Chapter 172 Plan
On the paper in his hand, there are two strange ninja swords drawn, which were drawn by Kyosuke based on his memory.

Lei Luo looked at it for a while, quickly searched the corresponding information in the past life memory, and quickly came to the conclusion: long knife sewing needles, and explosive knife droplets.

'Unfortunately, it's not Lei Daoya. 'The first thought that flashed through Lei Luo's mind was such a slightly regrettable thought.

The chakra metal long knife given by Danzo was unknown after all. After using it for more than a month, Lei Luo felt more and more that this knife was not worthy of his identity.

Although he doesn't know any sword skills, and the function of any famous sword in his hand is simply to be used to abuse food, but this does not hinder his desire to get a famous sword to wear with him.

After all, it is also a rare "resource".

As for the seven Ninja Swords in the hands of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Lei Luo's favorite is Lei Daoya.

It's not for anything else, it's just because Lei Daoya matches his attributes, if he uses Thunder Escape Ninjutsu, it must be able to achieve a complementary effect.

Although this is just a guess, just an unfounded delusion, just an unreasonable inference, but Lei Luo thinks so, who made Lei Daoya's name include the word "雷"?
For Lei Luo, this is enough.

The momentary thoughts fell, Lei Luo became more serious, and began to recall the opponent's information: there are seven Ninja Swordsmen, in this generation... the user of the needles is Kuri Sara Kushimaru, and the user of the spray is Murashi Jinhachi.

The former is a long-haired gay guy who wears a mask all day long and speaks in a high-pitched voice, while the latter is a grumpy old man with a beard and a very fierce face.

Unexpectedly, the two have a long history of forming a team, not only forming a team during their lifetime, but also forming a team after death.

The reason why such a sentence came out was because Lei Luo suddenly remembered the Four Wars of later generations:
The two were reincarnated from the dirt, and aggressively chopped melons and vegetables in the ninja alliance, and then they were quickly cleaned up by Kakashi and Kai.

If you just look at their strength in the state of dirty soil, Lei Luo feels that Li Sage Kushimaru and Wuli Jinpachi are not his opponents at all, and they should be able to solve one at a time.

However, after being hit by the Kato Duan incident, Lei Luo became somewhat more cautious, and had to consider as carefully as possible when making a plan, so as to avoid such bullshit accidents as "exploding seed" and "not falling in seconds".

The first is perception and concealment, which needless to say.

Followed by close and explosive, regular assassin play.

The last is touch and deceleration, the most efficient spike technique.

These three tricks are Lei Luo's so-called "Second Killing Routine".

Although it is simple and rude, if the enemy does not know his information, and then incorporates the newly awakened time into it...

Lei Luo believes that in the case of a sudden surprise attack, 90.00% of the ninjas in the ninja world cannot escape his poisonous hands.

Position is the key, and distance is the key. Lei Luo must ensure that before the end of the time cut, he can get close to the face of one of them, then make up for the supersonic strike, and finally slow down.

Therefore, the importance of the environment also needs to be included in the calculation. After all, he cannot interfere with foreign objects during the time-deletion process. If there are obstacles, he can only "look at the ocean and sigh."

There is also the number of onlookers, which must also be strictly controlled at a low number:

For one thing, he didn't want too many people to realize what it felt like when time was eliminated, so as to avoid leakage of time-deleted information.

Secondly, he did not have official permission for this attack. Konoha had just ceased fighting with Kirigakure a few months ago, but he turned his head and killed Kirigakure's elite...

Lei Luo has no doubts about the intelligence capabilities of Da Ninja Village. As long as he does it himself and does not eliminate all insiders, then this news will be placed on the tables of Mizukage and Hokage sooner or later.

Although it will be known sooner or later, the key to determining the speed of news spread is the number of people. This is the conclusion drawn through the most superficial probability calculation.

As long as the number of insiders is strictly controlled, Lei Luo believes that he can stay in the country of tea for a while until the hidden danger of the soul is cured, and that is enough.

After returning to Konoha, Lei Luo didn't think that Danzo, who was clearly a hawk, would turn against him because of this kind of thing, but Danzo would not turn against him, and Hiruza Sarutobi would never touch him in order to maintain stability.

This is the benefit of having a high-level cover.

As for Wuyin Village's opinion... Anyway, Lei Luo only planned to kill two "ninja knives" this time, wouldn't he give them back the remaining five?
If this is not enough, then fight with him and Konoha, or even engage in war blackmail, then fight...

When the time comes, Lei Luo will definitely be the first to attack Mizukage, leaving a lesson that he will never forget.

After all the plans were made, Lei Luo threw the paper in his hand aside, and asked Kyosuke who was sitting across from him, "When is your next meeting?"

Kyosuke looked a little nervous, and timidly glanced at Yuko and Anna on the left and right, and then replied cautiously:
"It's at the end of this month, five days from now."

"Every once in a while, the two of them would come over and say they wanted to check on our progress."

"I came here to look for you this time, and I came out while they were away. The risk not small."

Lei Luo was not in a hurry to say anything, but first glanced at Yuko, and after seeing the latter nodded slightly, he said:

"After five days, you lead them to an open place, and be careful not to have too many people around."

"When the time comes, you don't want to bring too many subordinates, but you also have to bring them, so as not to arouse their suspicion."

"I don't need to worry about the rest of the matter, you just need to prepare the reward."

After finishing speaking, Lei Luo raised his hand, "Okay, you can go."

Kyosuke stood up with a tangled face, walked out the door step by step, turning his head three times, his figure gradually disappeared from the sight of the three present.

Picking up an exquisite pastry on the table, Lei Luo stuffed it into his mouth without poise, chewed it twice, and swallowed it into his stomach.

Then, he picked up a teapot, stuffed the spout into his mouth, and drank it.

This scene made Yuko on the side frown, and couldn't help complaining: "Lei Luo, I think you look like a starving ghost reincarnated. How long have you not eaten?"

Glancing at Yuko coldly, Lei Luo had no intention of responding to him, and continued to eat two glutinous rice balls the size of eggs.

After chewing, Lei Luo exhaled slowly, leaned back weakly on the chair, and at the same time raised his legs subconsciously.

It seemed that it was a little inappropriate to put his feet on the table, Lei Luo stopped the movement in time.

Noticing that Yuko and An Nai's eyes were getting more and more wrong, Lei Luo gave the two women an angry look, and said slowly:
"I haven't felt so relaxed in a long time..."

(End of this chapter)

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