Chapter 313 Gathering
Like coaxing a child, Lei Luo suddenly felt a little tired. Although it is a good thing that subordinates are too strong and capable, what is directly proportional to it is that their arrogance is generally higher than that of ordinary ninjas a lot of.

Lei Luo thought to himself, even if he looked at the whole Konoha, he couldn't find a few. When he heard that the enemy was the Outer Village Shadow Guard, he could not only face it calmly, but even felt that the teammates who joined forces together were cumbersome ninjas.

It can be seen that whether it is Hinata Tsukasa or Yume Shiguro, they are not at all nervous before the battle is about to start, this is definitely not an act of pretending.

This kind of self-confidence, or this kind of arrogance, this kind of belief that one can defeat the enemy is simply impossible to have without the experience of countless battles.

Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato, these two powerful candidates for the fourth generation of Hokage, Lei Luo realized their potential early on, and even spent a lot of money to get them under his command.

But it is undeniable that Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato can only be regarded as geniuses now. No matter how powerful they are in later generations, no matter how powerful they are, they are still far from growing up now.

As for the two guys Hinata Ring and Yume Shiguro, they undoubtedly surpassed the level of genius, and now they are already real strong, and they are not inferior to the members of the shadow guards of the villages.

Therefore, even if they never said it clearly, Yume Shiguro and Hinata Tsukasa must look down on the current Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato and their ilk.

Lei Luo knew that there was only one reason why this team could go smoothly all the way to today: Hinata Ring and Yume Shiguro recognized their own strength, and they only recognized their own strength.

Lei Luo didn't know how Danzo hooked up with a ninja of this level, and he didn't want to know, the only thing he needed to pay attention to was only one thing:
That is, try to stimulate the fighting spirit of Hinata Tamaki and Yume Shiguro, let them go all out to fight Hiro and Mukuro, and buy time for themselves to defeat Mizukage.

In order to successfully complete the task, for his own benefit, and for this final battle - these are the reasons why he is so talkative today.

After negotiating the distribution of opponents, Lei Luo raised his watch and looked at the time: it was exactly midnight.

At this moment, Hyuga Ring's voice sounded in Lei Luo's ear at the same time:

"Oshemaru and the others are here, the location - about 20 kilometers away."

Glancing left and right at Yume Zhiguro and Hinata Ring, Lei Luo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Let's go, let's join them first."

"Then, get ready to do it."


On the other side, just as Lei Luo and the others were gearing up to use force against the three generations of Shuiying Shuangyue and others, Shuangyue, Bing, and Mui were sitting around a campfire, chatting leisurely on the beach by the sea.

Behind them is a small tent that has been hastily pitched up, which can be regarded as a temporary resting place.

In such a war-torn era, for most ninjas, such items as private tents are extremely rare, and they are considered luxury items.

That is to say, Shuangyue, the third generation of Mizukage, who is a privileged class, is qualified to carry this luxury in a sealed scroll, and Binghe Mu also took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy it.

Otherwise, even if they are members of the Shadow Guard, it is not bad for them to have a sleeping bag when they go out on missions alone. More often than not, they just find a cave to deal with them overnight.

In the night sky, the endless sea was shrouded in layers of moonlight, and a circle of glistening full moon was reflected on the clear sea. This scene was quite artistic.

Shuangyue stretched out the wooden stick in her hand, and poked the firewood in the bonfire. After it burned more vigorously, she threw the wooden stick aside, and looked up at Bing:
"Bing, what do you think of removing Xiguashan puffer ghost from the position of intelligence chief—how did I do this matter?"

"I want to hear your opinion."

Knowing that Shuangyue probably wants to cultivate herself by asking questions now, Bing thought about it carefully, and replied with a somewhat unnatural expression:
"To be honest, I still think your decision is a bit hasty. That big fat man did nothing wrong, and you just took him down for no reason..."

"I'm afraid not only he won't be convinced, but the people under him will probably feel uncomfortable too?"

Hearing Bing's objection to this matter, Shuangyue didn't care too much. The left and right were just chatting casually at this time, and it didn't seem like an important occasion like a meeting. He also didn't need to keep any water shadows. majesty.

Therefore, Shuangyue just smiled casually, leaned back a little against the edge of the tent, changed to a more comfortable sitting position, and said to Bing:
"Incapability is a wrong thing in itself, especially in important positions related to intelligence."

"Yes, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost did nothing wrong, but he didn't detect the danger around Liuwei in time, so that the enemy succeeded."


After a pause, remembering the many things Jue said to himself that day, Shuangyue's face changed unconsciously, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and continued with a bit of coldness in his words:

"In the past few years, many important events in the ninja world, especially the detailed information about Jueying, we, Kirigakure, don't know anything.

Speaking of this, Rao knows that this is not a formal occasion, but the faint anger that rises from the bottom of her heart still makes Shuangyue's face slightly gloomy:

"It is indeed my mistake to let a waste take charge of the intelligence department—such an important department for so many years..."

"So, what I'm doing now is making up for my past mistakes and getting everything back on track."

After finishing speaking, seeing Bing's expression changed into a thoughtful look, Shuangyue calmed down her restless mood, and then her tone became calm again, and then said:

"Bing, remember well, if you want to become a qualified movie star, knowing people and being kind to others is the minimum ability you should have."

"How to tell whether a person is trash or not depends not on what he says, but on his actions, his style of conduct, and the results of each incident."

"During this process, don't get involved with your personal feelings, and don't be concerned about sympathy, just be what you should be, so that you can convince the public."

As if she felt that what she said was not clear enough, Shuangyue took a deep breath, stared at Bing without blinking, and said slowly in her mouth:

"The most important thing is that a ninja is just a tool, but you are different. I hope you can have a self-awareness at all times, that is, you are the one who uses the tool."

"For these tools, you can properly express your feelings to buy their loyalty, but never be swayed by these superficial feelings, otherwise..."

"Even if you inherit my position in the future, you will definitely not sit there for long, do you understand?"

Shuangyue said a lot of words, and what she said was sincere. It seemed that she wanted to transfer the whole set of methods of "how to think about problems from the perspective of shadow" to Bing, and I don't know if Bing really listened to it.

Judging from the expression alone, she was undoubtedly listening carefully, and she nodded solemnly from time to time, but judging from her erratic bright eyes, it seemed that Bing was already a little out of bounds at this time.

Seeing this, Shuangyue's face darkened, and she felt a little doubtful in her heart: with the virtue shown by ice, can the other party really inherit her mantle smoothly, and be the next generation of Mizukage after her?

(End of this chapter)

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