Chapter 1274 Discussion
"The devil fruit I ate in the restaurant was the main cause of my defeat. They then attacked me with a sea stone weapon, which made me exhausted and unable to exert energy at all. In the end, the combat power was greatly reduced, and the defeat was defeated. captured."

Speaking of this, Bing spread his hands, showing a little helplessness and a little anger. The way the revolutionary army poisoned was to slice the devil fruit into thin slices, hide it in the fruit salad, and use the waiter's cover to serve it up in a grandiose manner.

Originally, the revolutionary army thought that Bing was a person with the ability to freeze fruits, and sent the "second devil fruit" in order to poison her to death, but Bing did not die, so Duorag and others had no choice but to fight. its captives.

With such a defeat, Bing would naturally not be convinced. Before the situation was urgent, it was too late to say more, but now that he was out of danger, he could not help complaining, scolding Drago for his incompetence and being a despicable person.

Although Lei Luo really wanted to say, "You're stupid, who's to blame?", but now that parting was imminent, he suppressed the urge to complain, and asked instead, "So, you've gained a new ability?"

"Well, it's useless." Bing raised her hand, and a few light blue bubbles appeared in her palm, floating in front of Lei Luo. She said depressingly, "It's called Bubble Fruit, and it can only be used to amuse children."

Looking at those few dangling bubbles, Lei Luo couldn't help smiling, forced his smile back, and replied calmly: "It seems that you have no luck to enjoy the fruit of time, what a pity."

After chatting here, the white clone had already opened a wormhole and arrived. Lei Luo stopped talking with Bing when he saw this, and gave the white clone five time fruits. After giving some instructions, the research on analyzing the devil fruit was officially put on the agenda .

"The power of faith has reached a bottleneck in the current world line, and I'm about to go to the new world." The white avatar briefly told Lei Luo about his situation, then took out a ring and handed it over .

"Gravity seeds, you understand."

Lei Luo put away the ring, nodded, and looked at Bing again: "Bing, let's leave it alone, the white clone has a lot of precious resources, and whether you can get enough benefits depends on how you get along with her. "

Bing stared carefully at the white clone for a while. Every time she saw this familiar face, she felt a little unhappy in her heart, but with the relationship between the two parties today, there was no need to entangle them.

For 30 years in the Ninja World, Lei Luo didn't care about what she did to the Land of Fire, and she shouldn't care about the misfortune that her niece suffered. With the two people's vision and vision, there are some things that don't need to be said. .

From enemies at the beginning, to sympathetic opponents, to trusted companions, Bing and Lei Luo have experienced too much.


Averting his eyes from the white clone, Bing turned around, took a last look at Lei Luo, and then walked into the wormhole, and before leaving, he left a last faint voice: "Lei Luo, don't die!" .”

Looking at the disappearing wormhole, Lei Luo stayed where he was for a while, let out a long breath leisurely, and said to himself with a smile: "This relationship is really wonderful, and the unpredictable changes in fate are really puzzling."

After the gossip was over, after sending Bing away, Lei Luo felt less scruples and felt a lot more relaxed. Although in order to take care of Bing's face, he never took the initiative to say anything to him, but Bing...

It has indeed become a burden, completely unable to cope with today's battlefield.

For the rest of the journey, let him go alone.

This is not only for your own good, but also for the good of Bing.

It took a few minutes, and through continuous quantum entanglement, Lei Luo quickly caught up with Luo Hou, who was still traveling at sub-light speed. When he noticed Lei Luo approaching from behind, he said without turning his head:

"Your concubine is too weak, she should have been sent away long ago."

"I'll say it again, Bing has no relationship with me."

Luo Hou turned his head to the side and slowed down slightly, Gu Jing Wu Bo said: "In your eyes, what does the relationship between a man and a woman refer to? Obtaining spiritual comfort? Desiring to reproduce? Or...seeking the pleasure engraved in the genetic code? "

Inexplicably, Lei Luo saw a faint shadow of Alaya on Luo Hou's body. The two people's thinking patterns were somewhat similar, which made him very unhappy, so he replied decisively: "I don't want to discuss these issues with you."

"That woman's name is Bing, right? I can feel that when you're with her, your mood swings change a lot, which shows that you care about her and meet the standard for getting along with a spouse."

Lei Luo was completely speechless to Luo Hou. He really didn't know when the Longevity Seed would become so gossip.

"Together with that kind of trash woman, your eyes..."

"It's really underwhelming."

Lei Luo's complexion was not good. He heard the meaning of Luo Hou's words, and he couldn't help retorting in a cold voice: "Ice really can't get into your eyes, but no matter what, she is also a leader in the ninja world, an opponent I recognize, deserves to be respected.”

"As an aborigine, an ordinary blood-following ninja, he can grow to the sixth level, even slightly stronger than Kaguya... If the two of you exchange, I don't think you can do better than her."

"Six levels? What is the classification standard?" Luo Hou asked suspiciously. Seeing that Lei Luo didn't intend to answer, but just stared at himself, he smiled indifferently, and continued following the topic:
"Your assumption is not valid at all. Everyone's birth environment and growth environment are different. Self-righteous comparison is just the most worthless psychological comfort for the weak, and..."

"I have no intention of arguing with you. What I want to say is just about the concept of choosing a spouse. If you don't want to hear it, I don't have to say it." Luohu's reaction proved that he didn't mean to be provocative. Original heart.

Nature, approximately equal to small talk.

Lei Luo resisted the displeasure in his heart, took a deep breath, and asked back: "So, what is your criteria for choosing a mate? Since you said that I have no vision, you must explain your "high opinion"?"

At this point, whether Bing is his concubine or not is no longer important, Lei Luo is very curious now, with Luo Hou's life level, in his eyes, what kind of woman is not "garbage"?
Earth-shatteringly beautiful?Overwhelming country and city?still is……

"You'll be able to see her soon." Luo Hou smiled slightly, with an unprecedented gentleness on his face, which made Lei Luo stunned. It took him a while to react, and asked:


"She's a sweeper just like me, and you've heard her name before." Luo Hou paused when he said this, and Lei Luo subconsciously continued, "Pozhi?"


(End of this chapter)

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