After walking for a long, long time, Zhao Xuan even thought he had been walking for half an hour, but he didn't care, because the scenes of the past gradually came to his mind, and the nostalgia in the silence really made people sigh, and it also made people feel sad. growing up.


The long corridor finally made Zhao Xuan feel that something was wrong. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and pressed the screen button. The screen of the mobile phone flashed light for an instant, but he couldn't open it anyway. Instead, a current flowed along Zhao Xuan's screen. Xuan's arm went up against the current, making Zhao Xuan numb all over.

blah blah blah!

The phone falls to the ground.

"What's the situation? Leakage?"

Zhao Xuan was somewhat speechless. The light source here was so weak that it was almost invisible. He couldn't see where the phone fell, so he had to bend down to look for it. This phone was bought by him with two months' wages. It was a medal for hard work. How could he lose?

Groping in the dark is undoubtedly difficult. Zhao Xuan groped along the rock wall and suddenly touched a chain.

"Huh? What is this!"

Zhao Xuan gently tugged on the chain, feeling surprised.

At this time, there was no one around him, and there was no sound at all.Although the Reincarnation Dragon Road is famous for its beautiful legends in Mount Emei, few people come in and walk around it. Because it is dark and humid, and there is no light, it is more gloomy. Younger girls do not want to come, and old women are more difficult to walk through. With such a long corridor, all the tourists who come here are couples or relatives. As long as one of them raises an objection, it will shake the thoughts of the people around him. Over time, fewer and fewer people enter the reincarnation dragon road. Don’t look at the people who travel to Mount Emei. There are many, but the average daily flow of people in this Dragon Road is only 50 people.

There are obviously no modern facilities here, so how could there be chains?What's on the other end of the chain?Zhao Xuan continued to grope, and the hand holding the chain was hard.

clap la la la-

In the silent corridor, there was a sudden metallic screeching sound.


Zhao Xuan let out a scream, and a slanting passage appeared beside him, and the chains brought him to fall into it violently. On the passage, there was a stone door that was no different from the convex and concave rock walls, and the seams with the surrounding rock walls were intact. Professional rock prospectors, no one can see that there is a stone door here.

Falling suddenly to an unimaginable place, Zhao Xuan only felt a pain in his back.

"What the hell is this place!"

The faint light made Zhao Xuan less panicked. He stood up while supporting the rock wall, and looked in the direction where he fell just now. It was a passage inclined at 45 degrees, in the shape of a slide.

Zhao Xuan's first reaction was to go back the same way, but after trying twice, he found that the slide was extremely smooth, and it was impossible to go back!

Zhao Xuan's face was pale:

"God is going to kill me? How did you end up in such a strange place?"

Zhao Xuan was strong and never shed tears since he was a child. He was also a wild child in the mountains when he was a child. He had entered many caves, but none of them were as weird.Fortunately, he was stronger, so he immediately regained his strength and began to observe the nameless cave where he fell.

Although the cave is not connected to the outside world, there is still a faint light source. All the light comes from the top of the head. Zhao Xuan looked up.

"It's so big! Could it be... Could this be the Ye Mingzhu?"

Zhao Xuan was dumbfounded, and saw a round white bead on the top of the rock above his head, that bead exuded a soft light.

Zhao Xuan found helplessly that the rock wall inlaid with the Ye Mingzhu was too high, and he couldn't touch it at all.

"Forget it, let's take a walk first. Since there is Ye Mingzhu here, it means that someone must have been here. Since someone has been here, there must be a way out!"

After thinking about this, Zhao Xuan was determined. He looked at the dark cave and walked forward.

After walking for about three to forty meters, Zhao Xuan was dumbfounded by everything in front of him.

Because he saw an unbelievable scene. In this cave that no one cares about, there is an empty hall. There are hundreds of bookshelves in the hall, and the bookshelves are full of books.

"They must all be old antiques!" This was Zhao Xuan's first reaction. He walked up and carefully checked the bookmarks on the bookshelf.

There is a piece of yellow paper attached to the side of each bookshelf. The writing on the paper is written in a calligraphy brush.

Zhao Xuan frowned:

"What is this word?"

Because the marked bookmarks on the bookshelf are written in wild cursive, it is not easy to identify them, but he who often reads in the library knows that these marked bookmarks represent the categories that are placed on the bookshelf.

"Eternal history."

"Thousands of Searches."

"A thousand gold prescription."


Zhao Xuan looked at them one by one, very shocked, but when he saw the words such as "Buddhism's True Kungfu" and "Slaying the Wolf and Breaking the Sword" on the labels of the bookshelves, he was completely stunned.

"What, what is this place? Martial arts? Langjiao Cave Heaven?"

Zhao Xuan couldn't believe it!

But what is the difference between everything in front of you and the legendary Langjiao Cave Heaven?

Treasure, huge treasure!The things here are old antiques in terms of age alone, not to mention the densely packed books here.

Is the martial arts here real?Zhao Xuan's heart became hot, and he reached out to get a sword collection called "Mingyu West Lake Sword", among other things, let's read it first!

But when he just took the book in his hand and was about to turn the pages, the rare sword collection suddenly cracked and turned into dust.


"This is?!"

Zhao Xuan's first reaction was to reach out and take another book, but the moment he reached out and was about to touch the second book, his hand froze.

These books must have been stored for too long, and they were not preserved in a proper way, so they are on the verge of cracking. If I mess around again, these books may be destroyed!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuan's heart tightened and he had no choice but to back away.

When he came here just now, he was only in shock and didn't observe the surrounding environment carefully. Now when he looked around, he saw a huge cave hidden in the mountains at that time. This empty cave was obviously artificially hewn. The ground of the place is covered with dust, and there are only footprints on the ground that I stepped on just now, and the same is true on the bookshelf, which is covered with a finger-thick dust, which shows that no one has cared for it for at least decades.

Zhao Xuan looked around, the most urgent thing now is to find an exit to survive, there is no food or drink here, how can he stay here for a long time? Even if the things here are treasures, the luminous pearl inlaid on the rock wall is a priceless treasure, and he can't get out by himself. What's the use of going?

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