Chapter 157

"It should be two-thirds. That's right, it's a very simple question of assumptions, such a simple question, it's rare for Li Dazai to beat it?" Liu Yi said teasingly.

Ever since Li Gang became the prime minister, Liu Yi and his group of old friends have often used the name of the grand master to tease Li Gang.

Who asked him to hand over all the affairs of the military inspection to Wang Chongyang and Liu Yi.

Liu Yi does not mention the official duties of the Military Weapons Supervision every day, but also studies arithmetic, so how can he have so much time.He is so busy that he is dizzy now, and he spends time studying arithmetic, which is a waste of time.

Li Gang shook his head, and said: "Let's not mention the Dazai matter for the time being, let's not mention it for the time being. The official family has not returned from the conquest, and my official rank is still Shaoqing. Don't tease me about it."

"This question is very important to me, please explain it to me, everyone Liu. It will be used in the court performance tomorrow."

"Bo Ji, if I remember correctly, you are a Jinshi and the first degree. At that time, you had 72 questions in arithmetic, and you were all Zhu. At that time, you were in the limelight, and there was no difference."

"Such a simple hypothetical casuist, how can it be difficult for you?" Liu Yi asked in surprise, seeing Li Gang's serious appearance, not seeming to be fake.

"Of course I know it's two-thirds. Didn't someone think of you because they had doubts? Tell me quickly, or you'll have trouble sleeping and eating." Li Gang also said with a sad face.

How could he not know the answer to this question, but some people raised objections.This made Li Gang extremely headache.

"If you have never studied "Sea Island" for this question, you will naturally have some doubts. There are only two books of poetry in the drawer. Since you have taken out a book of poetry, the other book is either the book of poetry or the Analects of Confucius. Choose one of the two. One-half." Liu Yi explained solemnly.

Li Gang must have encountered some difficulties to be so solemn. He really can't help Li Gang as a young minister.

"In fact, this kind of thinking is obviously wrong. What is a hypothetical casuistry? This is because there are prerequisites and conditions, and it is easy to be confused."

"Assume that the Book of Songs one, the Book of Songs two are in the first box, the Book of Songs three, the Analects one is in the second box, the Analects two and the Analects three are in the third box."

"The established result is that we took out the Book of Songs. In this way, the third drawer must not be drawn, so it doesn't count. Let's discard it first."

"Then the Book of Songs we got may be Book of Songs [-], Book of Songs [-], or Book of Songs [-]."

"The two books we want are the Book of Songs. Whether we get the Book of Songs [-] or the Book of Songs [-], then we will get the decision. If we get the Book of Songs [-], we will get the question."

"Three books of poetry, take one or two, and it will be two-thirds."

After Liu Yi finished speaking, he took a sip of water. He hadn't talked about such a simple casuistry for a long time, and he was very satisfied with his explanation.

Li Gang nodded, this is everyone, what he said was extremely easy to understand.

"Tell me what's going on." Liu Yi asked.

Li Gang's complexion was rather grim, and he said, "Master Liu, this year's special exam and official exam are approaching, and I will be responsible for coming up with questions from the math. I came up with this question."

"The result I gave was also two-thirds, but it was rejected by the Ph.D. in mathematics from the Imperial College."

Liu Yi's hand that picked up the teacup suddenly stopped, no?

I don’t know how many such questions are in "Sea Island". Ordinary people can say that the doctor of mathematics from the Imperial College has given it?

Behind this, I am afraid that something big is brewing.

Because Li Gang is now Li Dazai!

Is the prime minister, under one person, above ten thousand people.

But now that the official family is not in Beijing, and it is not even established under one person, it is not an exaggeration to say that this court is Li Gang's one-spoken court.

To put it bluntly, Li Gang is now pointing at the crown prince as a horse, and the crown prince has to think for a while whether Li Gang wants to follow Huo Guang's abolition of the establishment.

Then his math problem without any problems was rejected.

Things are getting worse!

A political idiot like Liu Yi smelled a hint of danger.

"Recently, many people in the court have written letters, saying that the prime minister is unworthy of virtue and has done many unrighteous actions. They demand that the crown prince and empress Zhu abolish their prime ministers."

"Chang Chao tomorrow, I need to defend myself. I just found you, to see if you have a better way. A simpler way to say it. The result is the same as I thought." Li Gang said disappointedly.

That's why he asked the workers of the Work Relief Supervisor to take the food and money belonging to the Work Relief Supervisor of Daming Mansion to go around Xingzhou and enter Taihang.

This Bianjing is about to change!

Liu Yi was very angry and said: "The princes of the court! They are all from the first rank of Jinshi! They have never studied "Sea Island"? How can they turn black and white like this!"

"Even if you haven't studied "Sea Island"! There are so many Ph.Ds in mathematics in the Imperial College! There are so many students in Taixue, just pick out a question! Don't you have an answer?"

"These civil officials should have been chopped off one by one! Why are they like this!"

Liu Yi was so angry that the officials were benevolent and refused to open the guillotine lightly. The heads of the people killed were rolling, and the blood flowed like a river.

Now the official family has just left Beijing for half a month!

This group of civil servants hooked up again, intending to deceive the young crown prince!Completely demote Li Gang's position as supervisor of the country!
What is the intention!

Eat the king's salary, loyal to the king!
Did they do it?

When the officials left, they made it clear that Li Gang should be optimistic about the Great Song Dynasty Hall!It's only been a month, and something went wrong!

Li Gang shook his head and said: "This matter has nothing to do with civil servants. The officials who were promoted by the official family kept silent and did not express their views. The official family spared those civil servants, and many of them wrote letters to persuade the crown prince. They Not so heartless."

"Who is that!" Liu Yi was surprised, how did this group of civil servants change their sex?This doesn't fit his cognition.

Li Gang scolded with a smile: "They are not animals with a human face and a beast's heart. How dare they be ungrateful? The officials promoted by the government are planning big things, and they will act vigorously when the time is right."

"Officials promoted by the government, the maximum is no more than [-], when they are full of enthusiasm, they don't want to bow down for the powerful, and they are just when they are vigorous and diligent. For example, Zhao Ding was in the hall, cursing Wang Jingru as a disaster for the country and the people. only."

"The scolding is quite ugly."

Liu Yi thought about it for a while, and he understood that when someone first passed the Jinshi, he was not high-spirited and gave advice.After the edges and corners of the body are slowly worn away, it becomes sleek and sophisticated.

"Who are they? Who wants to take you down as prime minister?" Liu Yi was still chasing after him.

"The eight families of Wang, Chen, Zhu, Li, Guo, Gao, Xiang, and Chong, and the three families of Liu, Zhe, and Sun in the west." Li Gang finished the long list of surnames with a sigh.

Liu Yi was silent, and the old general and the new general unexpectedly united together.

"Are the young officials promoted by the government planning to go north to join the new emperor, planning to let the new emperor make decisions for them? It should be like this. When the officials come back, they dare to be so rampant?" Liu Yi said angrily.

The war on Hedong Road will always end one day, when the officials return to Beijing, everyone in this group will be unlucky.

Li Gang shook his head, Liu Yi is very good at arithmetic, but when it comes to dogfighting in court, he is a layman.

"I'm afraid the officials won't be able to come back."

Ok? !

 Please recommend (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ


(End of this chapter)

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