Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 428 Heavenly Secret Daoist

Chapter 428 Heavenly Secret Daoist
Two hours' drive, half an hour's mountain road, looking up from the mountainside, a cloud-shrouded Taoist temple looms under the moonlight.

That is the Taoist Temple of Qingfeng, where Taoist Priest Tianji practiced.

As early as at the foot of the mountain, Xiao Lang had already asked people about it. In the Taoist temple on the mountain, there was indeed a Taoist Master Tianji, who was a long-lived old man, but no one knew how old he was this year. It is said that in the Republic of China, he It is already in the Taoist temple.

Zeng Yifan stuck out his tongue when he heard it. According to this, this veteran is almost becoming a god.

It had just rained on the mountain, and the path up the mountain was rather slippery. Although Zeng Yifan and the others were fairly steady on their feet, their walking speed was somewhat affected. After walking for half an hour, they had just reached the mountainside and left the top of the mountain. The Taoist temple is still half the way.

"I would have bought a pair of hiking shoes if I had known about it." Zeng Yifan rubbed the soles of his shoes on the rocks, "Climbing the mountain dressed like a dog, I feel like I've eaten too much."

"Who told you to lose your shoes." Mo Rufeng said triumphantly.

At the airport, everyone left their changed clothes and shoes in an inconspicuous place, but he put the changed sneakers and clothes in his bag. It was not that he was reluctant to throw them away, but that he was a big man You can't keep walking in women's clothes.

Facts have proved that there are gains and losses. If it is not necessary to pretend to be a woman, Mo Rufeng would definitely be climbing the mountain in formal attire by stepping on serious leather shoes right now.

Tang Yi and Xiao Lang naturally had muddy feet, and it was really inconvenient to wear leather shoes to climb mountains.

Xiao Lang looked around, got into the nearby woods, and ran out with a bunch of vines after a while.

After cutting off the vines, he got some dry branches and carefully tied them to the soles of the shoes. In this way, the slippery and muddy leather shoes with hard soles became convenient hiking shoes.

Zeng Yifan and Tang Yi also played with their shoes like him, and they walked much more smoothly.In this way, the four of them speeded up and continued to advance towards the top of the mountain with all their strength.

"The Taoist Master Tianji on the mountain must be an expert." As he walked, Xiao Lang suddenly sighed.

"Are you feeling emotional now?" Zeng Yifan smacked his lips, "I heard that he was already emotional when he was over 100 years old."

Xiao Lang chuckled: "It has nothing to do with age, it's the feeling of 'quantity'."

In fact, Tang Yi and Mo Rufeng also felt this way. The closer you get to the Taoist temple, the more you can feel that special "quantity", which is peaceful, quiet, and integrated with the atmosphere of the whole mountain. It is a completely natural feeling. .

When they arrived at the mountain gate, the four of them finally saw the Taoist temple shrouded in clouds and mist. The scale was not large, equivalent to the area of ​​a courtyard house. The mottled brick walls and wooden pillars looked a bit old, and it was difficult to tell when it was built of.

The door of the Taoist temple was open, and there was no movement inside. If it weren't for the big incense burner facing you, which was wafting cigarettes, it would be easy for people to think it was an abandoned temple.

"Climbing the mountain to drink nectar, and walking on the clouds to find immortals. Hehe, the four of you are here to find a poor Taoist?" With a burst of laughter, an old Taoist priest with a sense of immortality came out head-on.

This guy is not tall, a little fat, and his long gray beard almost covers most of his face, only revealing his broad snub nose and piercing eyes.

"Taoist, excuse me." Xiao Lang stepped forward and slightly bowed, "Excuse me, you are the Taoist Master Tianji."

"Hehe, it's Pindao." The Taoist stroked his beard and said, "If Pindao guessed correctly, the four are the people that Brother Cai said."

"Hello, Taoist priest, my master asked us to come to ask the Taoist priest for help." Mo Rufeng said hastily.

"Oh, Brother Cai just explained a little bit, saying that we can see the difference when we meet." Taoist Master Tianji nodded and said, "Please come in and observe first, and what you said can be discussed in a long-term."

