Reborn beauty like a cloud

Chapter 0040 The Beauty by the Jasper Lake

The more the girl looked at Zhao Xuan, the more she felt that he was mysterious and handsome. He had an ethereal aura about him, which was very attractive.

And Qin Yue, the stage master sitting at a table not far away drinking a drink, paid attention to Zhao Xuan and the girl the moment they got off the dance floor. When she saw Zhao Xuan's clumsy dance steps, the girl gasped. Laughed out loud, it turned out that he was telling the truth, he really can't dance!It's no wonder that his first reaction was to reject the girl's invitation.

After 10 minutes, Qin Yue's eyes were still following Zhao Xuan, and her expression became very strange, because Zhao Xuan's dance was getting better and better. From the beginning, she almost stepped on his partner a few times, and later she was able to dance with him. It is impossible for the dance partner to cooperate skillfully and transform in just 10 minutes.Qin Yue has learned dance since she was a child. She has never heard of such a person who can change from a layman to a genius who can skillfully dance pas de deux to music in just 10 minutes!

He is so mysterious!Could it be that he pretended not to dance just now?Not quite like it!After all, when he first started dancing, his footsteps were really rusty, and the mistakes he made were completely done by a layman in dancing!

A big question mark rose in Qin Yue's heart.

On the dance floor, Zhao Xuan and the girl had long been immersed in the tenderness of the dance. They were waist-to-waist, arms around each other, really like a couple.

This is the first time in a girl's life that she is so close to a boy!The man in front of him is so chic and handsome, there seems to be a warm smell on his body, which makes people feel weak and weak, and almost wants to fall into his arms and never get up again.

The girl cheered up and followed Zhao Xuan's dance steps. She whispered:

"After dancing for so long, I still don't know your name. My name is Ning Lingyu. How about you?"

Zhao Xuan smiled and said:

"My name is Zhao Xuan."

The two whispered and danced to the slow music, like two butterflies dancing together, really beautiful.

Qin Yue looked at the two people in the pool, a strange light flashed in her eyes, she liked dancing very much since she was a child, and she thought she was very talented in dancing, just now she saw Zhao Xuan's dance learning process, she was quite shocked, and she couldn't believe it.

To be honest, Ning Lingyu is quite beautiful. Although she is not as beautiful as Qin Yue, she can be regarded as a flower among tens of thousands of students in the Academy of Art. Today she is wearing a black evening dress with two shoulders. The style of the dress is relatively old, but it is worn in the But her body looks very beautiful, she has reached the realm of artificially adding color to clothes!I saw her bangs were divided into two sides and swayed gently with the wind. The two snowy peaks under her top were tall and straight, and the slender and plump legs under the evening dress, the slender waist and plump buttocks had perfect exaggerated curves.Looking at her whole body, those beautiful legs are the most attractive. The plump and slender thighs are wrapped with a layer of flesh-colored stockings, which are seductive, plump, and round.She is really beautiful!

Zhao Xuan's dancing skills became more and more proficient. Gradually, Ning Lingyu had nothing to teach him, and the relationship between the two gradually became silent.

Maybe it would be awkward for two strangers like this, but it's very strange, the two of them just danced slowly, neither of them spoke, but there was no feeling of embarrassment, occasionally looking at each other, the girl's face would turn red Yes, and quickly averted his gaze.She is so easily shy, this girl is so cute!

Really good friends, even if they sit together and don't talk, they won't feel embarrassed.Although the two have just met and are not good friends, but the taste between the two now is similar to it.

It was just a song, Zhao Xuan led Ning Lingyu to the end, her little hands were so soft, so soft, it was so comfortable to hold in the palm of my hand.

Possessing a woman is comfortable and satisfying, but after possessing it, holding the woman's little hand in the palm of your hand and looking at her happy face, that kind of satisfaction is better than possessing!But it is a pity that there are too few people who understand this truth!

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of the two of them, Zhao Xuan raised his head and saw that this was the dancing master Qin Yue who had been petty with him just now.

Qin Yue stared at Zhao Xuan and said softly:

"I want to dance with you."

Zhao Xuan was taken aback, shook his head and said:

"I can't jump."

Qin Yue didn't expect Zhao Xuan to refuse, and her face became so ugly. She has been admired by all the stars since she was a child, and it was the first time in her life that she was rejected!Qin Yue gave Zhao Xuan a hard look, then turned and left.

And many boys standing beside were speechless and angry. They wanted to dance with Qin Yue but they couldn't!Who the hell is this kid? You should feel honored when Qin Yue invites you to dance, but you still refuse, isn't it a joke!Really ignorant!

Ning Lingyu looked at Zhao Xuan and said in surprise:

"Why don't you dance with her, many boys want to dance with her."

Zhao Xuan smiled wryly:

"I didn't expect her reaction to be so big, but I really don't know how to dance this fast-paced song." Just now he and Ning Lingyu danced to the slow-paced music, Zhao Xuan, a beginner, can still follow Shangning Lingyu's dance steps, but to dance to this fast-paced song, and to dance with a dance master like Qin Yue, Zhao Xuan didn't think he could dance!

