A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 148 Haihongqi Missile, Shenzhou Shield!

"This is the new baby you made?"

After Han Zitao walked around the missile that looked almost similar to the Haihongqi-9 missile used before, he asked a little puzzled.


Geng Bo touched the coating on the surface of the missile and said enthusiastically.

"Did you develop this yourself?"

"It seems that you haven't seen similar anti-aircraft missiles before?"

Han Zitao said with some uncertainty.

After all, he dare not say that he has seen all the missiles of the Navy.

"Improved from Haihongqi."

Geng Bo can understand Han Zitao's thoughts, after all, the missile in front of him is not a little different from the Haihongqi missile used before.

"However, its aerodynamic shape has been redesigned."

"Of course, we have made certain improvements to the active radar, automatic control system, engine system, and warhead charging."

When Han Zitao heard so many changes, he was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

The appearance and internal equipment have been improved, so what is the connection between it and the original Haihongqi?

It's like the ship of Theseus, all the boards on a ship have been replaced, so is he still the same ship?

"What about the improved performance?"

Han Zitao didn't care much about what upgrades they had made. As a soldier, he was most concerned about the combat effectiveness of weapons.

"It's a lot better than before!"

Speaking of missile performance, it may be the part where Geng Bo is most confident.

"The air defense range is 500 kilometers, and the fragmentation damage range is 135 meters."

"The speed is Mach 5-6, and the anti-electromagnetic interference performance is also excellent."

Compared with the speed of Mach 4.2 of Haihongqi 9, the speed of the improved version has not been improved much.

The main improvement is still in the range and anti-electromagnetic interference.

The range of the original Haihongqi-9 is only 120 kilometers, and the regional air defense capability is limited, so it is difficult to undertake the task of long-range air defense.

It’s okay to not have an aircraft carrier formation now, but with an aircraft carrier formation in the future, such an air defense distance will hardly be able to assume the function of a shield.

"That's really good. You should come this time to get on the shield ship, right?"

Han Zitao is quite appreciative of the weapons produced by the Rocket Research Institute, mainly because the previous rocket launchers left a deep impression on him.

As for the shield ship he mentioned, it is the first ship of the Type 052C destroyer that started construction this year.

This is also the first large destroyer in China designed with a vertical launch system and phased array radar.

As a guided missile destroyer mainly used for air defense, anti-submarine and anti-ship attacks, the most important thing on it is a variety of air defense and anti-ship missiles.

"Yes, the shield ship does not have anti-aircraft missiles, what kind of shield ship is it!"

Geng Bo has been in charge of missile affairs recently, and he also has some understanding of the situation of air defense missiles in the navy.

I know that the air defense system they mainly use now was imported from Maozi.

On the berth of the Jiangnan Shipyard, the air defense radars and supporting radars used by the two Type 052B destroyers were all bought from Mao Zi.

"We are also fighting for domestic air defense missiles!"

When Geng Bo said this, although he didn't feel it himself, in Han Zitao's eyes, he seemed to want to kill someone.

"Our air defense missiles are no worse than others!"

"We also want to use domestically-made air defense missiles as soon as possible, but if we want to actually board the ship, we still need to show the corresponding strength."

After Han Zitao hesitated for a while, he reminded Geng Bo.

After all, domestic air defense missiles have never been exposed to the vertical launch system before, and there are certain disadvantages in this regard.

In the eyes of many people, domestic air defense missiles are not mature enough.

Therefore, if Geng Bo really wants to use domestically-made missiles on the vertical launch unit of the 052C ship, he must show some real skills.

"We were prepared for this!"

"Guaranteed to shock everyone's jaws."

After hearing the reassurance, Geng Bo didn't show any worried expression.

Because in fact, he didn't come alone, he came with him, and there was also a domestic ship-borne phased array radar system.

In fact, there was a period of debate about what radar system should be installed on our own shield ships.

On the one hand, it is the aerospace system team that advocates the adoption of the C-band scheme, and on the other hand, it is the 14th Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry, which advocates the adoption of the S-band scheme.

