Chapter 175 Treatment
In the sunny afternoon, it is still the small forest.

Lei Luo and Yuko stood facing each other, and their eyes met at this moment.

The former has a serious expression and serious eyes, as if he doesn't intend to let go of a slight change that will happen in a while.

The latter has a gentle attitude, calm eyes, and a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he is extremely confident in his abilities.

"Then, let's begin."


After the short conversation ended, Yuko raised her hands and made a mudra, which seemed to be a different mudra from the conventional ones, and did not belong to any of the twelve mudras.

The palms of both hands are clasped, the thumbs are against each other, the knuckles of the other four fingers are bent, and they are tightly interspersed with each other. Lo's direction.

'This print...'

The handprint made by Yuko is extremely complicated, and Lei Luo has never seen this handprint before, even if he has never heard of it, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought for a while.

Information from his previous life told him that the founder of the ninjutsu system was Sage of the Six Paths, that is, Otsuki Hagoromo.

But the ninjutsu of the six paths cannot be mastered by ordinary people because it needs blood support.

Therefore, his son Yinduoluo took a different approach and created twelve handprints to flexibly mobilize the chakra in the human body, and finally form physical or spiritual interference with the outside world-that is, conventional ninjutsu.

The emergence of ninjutsu broke the pattern of the samurai system monopolizing the world's military power, and enabled ninjas to complete professional sublimation in the true sense.

Lei Luo believes that the reason why ninjas are stronger than samurai is because ninjas can use ninjutsu, but in essence, the twelve mudras created by Yindra are at work.

Starting from the Ziyin and ending with the Haiyin, these twelve seals are a kind of tool, and the tools for efficient use of Chakra can be regarded as the key to truly unlocking supernatural power.

Without this tool, the ninja would not be much stronger than the samurai. After all, the latter is not without chakra, nor will it be able to use it. This can be seen from the samurai of the country of iron.

The only thing that samurai is weaker than ninja is that their use of chakra is too inefficient. Whether it is chopping or slashing, even if chakra is carried in the attack, it is only a relatively superficial skill and completely unsystematic.

The chakra era is coming, but the warriors have not completed the construction of the relevant system, which is the real reason for their elimination.

However, the system... Lei Luo stared intently at Yuko from the first seal to the next one, which was still extremely complicated, and continued in his heart:
"What Yuko is using now doesn't seem to be the existing ninjutsu system, what she uses is an unheard of knuckle rule. '

'Could this be... the technique that goes with the shadow of the heart? '

'But who created this rule?Where did Yuko learn this way of printing? '

Thinking back and forth, Lei Luo only felt that there were more and more questions in his heart, but before he could figure it out, a faint light came into his eyes.

With a sudden shock, Lei Luo came back to his senses and stared straight ahead without blinking: Yuko was surrounded by thick rays of light, and his figure gradually blurred.

The light was a bit similar to sunlight, Lei Luo only felt that his body was warmed by the light, which made him uncomfortable, but he didn't focus too much on himself, but put all his mind on Yuko's side.

With the passage of time, Yuko's figure has completely disappeared, leaving only clusters of dense light in place, emitting endless beams of light.

Subconsciously narrowing his eyes, Lei Luo was taken aback for a moment, because although the light from Yuko's body was frighteningly bright, it was surprisingly not dazzling.

Blinking his eyes again, Lei Luo first looked at Yuko who was completely shrouded in brilliance, and then scanned the surroundings a little bored, wanting to see what impact this technique had on the outside world.

The trees were clearly visible, and the autumn leaves above were still swaying in the wind. It seemed that they were not affected by the strong light in the field at all, and everything was as it was before.

No anomalies... This is precisely the biggest anomaly, because it does not conform to physical phenomena.

After a while, Lei Luo didn't notice anything, but just as he was about to give up, but didn't want to, when his eyes inadvertently crossed the ground, he froze again.

Just because, under his feet, two shadows appeared at the same time.

The two shadows, one in front and one in the back, are all clearly visible, one pointing at Yuko's side, and the other stretched behind him.

Looking up at the sky, Lei Luo noticed that the sun was westward, and the sun was hovering behind his head at this moment.

That is to say, the shadow in front of him is reflected by sunlight, and the one behind him should be the realization of Yuko's ability.

"Where there is shadow, there must be light, and where there is light, there must be shadow. Yuko's ability is called the shadow of the heart by her..."

"Does this mean that the shadow behind me is the shadow reflected by my spirit under the influence of Yuko's light?" '

'The projection of the mind, that is, the shadow of the heart, so it is. '

At this moment, Lei Luo finally had a clear understanding of Yuko's ability, but before he could think about it deeply, he suddenly felt itchy in his brain.

Or maybe it wasn't the brain, but his spirit.

With a heartbeat, Lei Luo closed his eyes, recalling the feeling of entering the spiritual space last time, and then began to accumulate consciousness, quickly expanding his thoughts, thinking about entering the spiritual space again.

Nothing unexpected happened. After being in a trance for a while, Lei Luo opened his eyes again, and his surroundings had turned into a vast spiritual ocean, and his body had also turned into a spirit body emitting faint traces of fluorescence.

Turning his head, Lei Luo noticed wisps of warm light shining in from behind and casting on his spiritual body, while a dark shadow emerged from under his feet, extending to the boundless distance.

After carefully observing the surrounding situation, Lei Luo felt that he didn't know why, so he simply withdrew his attention and focused his eyes on his spirit body.

The itchy feeling filled his whole body. He raised his hand and noticed that drops of liquid were oozing from the palm of his hand. When he moved his gaze down, there was a tendency that every part of his body was about to be melted.

It is obviously a spiritual body of nothingness, but it presents a physical phenomenon like a candle.

Lei Luo felt a little strange, but when he noticed that the outside light was getting stronger and the shadow area under his feet was getting wider and wider, he realized:

'It's the temperature... Yuko's technique can emit a certain kind of light that heats up the soul and melts it. '

Glancing at the gray air currents around him again, Lei Luo couldn't help but continue to analyze: "The power of time didn't defend like last time, is it because I wasn't attacked?" '

'But... What kind of standard is this discrimination mechanism based on? '

The strength of the external energy?Is it malicious?Or in other words, through some degree of perception?
Although Lei Luo has used the power of time in his body for so long, he actually doesn't know much about it. He doesn't know why this power chose him, and he doesn't know whether it is related to time travel.

In short, this power is full of mysteries, Lei Luo is becoming more and more inseparable now, especially after the awakening of time, he feels more and more powerful of the power of time.

It is simply not the same dimension as the ninjutsu chakra system.

After feeling a lot of emotion, Lei Luo calmed down and silently felt the feeling of sunbathing the spirit body, and didn't think about anything for a long time.

In this way, in the tranquil spiritual space, Lei Luo's spirit body was continuously melted, and its volume also decreased at an undetectable speed. All the subtle changes and a series of subtle reactions occurred without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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