Chapter 135 He must be able to find out

Lin Tianyi looked at her and sighed, "I will help you sign up for the language class, and I will also give you money for food every day until you can support yourself, but you don't want to give you too much money and then squander it."

"How come, I'm not that kind of person!" Zheng Xiaoyu quickly waved his hand, "I'm always frugal, and even those who are frugal don't have a penny."

Lin Tianyi snorted softly and ignored her.

"Uncle, when did you buy this house? It's still in such a place, so remote." Zheng Xiaoyu couldn't help asking while looking at the villa.

She felt very tired every day when she went home, and it was too expensive to take a taxi, and the bus and subway were not accessible here, which made her have to walk two miles to come back.

Lin Tianyi's eyes darkened, as if he remembered something, "I didn't buy this."

"You didn't buy it?"

Zheng Xiaoyu thought he would say that this was the first money he earned to buy it.

Lin Tianyi looked at her with dark eyes, and said coldly: "This is the Lin family, where your grandparents live, and the innermost room upstairs is your mother's bedroom."

Zheng Xiaoyu was taken aback, a little surprised: "The Lin family? Uncle, is your family rich?"

Lin Tianyi smiled ironically as if thinking of something, "The Lin family was equivalent to the Leng family now."

"Really?" Zheng Xiaoyu couldn't believe it, she bit her lip and didn't understand, "Then why is my mommy..."

"Why did you become a third party?" Lin Tianyi continued her words.

Zheng Xiaoyu nodded slightly.

Lin Tianyi looked forward and fell into some memories, "You have to ask your great father, what kind of tricks did your mother use to make your mother stay with him desperately, and finally lost the entire Lin family."

"I lost the entire Lin family?" Zheng Xiaoyu caught the key point in his words and became suspicious, "What does this mean?"

Lin Tianyi looked at her and did not continue, "It has nothing to do with you. Since you have left the Zheng family, I will take care of you. Go to bed early and recharge your spirits until you can live independently."

Lin Tianyi got up and walked upstairs.

Zheng Xiaoyu looked at his back, feeling a little sad for some reason.

Would it really be fun to live in such a place alone, with memories of the whole family?

Her mother... what kind of person is she?

Zheng Xiaoyu involuntarily went upstairs to the innermost room, only to find that the door was locked and even covered with some dust, it must have been opened for a long time.

Holding the computer in her arms, Zheng Xiaoyu searched the Internet for information about the Lin family.

There was very little information about the Lin family on it. She searched for Lin Tianyi and searched through hundreds of articles before finding one piece of information about the Lin family.

"The Lin family has declared bankruptcy, and Lin Tianyi is burdened with huge debts. Can the legend of the actor continue?" '

Lin's bankruptcy was declared 22 years ago, before she was born at that time.

So when she was not born, the Lin family went bankrupt, and my uncle was responsible for all the debts alone?

At that time, my uncle was about the same age as she is now.

It should be more difficult than she is now.

But if the Lin family was equivalent to the current Leng family back then, how could they go bankrupt so easily?There should be news on the Internet about such a big event, but she couldn't find it at all. Who deliberately covered up this information?
What kind of emotional entanglement did Zheng Yitian have with her mother back then...

Zheng Xiaoyu suddenly felt that there was a lot of conspiracy hidden in it, and she had to find out. Uncle could bear it, but she couldn't.

She has to figure it out anyway.

Ask Leng Qinghan to check it out, he must be able to find it out.

Zheng Xiaoyu was going to find Leng Qinghan after the audition the next day.

ps: The new book still needs everyone's support, remember to bookmark, comment, and vote in the past!
(End of this chapter)

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