Ninja at the top of the food chain

Chapter 264 Thunderstorm

Chapter 264 Thunderstorm
In the process of developing Thunderstorm, Lei Luo referred to Uchiha Sasuke's Thunder Dun. Qilin, which also saved him a lot of thinking time.

In other words, the principle of thunderstorm also uses the method of using fire escape to shape high-temperature updraft, thereby triggering large-scale cumulonimbus clouds, and then attacking the enemy with the help of natural lightning.

After all, his chakra is still lacking, and it seems impossible to cast a large-scale S-level ninjutsu with his own strength.

In terms of Kirin's development ideas, Lei Luo has made many refined improvements to Thunderstorm.

And this caused Qilin and Thunderstorm to become almost two completely different ninjutsu except for similar principles.

First of all, it eliminates so many fancy shape changes. After all, Lei Luo has always pursued practicality in developing ninjutsu. As long as it can cause a devastating blow to the enemy, it doesn't matter whether it looks good or not?
Secondly, on the basis of both the swift and violent nature of the unicorn, Thunderstorm also has the three properties of high intensity, persistence and large-scale attack.

The dripping rain contained strands of electric current, and in the place covered by dark clouds, everything on the ground was covered by dazzling thunder, and then all turned into scorched earth.

This is one of Thunderstorm's usage modes, and it lasts about half a minute, which can be called ultra-high-intensity fire suppression.

The reason why there is only so little time is because the amount of chakra is limited, and the second is that Lei Luo is not very proficient in the water escape, and the combination of raindrops and electric current requires a high level of water escape, so he will be very reluctant to control it.

The important thing is that the other mode, which Lei Luo will use next, is much simpler and rougher.

Compress, compress, compress, condense, condense, condense, and gather as many lightning bolts as possible into a straight line.

Then, let it fall from the sky, and concentrate the attack on one point as much as possible to achieve the effect similar to the concept weapons of the previous life such as "Space-based Cannon" and "God Scepter".

The usage mode derived from Thunderstorm was named Space-Based Cannon by Lei Luo.

Although, the main energy that thunderstorms rely on is electrical energy, which has nothing to do with kinetic energy.

Thoughts quickly passed through his mind, and Lei Luo suddenly began to form seals. Judging from the changes in the seals, the ninjutsu that was about to be cast was the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet.

The clouds in the sky were not heavy enough to produce lightning of sufficient intensity, so Lei Luo planned to add another fire to it.

Unlike the previous side influence, the direction he aimed this time was exactly above the area where Jifu was.

"Fire Escape. Fire Dragon Flame Bullet"...

Continuous fire dragons spewed out from Lei Luo's mouth, and then under the acceleration of time, they turned into a series of shining flames, covering a distance of hundreds of kilometers in a few seconds .

The wind whistled past, and where the fire dragons passed by, the high temperature made the air rippling slightly, and all the scenes seemed to be slightly distorted.

Since the casting angle was calculated in advance—that is, the head is tilted upward at an angle of 45 degrees, when the group of fire dragons with teeth and claws arrived at the area where Jifu was located, they also rushed to the sky and exploded under the clouds open.

In an instant, the sky was filled with orange-red flames, reflecting the dim earth as if it were daytime, like a smear of setting sun, violently tearing away all obstacles in front of it, and smearing endless brilliance to the world.

Gradually, as the fire dragon's flame bombs slowly dissipated, the violently tumbling dark clouds also slowly stopped.

As the more turbulent heat flow rushed into the sky, a large amount of moisture in the air was evaporated and all merged into the clouds above it.

The dark clouds at this moment are as thick as mountains, and their color is even darker, as if they are about to drip water immediately.

Soon, traces of tiny electric currents emerged from the clouds, and then, like some kind of deadly virus, the number of electric currents increased, and the scope of their spread became wider and wider, finally forming a continuous Endless grid.


Lightning lights up in this dark world from time to time, and the dense electric current gathers in just a short moment, and then emits extremely dazzling light.

When the light dissipated, it was followed by the muffled rumble of thunder.

"what are you doing?"

Yume Shiguro gritted his teeth, struggling to maintain the operation of ninjutsu. After noticing Lei Luo's series of actions, he couldn't help asking the latter, but his tone was extremely reluctant, and he seemed a little out of breath .

Chakra is being consumed violently every minute and every second. Rao Younv Zhihei's Chakra volume is rare among the Younv clan in a hundred years, but what is fighting him at this moment is a tailed beast.

No matter how you say it, it would be too embarrassing for Younv Zhihei to fight for the amount of chakra with a tailed beast. After all, he has nothing to do with the Liudao family.

Of course, if you look at it from another angle, you can firmly control Mitsuo for so long with the power of one person alone. The powerful strength shown by Yume Shiguro is undoubtedly a reinterpretation of the Yume clan.

Perhaps in the past many years, there will never be another member of the Yume tribe who has reached his level. The later generations of Yume Shino, Yume Take Root and others are not in the same order of magnitude as Yume Shiguro.

Even though Yume Togen is the son of Yume Shiguro, the situation will not change in the slightest, because this is the difference between a genius and a mortal.

Knowing that Yuu Zhihei was about to reach the limit, Lei Luo raised his watch again and looked at it: a minute and a half had passed, and it was still three and a half minutes away from the 5 minutes given by Yuu Zhihei.

"I'm preparing a technique, a technique that can cause a lot of damage to the three tails."

After a brief explanation, Lei Luo put down his watch, then turned his head slightly, and looked at You Nv Zhihe seriously for a moment, as if he was remembering the other person's face.

But soon, Lei Luo withdrew his gaze and conveyed his order lightly:
"For a while, you wait for my signal, let your worms expose Sanwei's head, lest I chop it crookedly."

"Splitting?" Hearing this, a look of astonishment flashed across Younv Zhihei's face, but before he could say anything, Lei Luo's figure flashed and disappeared in place in an instant. When he reappeared, there were already hundreds of meters away.

"Oshemaru, Rashomon, on the edge of the battlefield."

Using perception ability to search for the chakra location of Orochimaru, and then time fluctuations to convey information, although there are only three key words this time, Lei Luo believes that Orochimaru can understand what he means.

Sure enough, three huge portals suddenly stood up from the area around Jifu and Wanshe, and soon reached a height of tens of meters.

"Actually, I only need one..."

He muttered indifferently, and Lei Luo's figure flickered again and again, bringing up a long series of afterimages, like a whistling gust of wind, across the dense forest.

In less than ten seconds, Lei Luo crossed a distance of several kilometers and stepped directly on the door frame of a Rashomon.

After that, he continued to swoop upwards without stopping, and reached the top of Rashomon in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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