Chapter 28 28, shivering

The old mammy didn't intend to snatch it either. Seeing the teapot in her hand being taken by Qiuyue, she bowed and stepped back slowly.

As soon as he was about to leave the house, a question came from behind him, "What's your surname?"

An expensive word shows respect, and the old mother's heart was full of ironing, and she immediately turned around and replied respectfully, "Mrs. Hui, the old slave's surname is Xu, and his name is Xu Wenxing, the apricot of Xinghua."

Song Yanluo looked at it for a while, didn't say much, and only responded softly, "Yes."

Xu Wenxing stood for a while, but didn't hear Song Yanluo's order, and immediately bowed and retreated.

As soon as Xu Wenxing left, there were only Song Yanluo and Chunhua Qiuyue left in the room.

Song Yanluo didn't speak, and took a small sip of the tea in the cup, as if she was tasting a fine nectar, and drank very slowly.

Waiting and waiting, waiting and waiting, after waiting for a long time, I saw Song Yanluo drinking tea there, not intending to speak at all, the maid called Chunhua finally couldn't bear her temper and opened her mouth.

"Miss, the old lady has sent a message to you to restrain your temper, saying that women are gentle and gentle, so that you can be loved by your husband, and also let you be scruples about your unmarried sister at home, otherwise you will feel sad if it affects your sister."

The word had been passed on early in the morning, but Chunhua had never had the chance to tell Song Yanluo, and it was only at this moment that she found the opportunity.

Chunhua's voice was neither loud nor soft, at least it reached the ears of the three cleaning people in the yard verbatim.

However, those three people were still doing their own thing, as if they had never heard a word.

Just when Chunhua's words fell, Song Yanluo raised her head slightly and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp, then put the cup in her hand on the table, with a bang, the sound was not too loud, just enough for the tea in this silent room Qiuyue on one side trembled in shock.

But Chunhua, who opened her mouth, didn't tremble in any way, and even had a hint of arrogance on her face.

At this moment, Song Yanluo turned her eyes to look at her, and Chunhua's face froze because of the unexpected light in her eyes, and then she realized that she had nothing to be afraid of being backed by, so she immediately recovered her normal look, and looked at Song Yanluo without any fear.

Song Yanluo didn't speak, just looked at Chunhua like this, Xu felt that it was uncomfortable to tilt her neck like this, so the hand leaning on the table was directly bent and placed on the table, supporting her elbow, with her palm resting on one side of her face, just looking at her like that spring flowers.

This change in posture added a bit of laziness to Song Yanluo, and made Chunhua straighten her waist even more.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...

Suddenly, a plop of a heavy object broke the silence of the entire room.

I saw Chunhua kneeling on the ground trembling all over, the whole body trembling, the piercing pain spread from the knee to the whole body, Chunhua seemed to wake up from a daze, realized that she was kneeling on the ground, wanted to stand up, but It's all weak.

This is what Wen Jinyu saw when she came back. Song Yanluo put one hand casually on her body, rested her elbow on the table with her cheek, and looked at Chunhua kneeling on the ground with her head tilted and her eyes lowered.

Chunhua knelt two feet away from her, shaking and shivering all over, just like the kitten shivering in the corner of the wall after being drenched by the cold rain in winter night.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Song Yanluo lazily raised her eyelids and looked over. Her eyes were dark like a deep pool, and there was still a bit of chill that hadn't dissipated in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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