Chapter 496 So Do You Like Me?
The parents of the two families panicked, so they had no choice but to appease the guests first and then go to find someone. Mr. Hong's face was blue and purple, and he was obviously very angry.

Standing aside, Meng Xinai bent her lips, feeling a little relieved that Zhang Chaoran could pursue what she wanted.

But what does she want?

His eyes unconsciously swept towards Yang Motian who was in the audience, as if sensing something, he also raised his eyes to look at her, which shocked her heart.

Zhang Chaoran escaped from marriage, the wedding banquet ended hastily, and several people went into the dark night again.

"I didn't expect Zhang Chaoran to play a big game, running away from marriage in front of so many people." Yang Motian said jokingly.

Meng Xinai picked up the wine in front of her and took a sip.

Zheng Xiaoyu smiled and leaned against Leng Qinghan, "Probably because he realized his own heart and pursued what he wanted."

"Yes." Yang Motian said pointingly, and glanced at Meng Xinai, "Everyone can bravely chase after love, but some people can only shrink in their own protective shell."

Meng Xinai squeezed the cup tightly, and then drank it down in one gulp.

She was not interested in participating in everyone's topics throughout the night, and only focused on drinking. Zheng Xiaoyu persuaded her several times to no avail.

Perhaps Zhang Chaoran's escape from marriage brought some excitement to her, or seeing Yang Motian uncomfortable with that girl, in short, it felt like a big stone was stuck in her heart, and she couldn't breathe.

At the end of the drink, she finally couldn't help it, covered her mouth and ran out, rushed into the bathroom and vomited it all out!
Walking out with floating steps, she saw Yang Motian standing at the door waiting for her.

"Are you okay?" Yang Motian glanced at her up and down.

Meng Xinai frowned slightly, and took a step forward to hold his cheeks, "Who do you say is shrunk in the protective shell? Why do you say that about me!"

Yang Motian looked at her blurred eyes and was stunned, "Am I not right?"

"No!" Meng Xinai pushed him and stood still, "I didn't hide in the protective shell! I was going to confess to you after I finished filming, but you already have a girlfriend, I'll do it." Why are you still humiliating yourself? What's more, you, you didn't tell me what happened six years ago, how can I believe that you are serious about me for a person like you with so many bad histories?"

Yang Motian looked at her staggering, and supported her worriedly, "You drank too much, I'll take you back."

"I won't go back!" Meng Xinai pushed him away again, she was extremely strong when she was drunk, "I, I'm going to tell you today! I'm not a woman shrunk in a shell! I, I'm just..."

She leaned against the wall, bowed her head sadly, helpless like a child, "I just don't dare... I have been betrayed for six years, I don't have the confidence to start a new relationship so quickly... Do you understand?"

She glared at him, and rushed forward to hug him, "Do you understand! You don't understand, how can a man like you who has no love understand will tease little girls..."

Yang Motian hugged her waist to prevent her from falling, looked at her like this and smiled: "So you are drunk like this."

I usually dare not say it, but when I was drunk, I spoke the truth.

"Then do you like me?" Yang Motian slightly looked down at her blurred eyes, and lowered his voice with a bit of temptation.

Meng Xinxin nodded, raised her arms and hugged his neck, "I like it."

Yang Motian bent his lips, coaxing: "Then kiss me."

"Kiss you?" Meng Xinxin was stunned for a moment, stroked his eyebrows with her fingers, and then shook her head, "No! You are playing with me..."

(End of this chapter)

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