Zhao Xuan looked around and found that Qin Yue was nowhere to be found. He recalled Qin Yue's ugly face when he left:

"I... Did I offend someone?"

Ning Lingyu gave Zhao Xuan a blank look:

"What do you say?"

Zhao Xuan sighed:

"It's really hard to be a human being. If you tell the truth, you will offend others, hey!"

Ning Lingyu was angry and funny, Qin Yue was the school belle, she knew something about it, it was said that she was one of the four school belles, but according to her appearance, she deserved this title.Girls like her don't know what it's like to be rejected.

Zhao Xuan drank the beer in the glass, stood up and said: "Student Ning, I had a great time tonight, goodbye by fate!" He said and stretched out his hand.

Ning Lingyu was stunned immediately, the dance was still two hours away, there are so many students here, everyone is going to party all night, is he going to leave just like that?Doesn't he want to stay with him for a while?

Seeing Ning Lingyu in a daze, Zhao Xuan shouted softly:

"Student Ning?"

Ning Lingyu came over hysterically, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to shake Zhao Xuan:

"See you by fate." Is there any reason why I can keep him?The two have just met, so there is no friendship, so why should they say to themselves, let's have another dance?It was too embarrassing, she couldn't do it!

Zhao Xuan turned around and left gracefully. Ning Lingyu looked at Zhao Xuan's disappearing back, and felt that he was really like a cloud-like man, unable to figure it out.

Su Luoying, who was hiding in the crowd, stretched out her hand several times, trying to grab Zhao Xuan, but in the end she still didn't reach out, just because she saw Zhao Xuan rejecting Qin Yue just now.

He rejected such a beautiful girl, what should I do if I was rejected when I invited her to dance?

It was this thought that made her watch Zhao Xuan leave the ballroom.

When Zhao Xuan left, Su Luoying turned her gaze to Ning Lingyu, who is she?When did you meet Zhao Xuan?Could it be that just because I hesitated for a while, other girls got there first?Su Luoying pursed her lips, she thought of Qin Yue just now, her heart sank into the bottomless abyss, and she supported the table beside her.

How to do?What should I do myself?

Zhao Xuan walked slowly towards the dormitory. He still had some things to read, and it was only 07:30. If possible, he would like to take a stroll in the library in the city center, but the books he wanted to read this time were not Not a book about music.

Back in the dormitory, I took out a stack of blue documents from the interlayer of my bed board. These are the documents that look more formal in the shutter group, but just because they look formal does not mean that there are no tricks. What the young man in the suit said that day Zhao Xuan had already remembered clearly all the evil things, as long as he could find some clues from the blue document, he could find another group of people, why not be happy?

After taking out the documents and putting them in his backpack, Zhao Xuan left the school and took a taxi to the downtown library.

When he came to the library, Zhao Xuan first checked the classification of books on each floor on the first floor, and then went straight to the ninth floor of the library. What he wants to study now is human criminal psychology, as well as various anti-stalking and anti-reconnaissance books .

Ever since he encountered the matter of the Sirius Gang, Zhao Xuan knew that what he was doing was a sensation, so proper self-protection was still to be done.

Taking out three or four thick books from the bookshelf, Zhao Xuan found a quiet place and read them quietly.

Two hours later, Zhao Xuan closed the last book and began to close his eyes and meditate.

The contents of the book flashed through his mind page by page, and a smile hung on the corner of Zhao Xuan's mouth.

The last time he fought against the Sirius gang, he sneaked up on 27 villains and attacked the goatee at night. In fact, Zhao Xuan didn't take any protective measures except wearing a hood and smearing some glue on his fingers.

He still has some doubts.

After reading so many books now, Zhao Xuan's confidence has greatly increased.

After closing his eyes and resting for 15 minutes, Zhao Xuan took out the blue document from his backpack and began to read it carefully.

Half an hour later, Zhao Xuan found two pieces of paper from the blue folder. There were only two lines on the paper. It was very simple, but Zhao Xuan frowned.

After another 10 minutes, Zhao Xuan quickly read the files in the folder again, packed his backpack and left.

He felt that he was busy again tonight.

On the side of the Puhai Municipal Library is the Puhai New Times Park. The park was built in recent years, and the environment is quite beautiful.

Zhao Xuan walked into the New Era Park with a bag in one hand. Although he had something to do at night, it's okay to relax now. Of course, what really attracted him to the park was the sound of the flute from the park.

Looking at the reputation, there is a lake in the distance. This is a small lake artificially excavated by Xinshida Park. It is called Biyu Lake, which means that the water is like jasper.

Zhao Xuan walked along the lake, and soon saw the flute player.

is her!

Zhao Xuan stopped in his tracks.

He originally wanted to go up to say hello, but he didn't expect that he knew the flute player.

He knew this piece, it was called "Yunjuan Yishu", it was a very soft piece, Zhao Xuan could also play it, and he really liked it.

The evening wind blows quietly, and the ending of the melody gradually disappears in the wind. The long-haired woman standing by the lake has flirtatious and fairy-like hair.

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