Northern Song Dynasty Revitalization Strategy

Chapter 580 Why Does He Know Everything!

Chapter 580 Why Does He Know Everything!

The courtiers looked at the officials, a little confused, when did the emperor of the Song Dynasty learn Latin.They don't know, and dare not ask.

Anna stood up and said with that aria: "Honorable Majesty, we have learned about His Majesty's greatness and greatness through the records of various parties, as well as the confessions of those merchants who were lucky enough to travel through His Majesty's majestic empire. The fraternity of guests."

"I came here this time and brought some modest gifts to Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please accept them."

Zhao Huan nodded, and a group of monks carried plates one by one and placed them in the Wende Hall.

The first gift Zhao Huan was very satisfied with was some specialties from Europe, cabbage seeds and a withered cabbage.

The second gift is white radish and carrot seeds, two dehydrated white radish and carrot.

These two food specialties from Europa will not show much in the short term, but after long-term cultivation and promotion, they can bring two more home-cooked dishes to the table of the people of Song Dynasty.

Contributed to the construction of the Song Dynasty on the tip of the tongue.

Zhao Huan was very satisfied with these two gifts, and he motioned for Anna to explain the following gifts.

"For the rich empire of His Majesty, Europa's special products can only play a supplementary role, and the gifts that can surprise the Emperor of Song Dynasty are too rare to find. Whether it is military, technology, or culture. Come to Your Majesty After the empire, Anna is clearly aware of this fact."

"So I carefully selected these gifts, and please have a look at them, Your Majesty."

"These are several translations that Anna brought from the Palace of Wisdom. Since the officials understand Latin, I will briefly describe the contents of these books. These are "Timaeus", "Metaphysics", "Elements of Geometry" and "Great Compendium" by Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, and Clodius, respectively."

Zhao Huan got a headache when he heard Anna's way of speaking.

This kind of long nonsense, a lot of prefixes, and the way of speaking in arias gave him a headache. This headache came from his previous life. He watched American dramas at 2x speed in his previous life.

"What is this "Compendium"?" Zhao Huan picked up the thickest book and asked while flipping through it.

Anna said with a smile: "This is the "Compendium" written by Claudius Ptolemy, which is thousands of years old."

"The Compendium consists of Almagest, Geography, Astronomical Collection and Optics. When Hunain, the physician of Baghdad, translated it from Latin into Arabic, he called it the greatest s work."

"The greatest work?" Zhao Huan opened the heavy book and took a deep breath. This Ptolemy is actually the master of the geocentric theory!
Zhao Huan stored this book in his Dasong database using the quantum fluctuation reading method.

He has made up his mind to translate these books well.

There is no doubt that the culture of the Song Dynasty is prosperous, it is the best in the world, but these books can also supplement some of the shortcomings of the Song Dynasty from certain aspects.

Learn from each other's strengths, find your own weaknesses and make up for them through cultural exchanges between the East and the West.

This is no shame.

Is this stealing books?Can scholars’ affairs be considered stealing? !
Anna must have come to Da Song with some purpose.These books are the most important gift, and of course Zhao Huan will not let them go.

She brought these books to the Song Dynasty, which added new impetus to the prosperity of the culture of the Song Dynasty.

These are all the crystallization of the wisdom of the millennium sages, but it is even more difficult to get them in your hands.

As a result, Anna was sent to him.

This is not a friendly army, what is a friendly army? !
Anna saw the importance in Zhao Huan's eyes, which made her feel confident. She picked up the remaining books and said, "The Book of Completion and Balance written by Kovalezmi first proposed pure mathematics."

"The "Geometry" written by the Musa brothers is a further step on the basis of "The Elements of Geometry."

"Optics" written by Jindi summed up the phenomenon of refraction and reflection of light for the first time. Camille's "Book of Algebra" applied algebraic methods to geometry. "Principles of Astronomy" written by Falgani, the first calculation beyond the radius of the Earth."

"Batani, after 40 years of astronomical observation, he wrote 57 chapters of "The Movement of Heaven and Earth". This book was written 200 years ago."

"Yunus' "Heckum Astronomical Table", a vast masterpiece, spherical trigonometry, calendar conversion table, lunar operation table, and trigonometric functions with radians as variables."

"Mansur's "Law of Sines" mainly proves that the ratio of the sine of each angle of a triangle to the length of the opposite side is equal."

"India by Billoni, he is a calm, objective, broad-minded scholar who is good at observation and experimentation. He proposed that polar coordinates, density, and the speed of light are far greater than the speed of sound."

"I wonder if the great Emperor Song is satisfied with these gifts?"

Zhao Huan took a rough look at these books, and quickly memorized them with the Quantum Fluctuation Reading Method. After they were all included in the database of the Great Emperor's system, he finally settled down.

When he returned to the throne, he looked at Anna and Humbert aloofly, carrying such a valuable gift with no purpose, he was 1 in disbelief.

"According to what Princess Anna said, these books must be in the collection of Wisdom Palace." Zhao Huan asked with a smile.

Anna nodded: "These books do come from the Palace of Wisdom. I wonder if Your Majesty the Wise, have any doubts about the origin of these books?"

