeong Dae-sik, who was admiring, looked at entropy with his ax eyes open.

“If something like this happened to you, you should have told me right away. Why did you keep your mouth shut?”

Jeong Dae-sik asked a question while glaring at the entropy that rips off the shichimi.

“How can I do that?”

“Okay. Where…”

Jeong Dae-sik threw the red stone he was holding in the air toward the sale window.

Then, as if caught in a sales window, the red stone just stopped, and a strange light flew around it.

Perhaps it was the process of making emotions.

The price was set quickly.

“Huh! You mean 7.3 billion red stones?”

“No, the price is close to twice the market price, isn’t it?”

Although it is said to be a red stone rather than a yellow stone, the price was not expected because of the poor transparency.

If you want to go to the late billions of dollars, you have to be a blue stone to do it.

Depending on the transparency, there are cases where it exceeds 10 billion won, but anyway, there is a limit to the amount of money that can be earned with these three types of magic crystals: yellow, red, and blue.

However, 7.3 billion was a considerable price.

It was even more so because it was a store that always rips nonsense.

Jeong Dae-sik asked the question with an unbelievable feeling.

“I thought a store this expensive would definitely charge a bad price. What’s going on with this?”

Entropy explained.

“Then you’re saying that even a red stone is actually worth this much?”

If the Magic Stone is undervalued, it means that its value will skyrocket in the future.

If you invest well, you may be able to hit the jackpot.

Thinking that I should think about that part a little, Daesik Jeong disposed of the red stone first.

And just in case, I looked at some other items.

“Is there any way to see what products I can sell now?”

Entropy immediately levitated a list of all items in Jeong Dae-sik’s possession.

The battle suit and knuckle gloves not belonging to Jeong Dae-sik were excluded, but everything from the by-products of the monster just caught to the various equipment he had and at least a piece of underwear he was wearing were included.

Daesik Jeong took out a monster by-product as a test and threw it into the sales window.

But this was outrageously priced.

“Why is this happening again? No matter how insignificant this monster is, it’s still a part that costs at least several million won if you take it to a monster disposal site! But only a few hundred thousand won? Isn’t the price slashing too harsh?”

Entropy explained indifferently when he saw Jeong Dae-sik giving off heat.

“You mean that the value of monster by-products is overvalued?”

Just thinking about it, entropy was right.

It is difficult to extract energy from the Magic Stone, but it was easier than expected to use the monster by-products.

In other words, at this point in time, the monster’s by-products have more uses.

However, if more raids are created in the future and a large amount of monster corpses are distributed, or if, as Lee Jeong-yeon said, the domestication of monsters becomes a reality, the value of monster by-products will drop sharply.

“Sheesh, I see. This is a cancellation of the sale. It would be better to continue to trade monster by-products through disguise.”

Jeong Dae-sik met Byeon Jang-su right away as he was close to me. His aunt came on the excuse that he was busy, but he had no problem making deals.

Rather, he comforted the young man and received a higher price.

The disguise was difficult to negotiate because there were about a dozen serpents in his stomach, but he was able to sleep as much as he wanted. So, after processing the monster by-products, an additional income of 1.5 billion was generated.

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