Chapter 115 Visit from Giants
Zhu Jun was rather impatient. Regardless of Huangfusong's repeated dissuasion, he led his troops to forcefully attack the city several times, but they were all beaten badly by Zhang Jiao's Yellow Turban Army and returned without success. .

The two sides fought fiercely for more than several months, and the imperial army was still unable to step into Guangzong City. During this period, Zhu Jun also used various methods. According to Hun's opinion, special forces were used to sneak attack, but none of them achieved much results-the three cities of Guangzong have been rigorously investigated and cleaned since the beginning of the war. Now after all, no spies can successfully enter the city. Don't even think about it.

The three Zhang Jiao brothers have learned the essential techniques of Taiping, and the one they know best is Qimen Dunjia. The tunnel attack was doomed from the beginning, and they ordered people to dig many large pits in various parts of the city, and filled them with water. There is a large pit of water, and people are watching outside the pit day and night. As long as he sees the continuous shaking of the water surface in that place, he can know where a large number of imperial troops are digging tunnels here.

As a result, when the imperial army officers and soldiers finally dug through the tunnel and entered Guangzong City, they found hundreds of Yellow Turban soldiers sharpening their knives at the place where they exited.

Even after eliminating the imperial army who came through the tunnel, they were as witty as Zhang Jiao, and naturally they would not waste the tunnel that the imperial army dug so hard. They organized a large number of elite soldiers of the Yellow Turban Army to attack directly from Guangzong City. Arriving in the imperial army camp, it caused a lot of losses to the imperial army, and they were in a hurry.

The special forces are the special arms of the imperial court army. They have amazing fighting power, but they are not of much use in the heavily guarded Guangzong City.

In the end, Zhu Jun had to admit that the Guangzong City under Zhang Jiao's careful arrangement was invincible.

To the southwest of Guangzong City is the garrison camp of Captain Hu Nanman. On this day, more than a dozen guests were welcomed.

Among them, Zhang Fan only recognized six people, and this was also because these six people all went to participate in the crusade against the Southern Man.Soul of War and the third-rate historical generals Han Zhong, Xiongba, Fengwu Jiutian, Baima Zhao San and the third-rate historical general Xia Houlan.

After everyone sat down, Zhang Fan took the lead and said, "The four big brothers came to visit unexpectedly, but what is there to discuss?"

Feng Wu Jiutian giggled and said: "Brother Dugu, what does this mean, must there be something to talk to you about?"

Zhang Fan also laughed, and said, "Beauty Feng Wu wants to chat with me, of course I am very happy, but who are the two generals behind Beauty Feng Wu, can you tell me?" Then he looked at the two middle-aged NPC generals who had been standing behind Feng Wu Jiutian.

Zhang Fan knew that this reunion must not be a trivial matter, because only Baima Zhao San brought a player, and the others were NPC generals and counselors. Zhang Fan felt that each of them had the unique momentum of a famous historical general. The number and names of famous historical generals are the secrets of all parties. Generally, they will not deliberately appear in front of everyone, in order to make the opponents unsure of their cards and strength. But this time, the four big shots have brought With so many famous generals in history, their pictures must not be small.

Feng Wu Jiutian smiled and said: "Brother Dugu, these two are famous historical generals that the little girl subdued, but if you want to know who they are, it's okay, you have to answer me a little question first."

Zhang Fan was taken aback, "No problem. I have no reason to refuse to answer the beauty's question. I wonder what Feng Wu beauty wants to ask?"

"Is Wu Sudden a super famous historical general or a super historical famous general? Can brother Dugu bring it?"

"Isn't it a good question?" Zhang Fan looked at Feng Wu Jiutian and said with an innocent face, and when he saw Feng Wu Jiutian's face was dull, he said: "Wu Tugu is a super famous historical general. The Yellow Turban Army didn’t bring them with them, as to why, of course they kept it to guard their hometown, after all, my hometown is gone, so I have nothing to play.”

Feng Wu Jiutian squinted at Zhang Fan, "Is this buy two get one free? I'm not going to ask why. This is General Liao Hua, and this is General Pei Yuanshao." While talking, he explained to Zhang Fan with his hands who is who.

"There are so many people here, you two can chat privately if you have something to do!" White Horse Zhao San joked with a smile.

Xiongba Tianxia at the side also echoed, "That's right, that's right."

It is worthy of being considered by the public players to be the fighting spirit of the military forces. I saw him bluntly said: "Everyone should talk about the business, let's talk about these things later."

Zhang Fan heard the words and said: "Brother Zhanhun is talking about the battle of Guangzong?"

War Soul said: "Exactly. I don't know if Brother Dugu knows that the uprising in some service areas such as the American area and the German area has ended. According to the reactions of the local players stationed in Japan, the uprising in the Japanese area is about to end. Yes, this means that the original countries of these servers will lose their ruling power immediately, and the time when our China region will enter the world's hegemony will be advanced, and its development will also be rapidly improved during this period, and the national war may break out at any time. It will be very unfavorable to us in China, after our initial consultations, we finally decided to join forces and use all our strength to wipe out the three Zhang Jiao brothers as soon as possible and introduce the Yellow Turban Rebellion."

Zhang Fan wondered: "You guys don't need to be so impatient, right? According to historical records, Zhang Jiao should have died of illness in the past few days. When we go to attack the city, we will have nothing to do?!"

White Horse Zhao San frowned and said, "We originally thought so too, but according to the reports from the players in the Yellow Turban camp, Zhang Jiao is still alive and kicking, and there is no sign of illness, let alone death."

Xiong Ba Tian Xia said: "After getting along with each other for several months, our relationship with Huangfu Song, Zhu Jun, and Cao Cao has improved a little bit, so we decided to jointly propose that they lead an army of more than 210 million NPCs and 700 million players in the headquarters to besiege Quyang. Zhang Bao and Julu Zhangjiao, we will lead more than 50 NPC soldiers and the remaining 200 million players to attack Guangzong's Zhangliang Department, and achieve the effect of gradual elimination."

Zhang Fan said: "Then will the command be allocated by one person or will they be separate and only attack Guangzong City at the same time?"

War Soul said: "If we go our separate ways, the chances of success will be greatly reduced. We decided to elect the commander and military adviser of this joint army. I wonder if Brother Dugu agrees with this plan?"

(End of this chapter)

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