After the rebirth, Mrs. Shizi, she quit

Chapter 32 Chapter 32, do you believe what you say in this chapter?

Chapter 32 Chapter 32, can you believe this?

"The second aunt said in front of my husband that I married him because of my temper. Did the second aunt think that I would be in a difficult situation in the future because of what you said? The second aunt doesn't consider my situation so much. Second aunt, why do you say I am You need to consider the situation of the younger sisters? Besides, Second Aunt slaps my husband in the face like this, isn't Second Aunt rude?"

Miao Ya has always been used to her mouth, the point is that Song Yanluo never contradicts her, even if she wants to say something, she will express it implicitly, but she is so blunt like today, that Miao Ya just froze there, a little bit ignorant.

"Sister misunderstood, mother is concerned about you."

"Song Xiangxue, do you believe what you say?"

Song Xiangxue's complexion froze, and she froze there just like her mother Miao Ya, she couldn't help but Song Yanluo had never stabbed her like this before.

The scene became embarrassing because of Song Yanluo's sharp body. As an aunt, Song Rou should say something, but she was afraid that she would be stabbed, so she didn't open her mouth, but she couldn't hold back her mother's winking at her, so she had no choice but to speak in an old-fashioned way.

"What's wrong with A Luo? Could it be that she was wronged in Dingguo's mansion? Mother, you have to make the decision for A Luo."

Song Rou opened her mouth, but threw the question back to Min Xiangrong, which made Min Xiangrong a little dissatisfied, but fortunately, with Song Rou passing the ladder, Min Xiangrong would not lose his status if he spoke again.

"Girl Luo, the woman didn't come home until three days after she got married. You came back the next day, but what wronged you? Tell grandma carefully, so that grandma can make decisions for you."

Min Xiangrong would never slap his second grandmother in the face.

As for yesterday's incident, it's not that Min Xiangrong is not upset, otherwise, people can't spread the word like that, but Dingguo's mansion has accepted it, what can she say, and it's not just right to vacate the position of Shizi Concubine, she But there are quite a few granddaughters, not to mention Song Yanluo, who is a crooked granddaughter.

"I can't talk about grievances. It's just that the maid that my second grandmother gave me slandered me and said that I can't deal with your maid, so I had no choice but to bring someone back for you to deal with. By the way, I was loaned to my second sister's Bi Qiao." Come back, speaking of it, why didn't I see Biqiao, what did you ask my Biqiao to do, Second Sister?"

Song Yanluo's eyes shifted from Min Xiangrong's body to Song Xiangxue's body following the words, especially when she asked the last sentence, Song Yanluo's eyes were as cold as ice cones hanging on the eaves in winter, icy cold, and I couldn't help but look at it shivering.

Song Xiangxue didn't tremble, but felt her blood was frozen, as if standing at the entrance of an alley in winter and being poured with a bucket of cold water, her whole body remained stiff.

"Old madam, old madam, this slave is wronged. It is the young lady who wants to kill the slave, and the slave is begging the young lady not to kill the slave. The servant just passed on your words to the young lady. I beg the old lady for help, I beg the old lady for help..."

Chunhua, who came anxiously along the way, finally seized the opportunity at this moment. She rushed forward and knelt on the ground and began to beg for mercy. It sounded incoherent, but it clearly expressed that Song Yanluo wanted to kill Chunhua because she heard the rumor. This is Min Xiangrong. How can I not be angry.

And Chunhua's howl made Song Xiangxue recover from the eerie sense of terror, there was no glint in Song Yanluo's eyes, but she was still looking at her just now.

"Chunhua, don't talk nonsense, how could my sister kill you just because of the grandmother's message? My sister is not that kind of person, and my grandmother is for her own good, and you are sent by my grandmother to help my sister. Where? Do you want everyone to think that my sister can't refute my grandmother and take it out on you? You're going too far."

(End of this chapter)

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