Northern Song Dynasty Revitalization Strategy

Chapter 152 Who can stand this, one death is tens of thousands

Chapter 152 Who can stand this, tens of millions of deaths
"Does the official say holy sores?" Zhong Shidao was stunned, the name was a bit unfamiliar, so he thought about it for a while and asked.

Zhao Huan nodded.

It is called "sore sore" because of the exodus; or it is called "holy sore" because of its unpredictable changes; It is called "hundred-year-old sore"; or "pea sore" because of its pea-like shape.

Or it is called "smallpox" because of its changeable symptoms like the flowers in the sky; or it is called "spot acne caused by heaven".

It's all one disease, smallpox.

After getting an affirmative answer, Mr. Zhong shook his head and said: "The officials don't know. As early as the Kaiyuan period of the former Tang Dynasty, the Zhao family in the south of the Yangtze River began to spread the method of nasal vaccination. This holy sore disease has never been rampant. Yes. I wonder if the officials have any coups?"

Zhao Huan was taken aback for a moment, this was beyond his comprehension.

Smallpox is such an unsolvable thing, there is a way to deal with it in Song Dynasty?

[Tang: Sun Simiao: Treatment for children with red and black blemishes: Acupuncture in the father's feet, take blood and paste on the blemishes to disappear.Treatment of warts and eyes in children: Use a needle and a small knife to pierce the four sides of the eyes, make it look like blood, and take the yellow pus from the sores of the affected person and apply it. 】

[During the Song Zhenzong period, Prime Minister Wang Dan's children died of smallpox, and the Great Song Dynasty trembled. Then Wang Dan gave birth to a son named Wang Su.A native of Mount Emei came out of the mountain to vaccinate his son against human pox. Wang Su lived until his death at the age of 67. 】

[Song Ting vigorously promotes the method of human pox.It wasn't until the 27th year of Kangxi that Russian pox doctors introduced the method of smallpox prevention to Western Europe. 】

[Then, Mrs. Montagu introduced this technique to England in 1717.On this basis, Edward Jenner invented the "Vaccinia Vaccination Method". 】

[The real smallpox vaccine is an inactivated smallpox virus, which belongs to the category of modern medicine. 】

Zhao Huan was silent, it was Hu Yuan's fault, when Shen Cong was injured, he was too impressed by his five grain reincarnation technique to heal arrow wounds.

He thought that the medicine of the Song Dynasty was extremely backward, but now that he thought about it, it was still pragmatism at work, and useful methods must be widely promoted.

The useless Five Grains Reincarnation Technique has instead become a secret recipe.

"Why isn't this method of human pox widely used?" Zhao Huan asked, he couldn't figure it out. When he was in Bianjing, he also received a report of the epidemic.I thought Da Song had no way to prevent it.

Zhong Shidao nodded, and the officials have already shown the qualities of a wise king, tracing back to the source.

"Officials, remember the Shihao officials. This method of human pox is very subtle, and it was the most popular in the former Tang Dynasty. Now, it is not as good as the former Tang Dynasty." Zhong Shidao said something for Zhao Huan to understand.

Officials in Shihao, the imperial power does not go to the countryside.

The country gentry controls all authority below the county level, so it doesn't matter whether the mud leg lives or dies, as long as someone does the work.

Title deed is there, everything is there.

Zhao Huan sighed, it seems that there is no benefit to rule the world with the scholar-bureaucrats except to consolidate the imperial power.

That's right, the consolidation of imperial power is what the emperor should be most concerned about.

It's extremely easy for me to get the throne, and I don't feel sorry for selling my grandfather...

"Xixia, Liao, and Jin are all inherited from the former Tang Dynasty. They are extremely proficient in the art of human pox. The idea of ​​the officials trying to use the smallpox method to destroy the city is not good. It is better to use the plague." Zhong Shidao was very calm. Said.

When Zhao Huan heard this, he couldn't help but shudder, the plague, that is, the name of the Black Death was too famous!

