The Phantom 1 strategic bomber, like a mythical beast, appears to be slow at the edge of the atmosphere, but is actually flying extremely fast.

"It is about to reach the scheduled test sea area."

A routine announcement sounded in the cabin, which was not spacious.

As an unconventional cruise, the "Ghost 1" dispatch is naturally not just a test of long-range flight capabilities.

Several missiles and bombs will also be dropped for testing.

The main test missile is an air-launched anti-ship missile.

Of course, there are also some land attack missiles and bombs.

It even included two loitering bombs, which were very rare at this time.

There are several target ships parked above the azure waters of the North Pacific.

They are all converted from oil tankers and natural gas ships.

They have their own compartments, and even if one compartment is penetrated by a missile, they will not be sunk directly.

But to be able to persist for a while and make more contributions to weapons testing.

On the target ship, many electronic devices have been turned off.

If you want to find them, you can only find them out of the vast ocean through radar.

Of course, if a large number of reconnaissance drones are released on the sea, there is a certain probability of discovering them.

In addition, hundreds of solid black boxes are installed on the target ship.

They can collect various data when the target ship is hit.

"Target ship No. 1 has been discovered."

The crew members, who were closely observing the radar display at all times, shouted as soon as they discovered the target.

This area of ​​​​sea is relatively far from the shipping lanes commonly used by merchant ships.

Therefore, if the radar target appearing here is not a target ship, it can only be a warship from another country.

The radar displays of warships and oil tankers are very different.

Moreover, the shape of target ship No. 1 is quite special, especially round.

This design has been widely used in the last century, mainly to utilize limited space and store more crude oil.

After entering the new century, thanks to the development of very large ocean-going tankers, this design has been rarely used.

Therefore, it can be identified very quickly.

"The first round of weapons strike testing is about to begin, testing the target 'No. 1' anti-ship missile."

Several new missiles carried by the "Ghost 1" long-range strategic bomber are still in the development process and have not been officially named.

So they are all simply named according to numbers.



The operator responsible for data import injects the target data scanned by the radar into the missile computing chip.

After the missile is officially finalized and equipped in the future, this work will be handed over to the intelligent combat system to perform.

But now, we still can only rely on manual injection of various parameters.

But it didn't take long.

Less than half a minute.

Under the huge triangular belly, one of the two polygonal hatches is open.

If you look up from below the bomber, you can still see the ferocious eight missiles in the built-in magazine.

Phantom 1, as an ultra-long-range strategic bomber.

Whatever needs to be executed will be strategic tasks.

Strike the enemy's important targets.

Such as: command center, airport, main battleship, aircraft carrier, etc.

This means that the missiles it carries are all large missiles with extremely long range and great power.

Even nuclear missiles with nuclear warheads!

It itself is an important part of the nuclear triad.

A missile with blue and white patterns intertwined on its surface.

It fell off the mount and immediately ignited its own rocket engine.

Like thunder coming out of the clouds, it rushes downwards!

Generally, missiles are launched from a location far away from the target.

But the advent of Phantom 1 has changed this to a great extent.

A stealth bomber located at a suborbital altitude can fly directly over the enemy's head, and then directly launch the most direct initiation attack!

Whether it's an anti-aircraft frigate or an Aegis ship.

Direct initiation attacks are difficult for them to defend against.

Because the pitch angle of the weapon is limited.

Even though the elevation angle of most close-in defense guns can be close to 90 degrees, few reach 90 degrees.

This is determined by various driving devices within the weapon system.

As for anti-aircraft missiles, it is difficult to directly defend against initiation attacks.

Because the initiation attack means, from an anti-aircraft missile perspective.

They need to attack the warhead vertically to be able to defend it.

And because the warhead area is very small, the probability of hitting is greatly reduced.

The interception efficiency may drop several times!

Of course, the No. 1 anti-ship missile tested today is not just that simple.

