After the rebirth, Mrs. Shizi, she quit

Chapter 46 46, her brother is warm

Chapter 46 46, her brother is warm

Anger and unwillingness lingered in his heart, if Song Dehu hadn't left their mothers behind, the one with such power would be her son, her grandson.

"Lady Luo called me second grandmother. I am her elder. When she got married, she blatantly changed the groom in the wedding hall, making the entire Zhenguo General's Mansion a joke in the capital city. At this time, she blatantly contradicted her elders. As an elder in the family, I may I can tolerate her a little bit, but she has already married a wife, so can Duke Dingguo tolerate her who has no rules and no respect? I will teach her."

Although he didn't express his anger about the archery incident, what Min Xiangrong said was full of anger, and he didn't mean to cover it up at all, and he had a tendency to vent.

Hearing Min Xiangrong mentioning the remarriage, Song Xiuzhu's eyes couldn't help turning cold again. He was slow to come back, but he still received a lot of news.

"Speaking of the matter of the wedding hall, I have to ask my second grandmother. The Wen family didn't say anything about changing someone to meet the bride. How did the second grandmother watch Yanyan get on the sedan chair? What about the strong bones of my Song family? My Song family took it seriously, what happened to Yanyan changing the groom? It means I didn't make it back in time, otherwise Yanyan wouldn't be able to get on the sedan chair."

As soon as Song Xiuzhu's words wrapped in the bitter wind fell, the already silent courtyard became even more silent.

Song Xiuzhu's words made Song Yanluo look up at him tearfully. Since her rebirth, she has been walking alone. Now that she is so affirmed, Song Yanluo feels extremely wronged.

Sensing the movement, Song Xiuzhu lowered his eyes subconsciously, and Song Yanluo's tearful eyes of grievance just hit his eyes, and his heart stopped when he saw it. He quickly took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and wiped the pimple on her face Tears, "Brother came back late, Yanyan was wronged."

Song Yanluo's tears that had just stopped flooded again, her sore throat was speechless, she just shook her head violently.

"I'm so old, I'm still crying, I'm ashamed." Song Xiuzhu pretended to laugh, but his eyes were full of distress, and at the same time, his heart was filled with coldness. He watched his sister grow up, and he couldn't understand it well. I have never shed tears even after piercing my shoulder blades, and I have never been so fragile.

Song Yanluo's throat was so sore that she couldn't speak, she plunged into Song Xiuzhu's arms again, hugged Song Xiuzhu's waist, feeling his warmth.

Her elder brother is warm and alive, not the lifeless cold corpse, not...

Song Xiuzhu didn't stop Song Yanluo from crying, but patted her on the back again, and looked at Min Xiangrong again, "Second grandmother thinks what I said is right?"

What's right, Min Xiangrong felt that Song Yanluo was absurd enough, but never thought that Song Xiuzhu was even more absurd. This defense was simply unreasonable, but she couldn't have any objections to it. She was forced to be like this by a junior.

"Xiu Zhu, it's not that mother wants to criticize A Luo, it's mainly because A Luo did something to Zhi. It's always inappropriate for a younger sister to do something to her brother."

Seeing that Min Xiangrong was being questioned, Song Rou had no choice but to interrupt with trembling. If she knew that Song Xiuzhu would suddenly appear in such a scene, she would definitely disappear early, but if she didn't know it earlier, she couldn't watch it even if she didn't want to join forces. His mother was dragged down by a junior.

Why didn't Song Xiuzhu see Song Zhicai lying dead on the ground, his eyes were full of knives.

(End of this chapter)

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