Chapter 1240 Settings
Glancing at the back of Sai's complacent and drifting away, Lei Luo pursed his lips and muttered a few words with a strange expression on his face, while the white clone rested his forehead and sighed, as if feeling very helpless.

"I didn't expect that your charm is so great."

"Look at that guy, he almost lost his soul."

After a while, Lei Luo shifted his gaze and looked at the white clone amusedly, who immediately replied blankly: "You are me, and I am you. Is this something to be happy about?"

Sensing a tinge of unhappiness in Baifen's body and mind, Lei Luo stopped smiling and said in a low voice: "When the battle is over, you can just create a projection for him to play with, isn't that all right?"

"Don't tell me, you still have mental cleanliness."

The white clone snorted coldly, and didn't know if he listened or not.

Under the two-in-one structure, Lei Luo has a clear grasp of the mentality of the white avatar. He knows that the other party doesn't really care about such trivial matters, but he is somewhat disgusted by the main body's teasing of her.

Skimming this topic hastily, Lei Luo thought about the last conversation between Sai and the white clone, and couldn't help asking curiously: "By the way, what's the matter with the weak gravitational seeds you two just talked about?"

Bringing up the business, the white avatar immediately changed his expression, and explained seriously: "This is the research result of the database, called data addition. Of course, you can also simply understand it as the realization of fantasy."

"Remember that ring? That's the Power Seed."

As the key item to control the strong interaction force, Lei Luo naturally remembers very clearly. The so-called "seed" has the same effect as it does now, and can grow with the growth of his strength, but...

"This thing can be made at will, can you have as many as you want?"

Seeing Lei Luo's astonished expression, the white clone sighed softly, and envy flashed in his eyes: "If there are enough information strips, it really doesn't make sense to have as many as you want."

"The database is shrouded in many mysteries. Although Sai is a mortal in essence, and his strength is only about Kage-level, he has mastered the power of the Creator. It is really incomprehensible."

"This..." Lei Luo frowned and muttered. The white avatar felt the thoughts in his mind, and shook his head slowly: "I don't know how many related experiments have been done over the years, but unfortunately the principle has not been understood yet."

"I know what you think, but my suggestion..." After a pause, the white avatar deliberately emphasized his tone: "It's better not to be rough on Sai. A cooperative relationship like the one now is very good."

Lei Luo closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then nodded silently. He believed in the judgment of the white clone. The matter of killing chickens and taking eggs was not taken by a wise man. Since Sai is still under control, there is no need to be too greedy and take too radical measures means.

He still understands the reason why too much is too late.

After the thought was settled, Lei Luo's face was relieved a lot. The white avatar sensed his mood swings and breathed a sigh of relief. She was most afraid that the main body would be too greedy and eat Sai's skin and bones. In that case...

If it succeeds, it’s okay, if it fails...

The loss is simply incalculable.

"Ontology, you have grasped the electromagnetic force yourself, and now you have mastered the strong interaction force. When Sai gets out the weak force and gravitational seeds, maybe you can prepare for the practice of the unified field."

Seeing that the white avatar said the truth, Lei Luo couldn't hide his confusion, so he asked directly: "Unified field? Are you referring to... the unification of the four major forces? Can the four major forces really be unified?"

The four fundamental forces of the universe are the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and the gravitational force. In Lei Luo's previous life, many scientists were studying the properties of these four fundamental forces. Some people also proposed the concept of "unified field".

However, the so-called unified field is just a concept after all, and Lei Luo still doesn't know the answer to whether this scientific concept can be successfully realized no matter how much he searched for previous life knowledge.


The white avatar nodded without hesitation, with an expression full of affirmation. Without waiting for Lei Luo to ask, he quickly added with bright eyes: "The power of the unified field, according to Sai, can indeed manifest seeds through the database, but... "

"That requires a progress bar of around 90 percent."

Always listening to the white avatar talk about the progress bar, Lei Luo finally couldn't help but said: "The progress bar of emotion can really shape everything in the world out of thin air? Can even matter like a black hole be created?"

"Yes, about 93%."

Lei Luo was completely speechless, and only felt that the more he listened, the more nonsense became. The white avatar took the trouble to explain in detail. In short, the essence of the database is not only evolution, but also "authority", and even more "setting".

Setting is not to use the rules, not to understand the rules, nor to understand the rules, but to directly define the rules. If the information bar accumulates to full value, Sai can even modify a certain physical constant to change the laws of the universe.

The speed of light, the magnitude of gravitational force, the half-life of atoms, the curvature of space, the scale of time...everything has the possibility of modification. This is the law of "modification" among the four functions of "addition, deletion, modification and checking".

Of course, with this level of ultimate power, Sai himself, even if he continues to work hard for tens of thousands of reincarnations until the earth is destroyed naturally, he still can't touch it, because every time the progress bar increases by one percentage point...

The amount of information required begins to double layer by layer.

An aborigine who has never left the earth, no matter what, would not be able to obtain such a huge amount of information. If it hadn't been for the efforts of the clone for so many years to instill knowledge frantically, it would be a daydream for Sai to produce powerful seeds.

As for the unified field, don't even think about it.

Even if there is a white avatar, she can't get the seeds of the unified field. After all, it took her ten years just to exchange the powerful seeds, and the progress bar demand is increasing exponentially, the unified field...

It's really not as good as self-cultivation.

"Do you understand now? Why should I go far and wide to collect seeds one by one, instead of doing it in one step and letting you master the unified field?" At this point, the white avatar spread his hands, with a helpless expression on his face.

Lei Luo stroked his chin. He understood it this time. After excluding the series of complicated calculations and analysis, according to his understanding, it is probably: in the future, in addition to self-cultivation, the improvement of strength should also feed Saii. Bar?

"He's really an out-and-out tool man."

Inexplicably, Lei Luo feels like he is playing a game now. Although Sai is a living body with independent thinking, the relationship between the two parties is like a player and a system.

To put it more vividly, Saii is like an NPC with fixed functions, or even a tree. As long as he and the white avatar keep instilling "fertilizer", they can receive the "fruit" smoothly. This is really... interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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