The No. 1 anti-ship missile rushed downward. Under the influence of the rocket engine and the gravity acceleration of the earth itself, the speed even exceeded Mach 10 at one time!

The distance of eighty kilometers is just a fleeting moment.

Twenty seconds passed, and the missile was only 10 kilometers away from the target ship!

The missile's tail rudder began to rotate slightly, controlling the missile to begin a regular spin.

It's like a drill bit that started to rotate violently from its original static state!

3.5 seconds later, the missile, like a diamond drill, penetrated directly through the upper deck of the tanker.

In less than 0.1 second, a violent explosion sounded.

The fully loaded oil tanker with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons seemed to have been kicked from the bottom of the sea.

Jumped up suddenly!

The aftermath of the explosion even caused a strong wind on the sea.

This explosion can be felt in the aftermath of the waves even by whales hundreds of kilometers away.

The instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages immediately caused this group of whales to move away from their original position.

It even escaped the clutches of a group of footbaby people who used scientific research as an excuse to hunt whales.

Before conducting weapons testing, researchers conducting missile research and development have already conducted sufficient calculations.

The optimal interval between weapons tests was derived.

They had to leave a certain amount of time for each missile.

Otherwise, accidents are likely to occur.

For example, after being attacked by a missile, another one came.

This directly led to the sinking of the target ship that could have undertaken more weapons experiments.

In line with the concept of economical utilization, the interval should also be slightly increased.

In fact, the missile is more powerful, which is also an important reason why there is no experimental ship nearby during this missile experiment.

Even if the distance is ten nautical miles, there is still a certain risk to the crew and scientific researchers on the experimental ship.

Therefore, at this time, the experimental ship can wait far away from the missile test sea area.

After the weapons experiment was over, they went to the sea area where the target ship sank and salvaged many black boxes.

"Preparing for the "No. 2 Missile" strike test."

About ten minutes later, the captain ordered a second round of weapons testing.

In fact, ten minutes only slightly reduced the impact of the first weapons experiment.

But there's nothing they can do. There are still many weapons to be tested today.

If they don't hurry, they may not have enough fuel to fly home.

The No. 2 missile is larger than the No. 1 missile that just completed the strike.

If Missile No. 1 is compared to the thickness of a little finger, then Missile No. 2 is at least as thick as a thumb.

This is also related to their different functions.

As an anti-ship missile, the No. 1 missile pursues speed and accuracy.

Missile No. 2 is a cluster bomb.

What is pursued is the striking area.

Even after the fat No. 2 missile started its own rocket engine, it did not reach the super speed of the No. 1 missile.

It only reached Mach 6 speed.


Such speed is still a test for most air defense systems.

After forty seconds of flight.

When the No. 2 missile was less than 8 kilometers away from the target ship.

Missile No. 2 suddenly split on its own.

The front end of the missile split, and sixteen micro-missiles, less than a quarter of the size of the No. 1 missile, broke out from the inside.

Sixteen missiles fell rapidly from the sky like a goddess scattering flowers.

As if they had eyes, they attacked the key nodes of the target ship one after another.

Originally, even if it was attacked by the No. 1 missile, the target ship might be able to hold on for a while.

Under this strange attack method, it soon began to take in water and sink.

The speed is very fast, far exceeding the normal sinking speed of water intrusion.

Generally speaking, it takes several hours for a sunken ship to sink.

After the target ship was hit, it only took a short while before half of it sank.


Thousands of miles away, base.

"Would it be bad if we did this?"

Qiao Yang said worriedly.

"We are preparing to join the Convention on Cluster Bombs."

The Convention on Cluster Bombs is intended to prevent large-scale harm to civilians in armed conflicts.

States parties to the Convention shall under no circumstances use, develop, produce, acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer cluster munitions.

In general, it is also prohibited to assist, encourage or induce any person to engage in any activity prohibited by a State party to this Convention.

