A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 347 Carbon-based Destroyer!


Geng Bo looked at the tragic situation in the photos in front of him and showed a look of unbearability.

The distance between firefights in modern warfare casts a veil of romance over an otherwise brutal battle.

The terrifying effects of microwave weapons.

But it makes this kind of filter disappear.


In the command center, some personnel with poor psychological endurance even vomited.

Although the front-line investigators at the scene are selected from the active troops.

But they have never seen such a tragic situation.

Many people began to feel queasy in their stomachs.

"For the record, microwave weapons have a good strike effect, especially against living organisms."

Zhang Xingyang remained calm and asked the personnel in the command center to record the effects of the microwave weapons.

Almost all living things on earth are composed of cells.

Cells contain a lot of water.

Almost all chemical processes necessary for life activities use water as a solution.

The heating effect of microwave weapons on water is too good.

Very lethal to living things.

"The testing of all weapon systems has been completed, and everyone has worked hard."

"Go back and take a rest."

Zhang Xingyang said to all relevant personnel present and absent.

Several different weapons tests consumed a lot of time and energy.

Everyone present who participated in the experiment was exhausted.

Especially those who saw the microwave weapon experiment in the last scene.

I guess it’s been hard to eat barbecue food these days.

Otherwise, it is easy to think of the animal carcasses that were burned to char in the tank.

"Brother Xingyang, I think this weapon is likely to encounter a lot of opposition in the future."

"We have to plan ahead."

Geng Bo said after thinking for a long time.

"I understand, microwave weapons in a sense."

"Just like biological and chemical weapons that were just developed in the 20th century, they are weapons of mass destruction."

Zhang Xingyang said in a low voice: "But we must have such means to deter the enemy."

The main land threat to the Dragon Kingdom lies in the long border line in the southern mountainous area.

Although many local countries have suffered from the iron fist of the Dragon Kingdom's righteous masters in the past few decades.

But in recent years, Longguo has developed a moderate image internationally.

"In the plateau area, our side does not have an advantage in terrain."

The border is close to the Dragon Kingdom side, and thousands of kilometers deep into the interior are plateau terrain.

Whether it is supplies of living supplies or supplies of military supplies such as weapons, ammunition, heavy firepower, etc.

To transport it to the border requires a lot of manpower and material resources, as well as a lot of money.

The terrain on the opposite side, after passing through the rapidly descending mountains, is an endless plain area.

The transportation conditions for various supplies are more than a little better.

"It's not something to think about emotionally."

Zhang Xingyang finally patted Geng Bo on the shoulder and said:

"Unless our strength can completely surpass them and make them surrender under our feet."

"Otherwise there is no room for retreat on this matter."

Zhang Xingyang doesn't like war very much. War is a very terrifying machine.

Once it starts, you can't stop it just as you want.

But just because you don't like war doesn't mean you don't need advanced weapons.

Advanced weapons can intimidate enemies and reduce the probability of war.

"I hope you won't be absent from the space-based microwave strike experiment in three days."

Zhang Xingyang left a few words and strode toward the outside of the command center.

The space-based microwave system is actually the launch of suborbital microwave satellites.

Let the microwave transmitter mounted on the satellite sweep across the relevant area and destroy local life forms.

Because the orbital altitude is less than 100 kilometers, it is not considered a space weapon.

"I have received the experimental results. The question now is, are the consequences of microwave weapons as serious as you said?"

The old chief asked in a very rare and serious tone.

The harm caused by microwave weapons to experimental subjects not only frightens everyone present.

Even the battle-hardened warriors, after seeing the killing effect.

I also feel a chill in my back.

In modern warfare, although it is possible for the body to be blown up by missiles, artillery shells, etc., there will be no trace left.

But it was an instant of death, and the brain didn't even have time to feel the pain.

But microwave weapons burn people alive.

Although it doesn't last very long, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

At the last moment of life, a living body is attacked by microwaves.

You will experience the treatment of burning at the stake.

And it was worse than any prisoner who suffered burning at the stake in history.

Every cell in their bodies was boiling and screaming.

The nervous system will feel pain from the inside out in the first moment.

From the epidermal cells to the deep internal organs, everything is heated in an instant.

In fact, before the flesh is burnt, the living beings attacked by microwaves have already died.

Their brains have long been heated to boiling point.

Comparable to Sichuan and Chongqing specialty brain flower.

"All our conclusions come from experiments and do not contain any falsehoods."

Zhang Xingyang explained seriously.

"If someone has questions about the experimental results, we can answer their questions with experiments."

It's normal for some people to question it, especially a weapon like this that is obviously a supermodel.

"Aren't you going to conduct the next round of experiments in three days?"

The old chief was obviously well prepared.

Said directly:

"When the time comes, we will build a complex fortress camp to see the effect of your attack."

"Okay, then the actual results will silence the doubters."

Zhang Xingyang said nonchalantly.

That night, officers and soldiers of a heavy-duty combined battalion received the order.

It is required to arrive at the designated location and complete the construction of fortifications within one day.

And there are special requirements for air defense and protection against nuclear, biological and chemical attacks.

There is no time for any delays.

Within minutes after the order was issued, the entire battalion of officers and soldiers completed the assembly work.

Start launching various armored vehicles and march towards the designated area.

"Lao Yu, do you know what this emergency mission is about?"

Inside the armored command vehicle, the commander is analyzing the mission.

The mission location looks unremarkable, a high point on the plain.

It seems to be a strategic support point that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

It seems normal to put an army here for defense.

But putting a heavily equipped synthetic battalion here is not so reasonable.

The combined battalion has a large number of third-generation tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Able to conduct rapid mobile assaults.

If it is just a defensive operation, hold on.

What a waste.

