Apocalyptic Dragonborn Lord

Chapter 178 The Rhodoks Legion

Chapter 178 The Rhodoks Legion

Stannis found that they were actually trapped in a cage. Countless Chaos people in the south had surrounded them. The vertical cliff is full of dangers without thinking about it.

But these monsters have been slow to attack, and it seems that they are unwilling to touch the water, but are waiting for the river to freeze.

Although everyone ran to a safe snow slope, the entire army was in chaos and completely lost its command system. The avalanche just now and these monsters that suddenly appeared had completely demoralized everyone. What they are thinking now is what to do Run for your life, even if you abandon those around you.

And those lords who survived were as clueless as headless chickens. Some broke down and wept, some began to go crazy under the pressure, and more people blamed the reason for their desperation Enrique, they cursed at this young man, but they forgot that when they heard that there was an enemy, they were eager to kill the enemy and claim credit.

Although this Enrique is an annoying brat, he should not be responsible for all the mistakes, and Stannis is ready to stand up and say a few words.

But just as he cleared his throat, he heard someone shouting in a frightened voice, "Gods! Those monsters are coming towards us!"

Stannis hurriedly looked straight ahead, the Chaos people there were still hesitating because of the river, and there were no white monsters in the forest to the east. Then, he was surprised to find that in the thick snow to the west, there were A piece of white creature moved quickly here.There is no river to stop them, so the Chaos people can walk across the snow to kill them unscrupulously. Although the number of monsters in this batch is less than one hundred, the expeditionary force that has lost their fighting spirit can only Watching the other party approaching helplessly, and waiting to be killed.

"Everyone line up! Line up! These monsters can be killed, don't be afraid!" Stannis shouted, wanting to organize a resistance, but all his efforts were in vain, and everyone except his men crowded around in a panic. In a group, although they have no retreat.

"Let's run into the forest!" A count was obviously afraid and lost his basic judgment, and fear is contagious. Several lords responded to him. They took a third of the people and fled into the forest from the main force. .

Stannis jumped up and down anxiously, the number was already at a disadvantage, and they had no hope of winning after running like this.

Since his own words are useless, Stannis can only find someone who can speak, "Enrique, you ordered the fucking order, if this continues, we will all be doomed!"

But the little kid responded with a silly cry, and Seaworth coaxed him like an old nanny.

In this chaotic atmosphere filled with fear, there is only the sound of the naked bodies of the Chaos people stepping on the snow, and every step makes people's heart beat faster.

"Damn, I thought such a simple task could hold a thigh!" Stannis cursed loudly, but even if he died, he wanted to die with dignity. Standing in front of the crowd, he raised his hand resolutely, "Archer, Follow my orders!"

Even though he knew that bows and arrows would not be effective against this kind of monster that feared no death, he still had to fight hard.

However, a deep and clear sound came from the sky, it was a majestic and low horn sound from afar, and then, accompanied by crisp drums, an army appeared in the west, that is, behind the Chaos People.

There is no doubt that this is a human army!

The sun shone on the white snow, and the reflected sunlight set off the mysterious army like a god descending from the earth. Their broad shields were painted with green color, drawing a standing brown bear.Everyone holds a 10-foot (about 3 meters) long cross gun in their hands, wears pot helmets and chain mail, arm armor and leg armor are specially reinforced, and the flag they hold high is also a brown bear with a green background pattern.

Among them, someone recognized what this flag represented, "Rhodoks, this is the army of Rhodoks!"

what!Stannis couldn't help frowning. As we all know, the Rhodok Republic is at war with the Erasia Empire. Although this has reached the border line between the two countries, because it is not the main battlefield and has no strategic value, neither side has deployed the main force here. , but how could this Rhodok army appear here?Could it be that they were the culprits who created these monsters, or even if they weren't, they wanted to take advantage of the chaos and rob them!
Before Stannis could figure it out, the originally slow drumbeat suddenly became more rapid, and the soldiers in the Rhodok army on the opposite side began to charge regularly in batches, and their target was the Chaos people!
They are here to save themselves!It was the only reasonable explanation that Stannis could think of now.

Although judging from the armor and shields, the Rhodok infantry belonged to the category of heavy infantry, but their charging speed was still extremely fast, and they appeared behind the monsters in the blink of an eye.

The Chaos people also noticed them, but only the monsters in the last row or two were able to turn around and face the enemy. They raised their arms flat and held the swords in their hands like naginata. Able to penetrate shields and take the lives of those behind them.

But the Rhodok army looks extremely well-drilled and in this sudden turn the soldiers in the first three ranks make gaps during the run and all who have spears in their hands hold them up and then like javelins Throwing at the same time, the power of these sharp heavy cross guns is astonishing, just one round of throwing, the monsters in the first two rows fell to the ground one after another.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers rushed out of the melee weapons - daggers from their crotch, and rushed into the crowd of monsters with their backs facing them with shouts. Their tactics were extremely skilled, and they smashed the faces of the Chaos people with their shields , and then took advantage of the gap between its retreat and slashed with the broken sword. The broken sword was so sharp that it could almost dismember the monster's body with just one blow.

The situation of the battle was reversed in an instant, this group of less than one hundred monsters was wiped out like chopping melons and vegetables, and this Rhodok army did not stop, but continued to move forward. They were fighting like Stannis and the others. The hillside is close.

The nerves of everyone here are tense, because they don't know whether this hostile force will kill them like they did just now.

At a stone's throw from the hillside, the green army stopped, and then a burly officer stepped out of it. Unlike other soldiers, his helmet was decorated with a visor and a breastplate. It is full of medals, no doubt boasting of his military exploits everywhere.

The man pushed up his helmet, revealing a middle-aged face, and shouted loudly: "I am Vibius, the centurion of the Seventh Corps under the Rhodoks V Legion, and I am ordered to rescue you all!"

(End of this chapter)

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