In the end, it is still considered that the C-band solution cannot guarantee the minimum search range of 200 kilometers in the case of multi-function and multi-target.

The S-band active phased array radar scheme proposed in 14 was chosen.

This time, Geng Bo came here with the four-sided array S-band active phased array radar system that has completed the development work.

The detection range has reached 400 kilometers, which can undertake a large area air defense.

"Since you are so confident."

"Then I wish you luck!"

Han Zitao is still very happy to see the development of domestic weapon systems, so he sincerely wishes.


This time the weapon testing ground is on land, because domestic warships do not have vertical launch units.

If you want to test the Haihongqi-9A missile that adopts a vertical launch method, you can only build a corresponding simulation test site on land.

"Mr. Pan, how is the preparation of the radar system?"

Geng Bo, who had finished loading the missiles early and was waiting for the start of the experiment, came to the shipboard radar to see how their preparations were going.

After all, Haihongqi 9A still needs them to conduct terminal radar guidance.

If their radar guidance is not in place, then the missile defense effect is not so good.

"Ready, you should be almost ready, right?"

Pan Weimin, the chief engineer of the radar system, turned around at this time and asked back.

"It's all ready, now it's time for them to launch the test with the target machine!"

Geng Bo smiled and said.

The difficulty of this experimental test is carried out from low to high.

The simplest is the air defense of a single aircraft, and the distance is less than ten kilometers.

However, the difficulty will gradually increase later, until the eight target drones attack together, and it is required to complete the air defense strike at a distance of 300 kilometers.

"Then let's see what our radar system and your anti-aircraft missiles can do!"

Master Pan is also a very forthright person, after patting Geng Bo on the shoulder, he said.

After using the radio communication system in the experimental base, notifying all aspects that the experiment can start.

Other personnel in the experimental base began busy preparations.

The most important thing is the preparation of the target drones. The target drones used in this weapon experiment are all remodeled from retired fighter jets of the Air Force.

In order to be closer to the real supersonic fighters, they strengthened the engines of the fighters, allowing them to reach supersonic flight in a short time.

And the electromagnetic interference capability has been strengthened, and it can conduct electromagnetic interference on missiles to a certain extent.

Although it was already early winter, the hearts of everyone present were full of enthusiasm.

After all, this is the first domestic joint air defense experiment of a ship-borne vertical launch system and a radar system.

No matter what the result is, they have left their footprints in the field of carrier-based air defense.

The first target drone was transformed from J-6.

As a supersonic fighter that has been produced since the 1950s and has been produced for more than 30 years, the domestic production volume exceeds 5,000.

Although the production of J-6 has been stopped for more than ten years, there are still a large number of J-6 fighter jets with a long service life in China.

Some of them with a relatively long service life were transformed into unmanned attack aircraft, and those with a relatively short service life were transformed into unmanned target drones.

The distance of the first air defense test is relatively short, and the weather is better today.

Geng Bo could even see the J-6 fighter jet more than ten kilometers away with the naked eye.

The four-sided array S-band active phased array radar continuously guides the target when it is turned on.

The Haihongqi 9A, which adopts the cold launch method, jumped into the air several meters from the vertical launch unit, and then the solid engine began to ignite.

The scorching flames from the engine pushed the missile higher and higher, and it continued to accelerate during the process, quickly reaching a speed of Mach 6.

It turned into a meteor in the sky, with a high speed of 2,000 meters per second, allowing the missile to cover a distance of tens of kilometers in less than ten seconds.

According to the guidance of the active phased array radar, the missile accurately hit the J-6 fighter jet as the target aircraft.

A huge fireball exploded in the air.

To the surprise of the high-level naval officers who were watching, their missiles were too powerful.

"What's in your warhead?"

"How can it be so powerful?"

Even Pan Weimin, who was in charge of the radar system, was a little surprised.

It's not that he has never seen an anti-aircraft missile. He has never seen an anti-aircraft missile that can explode in the air with a fireball nearly 100 meters in size!

"Hehe, it's just a slightly more powerful explosive!"

Geng Bo also knew that nitrogen explosives were an extremely important confidential material in their hands, so even in the face of inquiries from brother units, he did not reveal what they used.

