Reborn beauty like a cloud

Chapter 0081 This is too coincidental

Donghua's ancient times also had a natural preference for fatness, which is directly related to the fact that the ancients of Donghua regarded the entire human body as beautiful.

For example, it is written in the "Book of Songs": "There is a beautiful person, huge and curly... There is a beautiful person, huge and dignified."

In the "Da Zhao" chapter of "Chu Songs", there are such words to describe beauties: "rich bones and little flesh", "Zeng cheeks leaning on ears", which means that the bones are few and thin, but the flesh is a lot, so that later appeared The trend of using double chins as beauty.

Even the chin is plump. Naturally, a woman's breasts are plump and plump, which is undoubtedly beautiful.

The beauty of women's fat buttocks is not only a sexy issue, but more importantly, it is directly related to sex and fertility.

Although the ancients in Donghua believed that the buttocks were indecent, they rarely mentioned them.But whether the buttocks are full or not is also one of the important factors for ancient Donghua beauties.The reason is that Donghua people believe that women with round and big buttocks will have more children, which is based on medical science.Huge buttocks means a wide pelvis, and a wide pelvis is of course conducive to the development and growth of the fetus in the womb.

It is even written in the ancient Chinese book "Hip Fu" - buttocks, commonly known as buttocks.Internally connects the pulse of yin and yang, and externally connects the vertebrae of the spine and waist.The buttocks of piled snow, the thighs of a fat goose, laughing open the peach peaks on both sides, and divide the valley of a stream in the middle.Stillness is like still water, and movement is fueling the flames.Its love is also harmonious, and its joy is harmonious. It is the essence of fertility and the backing of reproduction.

In the ancient times of Donghua, where "there are three unfilial acts, having no offspring is the greatest", big buttocks had their own importance.Westerners believe that women should be beautiful with "big buttocks", which also originated from the requirement for reproduction.This aesthetic concept, like the Donghua people, comes from the concern for racial reproduction.

If Zhao Xuan was asked to choose the girl's twin peaks, beautiful buttocks or other parts of the body, which is his favorite place?

The answer he gave was absolutely that both hands must be grasped and both hands must be hardened, and both beautiful breasts and beautiful legs and fat buttocks are indispensable.

Even though the girl in front of him has such an exquisite, upright, breathtaking body curve, uneven, and exquisite ups and downs, Zhao Xuan still doesn't want to use "hot" to describe her, because her every move is so gentle and charming, Whether it's the delicate and crisp breasts, or the round and plump snowy buttocks, they are all so beautiful that people can't associate her with slutty and lustful charm.

Because everything in front of me looks like a natural beauty of body art, the kind of beauty that can be seen from a distance but not played with, rather than lustful and seductive.

That soft and snow-white delicate body, that fragrant soft flesh, made people see the thought and feeling of Dunsheng holding her in his arms and loving her wantonly, when Zhao Xuan's "appreciating" eyes were constantly evaluating her. When the snow-white and dazzling pink and tender buttocks were seen, the girl turned slightly and faced him. The scenery that caught his eyes changed instantly, and turned into a pair of delicate and plump, towering and trembling Jade Rabbit twin peaks, flat snow The slippery belly, and those slender jade-like legs.

The proud twin peaks protrude high, shaking and trembling, and they do not become sagging or deformed because they are too full and plump. The two pink cherries exuding an attractive color are even more rosy.

The flat and smooth jade belly has no trace of fat, and the slightly shiny and raised arc perfectly shows the amazing elasticity and wonderful touch of the snowy and greasy flesh.

Zhao Xuan really didn't know whether to use cute or mischievous to describe the round and round navel like a ruby, because it perfectly and justly set off the girl's weak and boneless waist, making people feel like Fufeng Xiliu is just enough to hold the feeling.

Just when Zhao Xuan was still admiring her Jade Rabbit Snow Peak, tender belly, beautiful legs and buttocks, the girl's skillful hands had already transferred to the panties that covered her plump buttocks, concealing the wonderful pink The panties were gently taken off from a pair of round, slender, white and firm thighs, and the most beautiful and attractive part of a woman was immediately exposed in the slightly cold air. There were luxuriant grasses, hills and valleys, and the middle of the two slightly raised There was a fresh and seductive slit, which was completely seen by Zhao Xuan, who has excellent eyesight.

The girl stretched out her jade hands slightly, lightly held a pouch of clear water, raised it up, and poured the clear water on the snow-white jade-like twin peaks of her chest, the water flow trembled along her, and the heavy delicate body dripped down on the green jade. There were circles of dizzy ripples in the pool, and a look of comfort and joy appeared on her pretty face immediately, and a kind of relaxed enjoyment appeared in her beautiful eyes.

With a sigh, like the sound of nature, the girl said softly: " shouldn't be growing anymore, why...why is it getting embarrassing, so embarrassing..."

"..." Although the girl's voice was soft, Zhao Xuan's hearing was amazing, so he heard it naturally, and was speechless for a while.