The Black Death that killed 3000 million people in Europe in three years!

This kind of teacher way, where is the usual elegance and easy-going!

To be able to say these two words so calmly.Does he know what that means?

"The Tatars once threw the corpse of a prairie mouse into a certain city in Xixia. The city was finally blocked by the whole city, and a small city was burned."

"I heard about this a few years ago, and I specially dispatched some soldiers and brought some prairie rats to test it out, and it worked. Now, it just happened to be used. Didn't it capture nearly 15 Khitan slaves? Just let them do it." Zhong Shidao still said calmly.

Zhao Huan shook his head and said, "This method is impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Shaobao doesn't need to rush to destroy the city. This kind of tactics, let alone cruel or not. The plague is so simple to launch and spreads so fast. Not only the Jin people can't prevent it, but the Song Dynasty can't prevent it either."

"Even if the Jin people learn from it, even if the walls are strong and the fields are clear, our Great Song Dynasty will suffer from the plague. No, no."

The main source of confidence that Zhao Huan dared to use smallpox to destroy the city came from the fact that he could exchange for the means of inactivating the smallpox virus. The inactivation of the virus became a vaccine, and it was easy to prevent smallpox.

This plague is truly terrifying.

Before there is a complete sanitation and epidemic prevention system, this plague method should let him fall asleep.

Who can stand it?
[In 1346, in the wealthy city of Kaffa on the coast of the Black Sea, the Mongolian army had been confronting Italian merchants and Byzantine troops in Kaffa for a whole year. 】

[The Mongolian army used trebuchets to throw a large number of prairie rats and corpses that died of the plague into Kafa City.The city of Kafa was broken, and the city was beyond compare. 】

[The fleeing Italians completely substituted the Black Death into Europe, coupled with famine and war, in three years, more than [-] million people died.Two-thirds of Europa's population disappeared. 】

More than 200 years before biochemical warfare?Don't panic.

As for how many people died in Europe?Zhao Huan said he didn't care, it would be better if he died.

The teacher still had that mysterious smile on his face. He said that the plague method was just a step he took to fool Zhao Huan.

An emperor is too benevolent. In the prosperous age, it is a matter of universal celebration.

In troubled times, it would cause a lot of unnecessary troubles instead. He tried to use this method to awaken the darkness in Zhao Huan's heart.

But when he looked at Zhao Huan's frowning, he knew that the officials had already figured out the joints.

"Young Shaobao is deceiving me again. There must be other ways for Zhong Shaobao to break the city." Zhao Huan thought for a long time, and he finally figured out what Zhong Shidao was thinking.

"Using the plague to destroy the city is naturally extremely fast, but the damage is endless. The Datong Mansion was destroyed by the plague. Do I want this southern Kyushu? The sixteen states of Yanyun are so important. Breaking the city with such a vicious method will cause harm. Infinity is inevitable."

"Zhong Shaobao should tell the real way to break the city."

Smart and alert!
Teacher Zhong sighed repeatedly, if such an official family was born 50 years earlier, no, ten years earlier, would the Song Dynasty be in danger today?

"Officials are extremely sensitive and unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness. I know that this method of plague will definitely not be adopted by officials." Zhong Shidao just wanted to plant a seed called darkness, and did not want the officials to really go away. On the wrong road.

Benevolence?Zhao Huan shook his head. If the Song Dynasty had a complete epidemic prevention system like the later generations, he would push the plague to the north of Yanshan Mountain, and he would never have future troubles.

It's a pity that this biochemical warfare is a way to injure ten thousand enemies and one thousand.

Who made the Great Song Dynasty have a population of more than [-] million people? If this biochemical warfare is fought, it will be our own people who will suffer.

Once he opened Pandora's Box, he didn't have the confidence to cover it.

"Officials, the plague method is faster, but haste makes waste."

 Thanks for the rewards from "Prince AK※Prince of Gods and Demons", "Mr. Xuanfeng" and "Songs in the Wind". Thank you for your support. (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

(End of this chapter)

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