Although even if it is said, even if someone wants to imitate it and invest a lot of energy and financial resources in research, it will take at least thirty or forty years to research it.

Strictly speaking, this thing should not have appeared in such an era. If it weren't for the current national defense security, it would be too severe.

Zhang Xingyang would not move this thing over.

Because this is like the invention of dynamite during the Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms periods, which is very likely to have an unimaginable impact on future history.

Seeing that Geng Bo didn't want to say anything, Pan Weimin didn't think too much.

After all, this kind of thing must be someone's core secret, and if you put it on yourself, you will not reveal the core technology of your own radar.

"Are they the team that made that ultra-long-range rocket launcher before?"

The chief of the navy, who was sitting on the stand, asked Han Zitao beside him.

Han Zitao had been dealing with Geng Bo and the others before, and in the eyes of the chief, he knew more about the institute.

"Yeah, their previous rocket launcher is also very scary."

Han Zitao looked at the fireball falling slowly in the distant sky, and said with some emotion:

"After what happened last time, I won't be surprised what they come up with now."

"Even if they suddenly come up with electromagnetic guns one day, I don't think it's strange."

Electromagnetic guns are still a very sci-fi concept at this time, and everyone does not think that a breakthrough will be made in a short time.

The Chief of the Navy laughed at this time and said:

"Xiao Han, if I didn't know your character."

"Hearing you brag like that, I'm afraid you'll think you're taking advantage of someone else!"

Han Zitao also laughed at this time, pointing to the fireball that just disappeared in the distance and said:

"With their technical level, do you still need me to blow it?"

"Indeed, I was shocked when I saw it just now."

"I don't know, maybe I thought a small nuclear bomb exploded!"

A fireball nearly 100 meters in size is indeed the ultimate weapon that reminds people of humans.

But everyone present knew very well that this was just a medium-range anti-aircraft missile.

The first air defense experiment went well, so the second experiment soon followed.

This time, three J-6 modified fighter jets were used in this test, and they attacked the simulated shipboard launch pad where Geng Bo and the others were located from three different directions.

This is also to test the performance of tetrahedral S-band active phased array radar.

Test how well it tracks multiple targets simultaneously.

Facts have proved that even when facing three targets in different directions at the same time, the radar system can still maintain a good tracking effect.

Because the vertical launch system uses a rotary launch system, it is necessary to wait for the previous missile to be launched before launching the next missile.

Therefore, there will be a certain interval between missile launches. This is also the place where the 052C vertical launch device was designed to be criticized.

Compared with the vertical hair system using the "chocolate block" vertical hair unit, the emission efficiency is much lower.

But even so, the three Haihongqi 9A missiles still intercepted the target drone at a distance of nearly 100 kilometers from the warship.

It proved that neither the radar system nor the missile system had any problems.

Within a range of one hundred kilometers, it has good air defense capabilities.

The next third and fourth experiments also went well.

Four fighters and six fighters were shot down 180 kilometers and 250 kilometers away, respectively.

Experiments up to now have proved that the radar system and the missile system cooperate well.

However, in order to test where their limits are, the head of the navy decided to let them be the last eight fighters, an experiment with an air defense range of 300 kilometers.

On the radar target display screen, when the fighter jet entered the 400-kilometer sounding range, one target after another appeared.

Eight red dots have been moving rapidly on the display.

As a supersonic fighter, the J-6 fighter can reach a speed of 450 meters per second.

That is to say, at an ultra-long distance, as long as there is a slight deviation in radar guidance, the missile may pass by the opponent, and the interception will fail.

One after another, the anti-aircraft missiles rose into the sky, like spears of China, ready to intercept the enemy outside the airspace.

The radar data is continuously transmitted to the missile's computer system, and the missile adjusts its attitude according to the transmitted data until it hits the target.

Although it is expected by everyone, at a distance of 300 kilometers, an interception rate of 75% is considered qualified, that is, eight fighters can intercept the next six to be considered successful.

But it turns out that the combination of such a radar system and missiles works better than the most optimistic estimates.

The interception rate reached 100%!

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