Chapter 370 Double Reed
Realizing that the atmosphere had been mobilized by him, Whirlpool paused for a few seconds, then gritted his teeth fiercely, pretending to be tangled, and said the next sentence with great courage:
"Master Patriarch appointed me...appointed me, Uzumaki, as the next Uzumaki Patriarch, to lead everyone through this difficult time together!"


Speaking of this, Xuan Wucheng hesitated for a while, as if he was thinking about something, and after a while, he slowly raised his hands, and just kept his kneeling posture and cast his gaze downward.

At this moment, Wei Wucheng stared at the group of whirlpool people below without blinking, his expression changed from emotion to depression, melancholy, sadness, and so on.

That kind of feeling is like——Whirlpool Cheng wants to clearly show all the emotions and thoughts deep in his heart, and show it to all the Whirlpool people below.

After about a few seconds, Whirlpool seemed to have finally made up his mind. He saw a firm look in his eyes, and continued sonorously:

"However, I know that my ability is limited. Although the patriarch has clearly appointed me as the next patriarch, I also know how much I have. The position of the patriarch of the whirlpool..."

"I, Whirlpool, I'm afraid it's hard to take on the big job!"

As soon as the voice of Wu Wocheng fell, many of the Wu Wuzu people below couldn't help but fell into a commotion. Looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, it was obvious that they were greatly surprised by Wu Wucheng's last words.

In fact, not to mention the people of the whirlpool clan, even Lei Luo, who was standing behind whirlpool, didn't know what was going on in the mind of the guy in front of him.

Now that the whirlpool patriarch's "death" banner has been laid out, why not admit it decisively at this juncture, and take over the patriarch's power as a matter of course, but play this one, one...

For a while, Lei Luo couldn't find a good adjective to describe Makoto's behavior at the moment.

Could it be that playing hard to get?Or "to avoid suspicion"?Or is there some other, deeper intention?
Lei Luo said that he couldn't figure it out at all, and on this occasion, it was obvious that he was not allowed to ask Makoto Whirlpool.

Therefore, he could only stare at a pair of dry eyes, and when he looked at the back of the whirlpool in confusion, he began to think quickly:

Makoto, what kind of tricks are you playing?
However, before Lei Luo could figure it out, some people from the Whirlpool below shouted loudly one after another:
"Master Cheng! I support you as the patriarch!"

"Master Cheng! Since the patriarch and his elders have issued such an order, we must resolutely carry it out!"

"Yes! Master Cheng! Don't refuse!"

The shouts in his ear drew Lei Luo's attention back, and he glanced down first.

I saw that there were about dozens of Whirlpool clansmen in the crowd shouting upwards with excited faces, wishing that Whirlpool Cheng could take the seat of Whirlpool clan leader immediately, so...

Lei Luo glanced at the whirlpool in front of him calmly, and silently guessed in his heart: "Is this...Tuo?" '

Thinking of this, Lei Luo decided not to be impatient, to calm down his confused heart for the time being, and planned to see what kind of "program" Makoto would prepare next, and whether it could "open his eyes" for him.

The yelling of the Uzumaki people who are suspected of being "entrusted" by the whirlpool below does not seem to have achieved very good results. Most of the Uzumaki people have no intention of responding at all, and their expressions are generally indifferent, just observing silently With the development of the situation.

At this moment, before those "Tuo" continued to jump up and down to say some inflammatory words, a loud voice suddenly came from the center of the crowd:
"Whirlpool Cheng, what you just said is just your one-sided remarks. How do we know whether what you said is true or false?"

"If according to what you said, the patriarch is dead, then...even if you lie in the name of the patriarch casually, no one present will stand up and expose you!"

The person who spoke seemed to be very good at controlling the atmosphere in the field, and decisively expressed the suspicions in everyone's hearts with a single sentence, and did not leave any sympathy for the whirlpool.

Sure enough, after the above two sentences, many of the Whirlpool tribe couldn't help showing a touch of approval on their faces, and then turned their eyes to Whirlpool Cheng above, staring at his face closely, as if they wanted to see how Whirlpool Cheng would respond.

Lei Luo fixed his eyes and stared down, but after seeing the appearance of the person who spoke, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

In the center of the crowd, at the very front, the person with an upright face who said all kinds of impassioned words...

This guy is none other than Lei Luo and Uzumaki's ally, Uzumaki Koichi.

In other words... Could this be a double spring?
Or... Is Uzumaki Koichi planning to betray Uzumaki?

Because he was mainly responsible for the battle, Lei Luo did not fully participate in many follow-up plans within the vortex family, including the implementation details of the last step of the usurper plan, and he only knew a general concept.

Because of this, he didn't understand the situation at all at the moment.

However, the protagonist of this scene is not Lei Luo, so he didn't feel the slightest panic in his heart, but just quietly watched the negotiation between Makoto Uzumaki and Koichi Uzumaki.

On the other side, when someone questioned the authenticity of his words, Uzumaki seemed rather angry. He raised his hand, pointing at Koichi Uzumaki with trembling fingers, and roared angrily:
"Koichi Uzumaki! You can't trust me, that's fine! But I don't allow you to question the patriarch's will!"

"Also... Even if I don't want to follow the patriarch's will and become the next Uzumaki patriarch, it doesn't mean that you can stand there and insult my personality!"

After saying the above two sentences, Whirlpool saw that Whirlpool Hao's face changed slightly, and he seemed to want to refute vaguely, so he took a quick deep breath, and then said with a heartbroken voice:
"What is the relationship between the patriarch and me, and how much trust he has in me, I believe that everyone here should have some understanding, let me ask..."

"After such a respectable adult who treated me well passed away, how heartless I was, Whirlpool, to lie in front of thousands of clansmen at the scene under the banner of his old man?!"

Whirlpool Cheng's mouth kept opening and closing, and the words in his mouth poured out like a machine gun, and it seemed that Whirlpool Haoyi was beaten to silence in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, some members of the Whirlpool tribe may have remembered Whirlpool Cheng's usual style of dealing with people, maybe they were infected by Whirlpool Cheng's sincere words at the moment, or maybe they were willing to believe in Whirlpool Cheng's character.

In short, in addition to the few guys suspected of being trusted, gradually more people in the crowd began to echo Makoto Whirlpool:

There were those who expressed their willingness to believe in Uzumaki, some who criticized Koichi Uzumaki, and some who followed the trend. They were led by the entrusted people to loudly support Uzumaki as the patriarch.

 Thanks for the reward from Brother Huanmo Zhisan!Add one more today!
(End of this chapter)

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