Zhao Huan looked at Anna, these Europa people liked this very, very much.

Take the achievements of others as your own.

This is the nature of the Europa people, the logic of robbers.

"The Palace of Wisdom seems to be built in the holy city. The first crusade, the king of Constantinople, your father captured the holy city and slaughtered [-] civilians in the city. These books are so majestic and logical became the library of the Roman Empire."

"When Princess Anna introduced these books just now, she didn't even mention their native places."

There was a ridiculous expression on Anna's face, she looked at Zhao Huan in disbelief and asked, "The mighty Emperor Song, this is the way the world is, the winner has everything, and the loser has nothing left."

Zhao Huan nodded, the source is not important, the process is not important, these books used to be the works of Egypt or Heiyi Dashi, or India, or the Western Regions, but now they are from the Song Dynasty, which is very important.

There are a few more books in the Great Emperor system, and they can be exchanged for free, which is very comfortable.

Zhao Huan nodded, this is the difference between Eastern and Western cultures, Zhao Huan is too lazy to talk about this kind of thing with Anna, it is meaningless to talk about it.

Zhao Huan sat up straight, and said with a smile: "Princess Anna, she traveled thousands of miles from Constantinople and came to Song Dynasty for several years. What is it for?"

Anna smiled and said: "From Longting, I have seen the heroism of the envoys of the Great Song Emperor. They traveled thousands of miles to Longting and gained the trust of Lu Han. There is also the deeds of Ling Tangzuo, who has a double-faced life. Everyone has to be surprised."

Zhao Huan nodded: "That's the courage of Zhao Ding and Ling Tangzuo."

Anna continued: "In Zhenzhou, I saw the diligence of the people of the Song Dynasty. The Zhenzhou they built undoubtedly turned the sixteen cities of Zhenzhou into pearls on the grassland. The prosperous commerce and horse teams can be lined up from Zhenzhou to East of the Tianshan Mountains."

"And it is the cavalry pawns of Song Dynasty who guarantee the prosperity of commerce, which makes all thieves and robbers fear."

"The Great Song army with strict military discipline, they are loyal to the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, but they don't harass the civilians. They are the most majestic army and the strongest army I have seen all the way from Constantinople."

Zhao Huan nodded again: "This is all the sand that Zhao Ding and Chen Dong ate in the east of Tianshan Mountain, in exchange for it."

"The straight road from Zhenzhou to Datong is flat, surpassing the King's Road in Constantinople, and the scenery along the way is intoxicating."

"The openness and tolerance of Datong Mansion and the fairness of the discussion field have allowed the reputation of Datong to spread to the countries of the Western Regions."

Zhao Huan was a little embarrassed by this flattery and said: "This is the honesty engraved in the soul of the people of the Song Dynasty."

"The speed from Datong Mansion to Fengsheng Prefecture is astonishingly fast. I don't know what words to use to describe my mood, but it is the smoothest and fastest driving I have ever seen."

"As for the vehicle named Flying Boat, that flat road can be driven by anyone. It is not exclusive to the royal family. Even slaves can."

Zhao Huan laughed and said, "It took a lot of money to build this road. The initial motive for repairing it was to maintain the strategic security of Yunzhong Road. As for the common people can use it...why can't the common people use it?"

"There is also Princess Anna, to correct you, Da Song's servants are at most ten years, and most of them are five years."

The people of Song Dynasty are not the people of your Europa.

The people of the Great Song Dynasty would break through the state capital. In the 160th year of the Great Song Dynasty, [-] peasant uprisings occurred, telling Zhao Huan that the consequences of reckless actions were the consequences of Chongzhen's crooked neck tree.

Anna continued to use the aria and said: "And after arriving at Yanjing City, I saw the most magnificent city in the world, from Constantinople, to the Holy City, to Dragon Court, to Yanjing, the grandeur of this Yanjing City is breathtaking. Intoxicated."

"And all of this is because of His Majesty. Anna heard too many legends about His Majesty along the way. After seeing her today, everything in the official family is in line with my imagination of an Eastern monarch."

Zhao Huan looked at Anna, frowned and said: "This flattery is too much, please try to be as concise as possible when Princess Anna speaks."

"This way of speaking is really inefficient. My empire is strong now and will be strong in the future."

"I don't have time to discuss with you how great my empire is here, because I need more time to make my empire even greater."

After Zhao Huan finished speaking, he wanted to slap himself. He was infected by Anna's way of speaking and became verbose.

Anna smiled and said, "Can I have a private talk with Your Majesty?"

Zhao Huan nodded with a smile, waved his hand, and the palace and courtiers all left Wende Hall.

Only Yu Wenxuzhong and Zhao Ying were left on the Da Song side, while Anna and Humbert were left on the Constantinople side.

Zhao Huan picked up a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Then can Princess Anna take off the monk hat now? I guess there is black hair under the hat."

Anna's confident expression finally collapsed at this moment, and she looked at the emperor of Song Dynasty in disbelief.

Why does he know everything!

 Thanks to "another novice" for the reward, thank you for your support.This chapter is very hard to write, and there will be another chapter in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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