Therefore, everyone in the armored command vehicle believed that there were other special circumstances in this mission.

"Our superiors told us to pay special attention to air defense and nuclear, biological and chemical defense. Is it possible that this is an act in response to a nuclear strike?"

Someone in the command car put forward his own idea.

Today's heavy-armed combined battalion is the absolute main ace in the army.

Their training is very complete.

Even within their brother army, the three-defense work is relatively rare.

They are all extremely talented.

Even if there is a sudden nuclear attack.

As long as you give them a little time, they can dig a hole several meters deep in the ground.

The shock wave of a nuclear bomb explosion and nuclear radiation would be difficult to harm them.

After a series of heated discussions.

Everyone reached a relatively unified conclusion.

That is, this is very likely to be a special performance against nuclear weapons or chemical weapons.

I have to say that their guess was quite accurate.

Other than guessing the wrong weapon type, there wasn't much of a difference.

Microwave weapons are used both domestically and worldwide.

None have been put into actual use.

Therefore, no one could guess the real intention of the attack.

Entering the preset position, everyone in the synthetic battalion began to dig into the mountain non-stop.

And a large number of intricate fortifications and bunkers were arranged at the foot of the mountain, on the mountainside, and on the top of the mountain.

A large number of third-generation main battle tanks are placed in fixed caves dug inside the mountain.

"No matter what, we can all survive!"

The commander looked confidently at the mountainous fortifications in front of him.

Hundreds of kilometers away, a simplified version of the microwave satellite was ejected and launched into an earth orbit of 95 kilometers.

Its lifespan is very short.

Only two days of work available.

But the microwave emission power on it is very powerful.

Able to reach 300 megawatt level.

Such a powerful power even requires two power satellites to provide power specifically for it.

Otherwise there will be insufficient power.

Because it is located at high altitude, common cables on the ground cannot be used.

"Are the drill troops ready?"

The old chief asked the secretary beside him.

"They are all ready. As long as we give the order, they will withdraw in time and put dummies at relevant positions."

"That's good, let's inform the comrades in the command center and let them get ready for work."

The secretary received the old chief's order and quickly called the command center.

Three minutes later.

Officers and soldiers of the heavily armored combined battalion left the hilltop of the defensive position in an armored vehicle.

I saw a scene that I will never forget.

The air shimmered with strange fluctuations.

It was as if it had been burned by high-temperature flames.

On the soil of the earth, bursts of green smoke came out.

Like a steamy mist, it shrouded the entire mountain.

The trees on the ground completed the drying process in a very short time.

Then it turned into huge torches.

Like a super-large torch stuck in the ground.

The entire land was filled with a disgusting earthy smell.

"What's going on here?"

"What kind of attack is this!"

The officers and soldiers of the heavy-duty combined battalion let out bursts of exclamations.

Scenes of bullets whizzing through the head and shells exploding in the ears.

Most of them have seen it before.

They have also become immune to such war scenes.

But the scene in front of me is really beyond many people's understanding.

After their thinking, they believed that the command would use a nuclear strike, or a biological and chemical attack.

As a result, the command did not carry out the release of weapons of mass destruction as they thought.

Instead, it burned everything on the position through unknown means.

They could already see that part of the mountain that was used as a test site was completely shattered.

It's like being burned by fire.

"How did they do it? Was it some kind of magic attack?"

The commander looked in disbelief at the position where he had worked hard for two days and two nights.

Many fortifications are built with stone.

All are accompanied by microwave attacks and become vulnerable.

Then it collapsed under its own pressure.

"The attack has ended. The director's department asked us to enter the position and conduct on-site exploration of the effects of the attack."

The commander quickly received instructions from his superiors.

The tracked infantry fighting vehicle entered the position, and the steel tracks rolled over the hot ground.

It made bursts of tingling sounds.

Open the air circulation system, and the air in the armored vehicle begins to exchange with the outside air.

A strong stench began to permeate the numerous armored vehicles.

Fortunately, everyone was wearing chemical protective clothing, so the strange smell could not enter their nostrils.

"Um, Battalion Commander, I guess we don't have to look for him."

The first soldier to get out of the car quickly said to the commander who was still in the armored vehicle.

"All the models and monkeys in the camp were turned into ashes."

Even their figures were imprinted on the ground.

Only a thin layer remains.

The military boots stepped on the ground, and the rubber soles began to slowly melt.

Fortunately, there is a thin steel plate inside.

Otherwise, everyone will be able to smell their feet burning.

Some of the armored vehicles left in the cave were not as seriously damaged as those outside.

The dummy in the armored vehicle did not turn into ashes.

But most of the electronic equipment on armored vehicles were destroyed by microwaves.

The monkey inside, although it doesn't appear to have any damage from the outside.

But all were motionless.

If they had a CT device, they would be able to see the monkey's brain, all turned into a steaming tofu brain.

"It seems that the application prospects of this weapon are greater than we imagined!"

The old chief looked at the reported experimental data with excitement.

Before this, they had been worried.

Will thick rock formations affect the impact of microwaves?

There is plenty of material in the rock formations.

It is easy to reduce the energy level of the microwave.

So, as long as the rock layer on top of your head is thick enough.

Then blocking microwave weapons is not a big problem.

But judging from the results of this experiment.

It is difficult for rock formations within a hundred meters to prevent microwaves from causing powerful damage to carbon-based targets within armored targets.

It is difficult for the rock formations within two hundred meters to prevent microwaves from destroying the electronic equipment of armored targets.

"Its damage to carbon-based targets is far greater than the damage to electronic equipment."

The old chief looked at the various data in his hand and said with some emotion.

"In that case, let's call it - Carbon-based Destroyer!"

It will become the destroyer of all carbon-based life!

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