I saw the other slender white snow arm of the girl wrapping around behind her, caressing her plump and tender buttocks, then turned her head lightly, her slender waist slightly twisted and moved slowly, and the two petals were white and trembling. Beautiful buttocks come into view.

Meimou looked at her snow-white and plump ass, the girl had an extremely proud and shy look on her face, and said softly: "It's the same here, hey..."

"..." Zhao Xuan didn't know what to say anymore, is there anyone in this world who thinks he is beautiful?It was really the first time he saw him.

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, for some reason, Zhao Xuan, who thought he could see from a distance with admiring eyes, actually sounded a seductive voice in his heart, the voice was as soft as the most delicate and soft light feather in the world, gently pulling people The deepest burning desire hidden in his heart was fully teased out. This kind of impulse made Zhao Xuan really want to rush up and press her down immediately, turning the clouds and rains, and the sea Wushan.

But Zhao Xuan immediately realized his psychological changes.

He still has reason, and his calm heart reminds him of changes.

It might be really dangerous to go on like this.Zhao Xuan whispered to himself in his heart.

Looking at her like this, she is ready to take a bath.

Stay away from her and continue swimming.

After making up his mind, Zhao Xuan hurriedly dived out of this "dangerous zone", because although he wanted to control it, a certain part of his body still deformed quietly. If he looked at it for a while, Zhao Xuan was really not sure that he could control himself.

Floating and swimming in other places for half an hour, until the feeling of restlessness in the body disappeared, and a certain part of the body became hard and returned to the normal "quietness", Zhao Xuan returned to the place where his clothes were left just now.

But this time, he found that there was no one in the pool.

Zhao Xuan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

He quickly jumped up, took off his pants, and then flew across three big trees with the branches, and landed in the grass.

The moment he landed, Zhao Xuan's heart trembled!

Because he saw the girl who was washing her body in the pool just now!

And this girl is squatting down, looking like that, she seems to be... peeing!

The girl raised her head, her delicate eyes suddenly fixed on Zhao Xuan's face, and two seconds later, a scream broke the silence in the jungle.


All the birds flew around in fright!There was a sudden restlessness throughout the night!

Zhao Xuan took a step back, and he used the trousers in his hands to block the waist and the important parts below:

"You... who are you?"

The girl was peeing just now, but now she was frightened, and the water flow stopped abruptly.

She hurriedly stood up, put on the pink lace panties, and covered the key parts awkwardly. Unfortunately, no matter how fast she moved, Zhao Xuan still saw the dark inverted triangle jungle between her crotch.

The girl staggered back two steps, leaning against the tree, she said in a panic:

"I should have asked you this sentence."

Zhao Xuan was somewhat embarrassed, but he still kept calm, knowing that a guilty conscience would make things worse at this time, so it's better to be the hostess and dispel the doubts in the girls' hearts.

In fact, it’s not his fault, the girl is convenient here, when she suddenly heard the sound of him pulling clothes on a branch, and the branch breaking, she immediately held her breath and tried hard to control any sounds she made, for fear that others would notice her who was convenient, so she was in a hurry Zhao Xuan, who was careless with his trousers, didn't even notice that there was someone here.

Zhao Xuan pointed to the pants in his hand:

"I was taking a shower in the distance just now, and the one who came to get my pants... that... didn't bother you, did it?"

The girl was already dressed at the moment, but because of the panic just now, her hair was disheveled and covered half of her face, so she couldn't see her face clearly. Judging from her exquisite and well-proportioned figure, she must be a beautiful woman.

What can a girl say in the face of a strong and sexy man?At this moment, all she can do is stabilize her emotions!Because one of her smiles may cause serious consequences!

The girl hesitated and said:

" get dressed first." Her heart was pounding, and she was extremely nervous.

Zhao Xuan nodded, took a few steps back, came to a big tree, and quickly put on his pants.

The girl gulped at the moment Zhao Xuan put on his pants and hid behind the tree.

He just took a shower nearby?

Oh my god, no way, then I——

Thinking of the scene when she took off her clothes just now, the girl felt ashamed, angry and scared.

Ashamed of why I was so careless just now.

I was afraid that I was really seen by this man.

Her mind circled quickly, and after a second, she already had a countermeasure.

She is a smart girl, she knows her own charm, and she also knows that she can't yell casually, it's better to make this big thing into a small one.

Even if this man really saw all the springtime when she took off her clothes just now.

Being watched is nothing more than being eaten tofu in the eyes.

If this matter is not handled well, it is not impossible for this man to do other things, and then he will be doomed.

Therefore, you must remain calm in order to resolve the "crisis".

After thinking about the countermeasures, the girl felt much more at ease, and her flustered heart gradually calmed down.

Zhao Xuan changed clothes very quickly, and walked out from behind the big tree in less than a minute. The girl had already tidied up her messy clothes, and her eyes met. The girl's eyes were full of surprise, even more embarrassment!

"It's you!"

Zhao Xuan hesitated for a while, and carefully looked at the girl's face:


Zhao Xuan was very speechless, not knowing what to say, this girl turned out to be the girl from the opposite shop that he met on the train.

Zhao Xuan sneered:

"It's too coincidental."

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