the strongest evolution

Chapter 138 138. Longevity Liquid

Chapter 138 138. Longevity Liquid
Jiang Song nodded, keeping the name in his heart, then he turned to look at the others and said, "The initial test phase was a great success, and we will enter the second phase!"

"Professor, what is the content of the second phase of the experiment..." One of them couldn't help asking.

"The second stage..." Jiang Song smiled mysteriously, but did not continue.

Under his leadership, everyone, including the avatar, entered a warehouse where many intelligent robots placed transparent jars filled with nano-metal robots on the shelves.

After a while, Jiang Song turned around and looked at the crowd and said, "The next experiment does not require us to participate, as long as everyone does their job well!"

But the avatar kept guessing the content of the next experiment in his mind. Why did he prepare so many nano-metal robots?

However, the avatar does not know what his job is, even though he integrated into the Mars Experimental Base very quickly.

"Except for Wang Tan, everyone else should go back to their posts!" Jiang Song glanced at everyone, and then said.

With a "Hula", all the testers left, leaving only Jiang Song and Lu Chenyuan's avatars in the warehouse.

"Talk while walking!" Jiang Song turned around and walked forward, followed by his clone.

"Xiao Wang, how much do you know about evolution nutrient solution?" Jiang Song asked after walking a few steps.

"The evolutionary nutrient solution is extracted from plants and prepared in a special way, which can enhance the vitality of the human body!" The avatar thought for a while, and then replied.

"Yes, the evolution nutrient solution is extracted from plants, follow me!" Jiang Song nodded with satisfaction.

After passing through passages and taking the elevator to the ground floor, the two of them walked straight into a laboratory, where many experimenters were constantly making preparations with colorful test tubes.

This is the mixing room of plant nutrient solution!
Across the blending room, there are fingerprint recognition doors, palmprint recognition doors, face recognition doors, and high-level staff ID card recognition doors.

Along the way, after a total of [-] thick doors, he said distractedly, is he going to see the real secret of Mars Laboratory?

In the end, it entered a warehouse, which contained many transparent boxes, and inside the boxes were light yellow beads.

"These are..." the avatar pointed to the beads and asked doubtfully.

"Have you heard of the elixir of life recorded in the history books?" Jiang Song did not answer directly, but asked instead.

"The elixir of life?" The avatar didn't expect Jiang Song to ask this, and said subconsciously, "Could it be that these pills are related to the elixir of life?"

"What do you think?" Jiang Song stared at Lu Chenyuan's clone, but found that the latter didn't respond much.

"Indeed, these are indeed similar to the elixir of life, because each one can increase the vitality of tens of thousands of points, and the vitality also represents the lifespan in disguise. Of course, it is extremely difficult to extract it. These are more than ten years old. We only sell two or three of them every year.”

After Jiang Song's long-winded explanation, the avatar also understands the general idea.These pale yellow beads are equivalent to highly concentrated evolutionary nutrient solution.

He went on to say: "Our next research topic is to simplify the production process of these elixirs. I hope you, with your rich imagination, can bring me some surprises!"

"Thank you, Professor, for your attention!" The clone quickly responded.

Jiang Song nodded noncommittally, walked out of the warehouse, and took his avatar into a separate laboratory, which seemed to belong to him.

In the center of the laboratory is a jar as tall as a person, which contains a large amount of yellow liquid, which is distilled over a small fire, and the liquid in it is bubbling and bubbling.

"Most of the distillation takes one or two months, and after several fractional distillations and extractions, only two to three evolutionary nutrient solutions can be condensed in the end, and we only had five at most! There is no way to mass-produce it!" Jiang Jiang The professor introduced.

The clone nodded, and carefully observed the medicinal liquid in the jar with spiritual power. Although they were all evolutionary liquids extracted from plants, their attributes were extremely complicated.

The liquid contains coldness, partial coldness, heatiness, neutrality, and even traces of toxicity.

"Is this putting all the medicinal materials in one pot regardless of their properties?" the avatar looked at it with numb scalp, and said inwardly. "Maybe the boss doesn't understand Chinese medicine at all, and may even regard the knowledge of Chinese medicine as heresy."

"Xiao Wang, what do you think?" Jiang Song said, pointing to a jar of liquid medicine.

"Professor, can I have a look at the ingredients?" the avatar said with a respectful attitude.

"No problem, there is nothing to hide!" Jiang Song nodded, and then he led the avatar to the rear warehouse, where most of them were test tubes, all of which were nutrient solutions extracted from plants.

There are countless types, and some are even relatively rare liquid medicines.

"It's all raw materials?" the clone asked subconsciously.

"That's right, it's all raw materials!" Jiang Song said.

"I have an idea, I don't know if Professor Jiang agrees or not!" The avatar naturally intends to combine attributes to refine the "Pill of Immortality"!
"But it's okay to say!" Professor Jiang smiled amiably.

"I think I only need a small amount of several medicinal liquids to make that kind of elixir!" said the avatar.

"A small amount of several medicinal liquids? Are you sure?" Jiang Song raised his brows lightly, with a bit of disbelief in his expression.

"Sure, I can't understand it verbally, but as long as Professor Jiang agrees, I can demonstrate it to you now!" While the clone was speaking, an extremely powerful confidence was revealed.

"Confidence is a good thing, and I can promise you, but if you lie to me, you will be expelled from Mars Lab!" Jiang Song frowned, and his tone was extremely serious.

"No problem, I just need a smaller retort, and I will choose the liquid medicine myself!" the clone said hastily.

"Then you choose first!" Jiang Song stepped aside.

The avatar found a trolley dedicated to holding test tubes, and then took the test tubes off the shelf one by one.

Ever since he saw the liquid medicine, the alchemy recipes in Yuan Tiangang's memory floated in his mind. There are a lot of alchemy methods in it, which naturally can enhance the vitality of the physical body.

It's a pity that I haven't taken the time, otherwise the medicinal materials collected from the wilderness during the summer vacation have already been refined into elixirs.

He took dozens of medicinal liquids in a row, but he was short of a medicinal herb, but there was one in the space of Lu Chenyuan's real body. This medicinal herb was named Dragon Scale Grass, the roots were blue, and the grass leaves were like scales.

Finally, he came to Jiang Song and said, "Professor!"

The latter shook his head slightly, apparently not believing that Huang Chenyuan's avatar could extract longevity pills with so many medicinal liquids, but he still led the latter into a laboratory.

There are all kinds of equipment here, and there is a slightly smaller distillation tank.

"It's time to prove yourself!" Jiang Song said to himself. "give it to you!"

The avatar responded while checking the equipment: "Don't worry!"

After listening, Jiang Song left the laboratory, leaving only the avatar alone.

"In Yuan Lao's memory, there is still the stage of drying the medicinal materials or crushing them into powder. Right now, only the evolution liquid is left, which is easy or difficult!" The avatar opened the jar, and dragon scale grass appeared in his hand. The part that was taken out as medicine, and the other part was burned to nothing by him with the fire of chaos.

Then he poured the liquid in the test tube into the jar in front of him in a certain order.

Before it is distilled, the liquid in it reacts naturally.

(End of this chapter)

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