Chapter 1294 Onslaught
"The Ring of Mobius!" Lei Luo paused to retreat, and when Brahma chased within tens of thousands of kilometers, he raised his two fingers premeditatedly and released this ultimate high-latitude control technique.

Withdrew hundreds of light years, fighting and retreating all the way, he has figured out the information of Brahma's ability, and there is no need to run anymore, he will go all out to fight back fiercely, and smash that shit big tube wood patriarch on the opposite side .

A group of colorful turbid substances drilled out of the fingertips, and in just a short moment, they collided with the oncoming Brahma and the endless white line waves, forming a complex and chaotic corridor of time and space.

However, the Mobius ring only lasted for two seconds before it shattered. Brahma seemed to be stunned for a moment, but he quickly recovered and continued to charge Lei Luo. The surrounding white lines also surrounded him, intending to crush him For the powder.

The distance from the high speed was shortened, and the distance between the two sides was only 10km in an instant.

Lei Luo expected that the ring of Mobius would not be able to trap Brahma for a long time. Fortunately, the two-second buffer had been fully utilized by him, and he grabbed it with one hand, and decisively used another ultimate move, covering the area where Brahma was. The whole space.

"Handle Sumeru!"

The high-dimensional energy invaded rapidly, and a radius of hundreds of miles was hit by dimensionality reduction. Whether it was the surrounding planets, meteorites, or the target Brahma, they were all inevitably compressed into a thin layer of two-dimensional matter.


In the next instant, the two-dimensional scroll suddenly became blurred, and the lights and shadows of various colors on the screen flickered, and then there was a series of chirping sounds, and white light spots gushed out from the inside as if piercing the paper, shooting towards Lei lo.

With future vision in advance, Lei Luo avoided the white dot in time and saw Brahma coming out of the hole in the two-dimensional plane, followed closely by leading the white line ocean, so he used another surefire move. Killing skills.

"Time Split!"

"String pressure!"

"Gamma-ray burst! Helium flash!"

"String solution!"

"Unified Field Shock!"

"String solution!"

All kinds of tricks were thrown out within a few seconds. Lei Luo and Brahma fought at high speed, attacking and defending each other. Generally speaking, Lei Luo had the advantage in speed. While avoiding the white line waves, he was fighting against Brahma, but he couldn't break the defense.

The whole scene was like meteors colliding with lightning, and the unknown solar system as the battlefield soon exploded with a supernova, and the fiery red scorching energy was everywhere, dyeing the entire galaxy into day.

However, even if the sun exploded, energy collapsed, and time and space were cut off, it would not have the slightest impact on the fight between Lei Luo and Brahma. These two powerhouses in the universe are already truly popular at this time Eye.

As more and more stellar energy was liberated from Lei Luo's body, gamma-ray bursts swept across all directions again and again, and the entire galaxy was left with nothing but high-density nuclear energy like clumps of paste.

On the opposite side, Brahma is also increasing the number of strings without hesitation. These mysterious substances that constitute the basic unit of the universe are either stabbed or swept, or cut or strangled, like a group of demons dancing wildly, destroying all matter and energy.

In this way, collisions, frictions, shocks, violent energy fluctuations spewed out crazily, spread to the surrounding galaxies, detonated three more suns, and accidentally destroyed an unknown civilization.

The aftermath will shoot into the distance even more quickly, or after thousands of years, it will form a spectacular meteor shower, for countless alien beings to watch, and in this situation, gradually...

Time and space are distorted, broken, reconstructed, and collapsed, one after another small wormholes are formed one after another. The two ignore the surrounding scenes, and while fighting fiercely, they shuttle into an unknown world one after another in no particular order.

It is snowing heavily, the cold wind is raging, and the western-style castle is located on the top of the mountain. This is a world of sword and magic. As for which universe it is in?Which galaxy?what time?Which higher civilization territory does it belong to?

Lei Luo didn't have time to think about these questions, and Brahma didn't bother to think about them. After landing from the space-time tunnel that exploded in the void, the two still maintained the trend of the previous moment, continuing the high-intensity battle without stopping.

In just a split second, the fiery red sun rose on the surface of the earth, the dazzling light fell straight down, the wind and snow stagnated, the earth's core burst, the continent collapsed, most of the ocean evaporated in an instant, countless high mountains and huge rocks rose from the ground, and then all turned into ashes .

In the next moment, a long line split from the center of the planet, but just as it was about to officially declare its destruction, the flames disappeared, the white light disappeared, and the world suddenly calmed down.

On the deserted wasteland, a middle-aged man dressed as a knight slowly supported the hot ground with his remaining arms, raised his head to look at the sky, looked at the chaotic dark clouds, and muttered to himself:

"Lord, do you bring disaster because we are not pious enough?"

On the other side, Lei Luo stepped out of the wormhole, let go of Brahma's neck in the nick of time, backed away quickly, and hid five seconds ago, avoiding the opponent's punch that was close at hand, and then traveled back to avoid a time-traveling punch. Shot strings.

Without any nonsense, the two-dimensional palm knife slashed out, and the battle continued.

As for just now?Why was the world on the brink of destruction suddenly spared the final blow at the last moment?The reason is very simple, just because Lei Luo just noticed the crowd, and then...

Then he took Brahma's fierce attack, grabbed the opponent's neck, activated the paradox engine to open the wormhole, and both of them traveled to another world line, which saved that world from the disaster of extinction.

It's not pity, it's not sympathy, it's just habit.

The unified field unfolded, briefly resisting the string pressure for a moment, and then smashed into dregs. Lei Luo instinctively turned sideways, and at the same time dodging, shot a gamma ray burst, which hit the afterimage of Brahma, and the aftermath shattered two distant planets.

next second...

The white spots flashed across the corridor from the blind spot on the side, rushing towards him like a tide, Brahma's high-dimensional attack "string rhythm" had already struck, Lei Luo raised his hand without thinking about it and cast "Hand Sumi", which perfectly counteracted the wave of trying to make himself Dimensional energy.

Pieces of quantum foam flew up, wrapped in hundreds of highly condensed unified field forces, and blasted away the surrounding mesh strings. As soon as Brahma appeared, he was hit by continuous force field bombs and flew straight. Walk.

One, two... Brahma leapt across dozens of planets, and when he stopped, Lei Luo teleported over, punching super-light-speed heavy punches without stopping, all hitting Brahma's head and chest.

Not a moment after the fight, several wormholes burst out, and Brahma fell into it unnoticed. Seeing this, Lei Luo prepared the paradox engine, and chased after him without hesitation. Ten helium flashes entered the state of gaining momentum .

In the world of Xianxia, ​​when the two left, the continent turned into an archipelago. If the next wormhole didn't open quickly, the center of the earth on the opposite side of the passage was ejected into space, and the uninhabited planet full of flames might be its final outcome.

(End of this chapter)

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