In addition to the above prohibitions, States Parties possessing or affected by cluster munitions are also required to take action in specific areas: destruction of stockpiles, removal of cluster munition remnants and assistance to victims. Stockpile destruction timetable – requires each state party to destroy all stockpiles of cluster munitions under its jurisdiction and control within 8 years after the Convention enters into force.

The deadline can be extended for 4 years, and under special circumstances, it is allowed to be extended for another 4 years.

States Parties may retain limited quantities of cluster munitions and explosive submunitions for clearance training and development of destruction technologies.

Clearance Framework – Each State Party is also required to clear its territory of unexploded submunitions within 10 years of the date of entry into force of the Convention for it.

If a State Party is unable to complete this work, it may request a five-year extension. Strong provisions on victim assistance – The Convention contains comprehensive provisions on victim assistance.

Each State Party shall provide medical treatment, rehabilitation and psychological assistance to victims of cluster munitions in areas under its jurisdiction or control, and help them reintegrate into social and economic life.

In addition, States Parties must assess domestic needs and development plans in these regions and mobilize resources to meet their needs. This is the first time that specific provisions on victim assistance have been included in an international humanitarian law treaty.

Because cluster bombs spread over a very large area, it is very easy to harm civilians in the war zone.

In recent decades, cluster munitions have evolved into a humanitarian issue.

They have caused heavy casualties to civilians in armed conflicts and have continued to do so after the war.

During armed conflict - Cluster munitions are used to have a devastating impact in combat; they spread explosive submunitions over a wide area to destroy mobile or multiple military targets. The use of cluster munitions against military targets in densely populated areas usually results in large numbers of civilian casualties.

Because submunitions are typically unguided, wind and other factors can cause them to land well outside the target area.

In the aftermath of an armed conflict - a large proportion of the submunitions that have been dispersed or released fail to detonate in the intended manner, resulting in contamination of large areas with these deadly explosive ordnances.

These devices have caused thousands of civilian casualties.

Their presence threatens agriculture, animal husbandry and other essential activities.

It also hinders the reconstruction and development of infrastructure such as roads, railways and power plants. Children always want to pick up the munitions because they are curious about their shape and color.

The consequences of doing so can be disastrous - death, serious injury or physical disability.

The old chief felt helpless when he heard this.

Qiao Yang has been engaged in scientific research for a long time and has relatively simple ideas in this regard.

“It is still unclear whether we will join the Convention on Cluster Bombs.”

"Why?" Qiao Yang said with some confusion.

"Many countries in the world want to adopt this convention."

Zhang Xingyang didn't say anything because he already knew the specific reason.

"Because several countries probably will not join this treaty."

The old chief pointedly pointed out:

"The most important thing is the wooly bear and eagle sauce."

“Our position is simple, as long as they join us we will join, and if they don’t join we won’t join either!”

In fact, among the countries that want to promote the establishment of this convention.

Few have the production technology to produce cluster bombs, which is why they want to push for a ban on their use.

Just like that famous joke.

Question: If you donated 100 million, would you donate?

Answer: Donate!

Question: If you had one billion, would you donate it?

Answer: Donate!

Q: If you have a cow, do you want to donate it?

Answer: No donation!

Question: Why?

Answer: Because I really have a cow!

Countries with cluster bomb technology will naturally not give up their military advantages.

"Judging from the concept of cluster bombs that everyone now advocates, in fact, our separately guided missiles cannot be regarded as cluster bombs."

Zhang Xingyang said at this time.

"Our warheads have a complete guidance system and will not suffer from unexploded bombs like traditional warheads."

From a technical perspective, it is even more possible to comfort Qiao Yang.

As a young man who is inexperienced in world affairs, everyone has a high tolerance for Qiao Yang's naivety.

"Our smart chip ensures that the success rate of missile explosion is infinitely close to 100%."

"And there are multiple guarantees, which you should know."

Qiao Yang nodded after listening.

As a technical expert, he has handled many of these before. (End of chapter)

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