Seeing Taoist Master Tianji, Zeng Yifan and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that they have caught up this time.This Tianji Daoist is a fairy, in his hands, Zeng Yifan's divination ability should be restored.

The key is that this time, no one was caught first.It seems that Ding Zhengtao's people were probably the ones who took the lead a few times ago.Only this time, they got rid of him at the airport.

Walking into the temple, Daoist Tianji led the four of them into a room in the west wing, politely gave up their seats, but kept his eyes on Zeng Yifan.

"Master Dao, my friend's six doors were closed due to an accident." As soon as he sat down, Mo Rufeng said, "My master just wants to ask you to help him see if there is a cure."

Taoist Master Tianji nodded with a smile, got up and walked to Zeng Yifan, motioned him to stretch out his right hand, and then placed three fingers on his wrist.

"Well, there is no sense of volume due to the abnormal movement of the six doors." Daoist Tianji raised his brows, "Judging from the reaction in his body, it seems that he has been possessed by evil spirits. Although he has been absorbed and suppressed, there are still some remnants."

The four of them nodded their heads repeatedly, this Taoist Master Tianji was really good, he figured out the root of Zeng Yifan's crux as soon as he came up.

"As the Taoist priest said, he has indeed been hit by evil spirits." Xiao Lang said, "If the Taoist priest can heal him, it will be a merit."

Listening to their conversation, Zeng Yifan murmured in his heart, why does it feel a bit like making a martial arts movie?I'm here to seek medical treatment, but don't make it so polite, it sounds weird.

"Pindao naturally does his best." Taoist Master Tianji said with emotion, "However, the amount of evil is also a calamity. It is good luck to escape, but it is calamity."

As he said that, he asked Zeng Yifan to stand up, and pinched his back a few times, with a gratified expression on his face.

"Although the six gates are temporarily sealed, they still seem to be open." Daoist Tianji smiled, "Pindao has a self-refined elixir, which can ventilate the Qi and smooth the veins. You take it first, wait for half an hour, then Acupuncture should be effective."

As he spoke, he took out a paper package from the wide sleeve of his robe, opened several layers of paper, and revealed two silver-gray pills, and handed it to Zeng Yifan.

Mo Rufeng and the others were secretly happy that the hard work of several days was finally not in vain, and Zeng Yifan's ability was expected to recover.

After taking the pill, Zeng Yifan frowned, and stuffed it into his mouth, with a miserable look on his face.

"Hehe, sit down for a while." Daoist Tianji said with a smile when he saw that he had taken the elixir, "Go get the silver needle."

Said, flicked the sleeves of the robe, turned and walked out the door.

Seeing Taoist Master Tianji leave, everyone turned back to stare at Zeng Yifan, and saw him standing there stupidly, rubbing his neck, as if he was very upset.

"Heh...huh..." Zeng Yifan suddenly heard a strange sound from his throat, Mo Rufeng who was closest to him was startled, Xiao Lang and Tang Yi also hurried over.

"Heh...huh..." I saw Zeng Yifan's face was red and purple, his right hand pinched his throat, and his left hand pointed to his mouth repeatedly, as if he wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Oops, he was choked by the pill." Xiao Lang reacted immediately, dodged behind Zeng Yifan, embraced Zeng Yifan's waist with both arms from behind, and squeezed hard.

"Pfft—" the two pills almost spewed out from Zeng Yifan's mouth just now, flew a long way before landing, Mo Rufeng immediately walked over, took out a napkin to wrap it, and picked it up.

Cough...cough...choking to death...I'm dying. Zeng Yifan squatted on the ground panting, "I almost choked to death with such a big pill and no glass of water." "

Mo Rufeng, who was holding the pill, was a little helpless, and passed the pill over again and said, "You take it first, and when the Taoist priest comes back later, ask him for a glass of water before taking it."

"Let me take it now, I won't do it." Zeng Yifan took the pill, "The taste of this medicine is really choking."

Pa, his hand was slapped suddenly, and the pill in his hand fell to the ground.

"Old Tang, you..." Mo Rufeng exclaimed in astonishment.

It was Tang Yi who knocked out the pill in Zeng Yifan's hand!
If a hope of getting you out of a difficult situation was placed in your hands, and your friends violently made you give it up, wouldn't you be angry?

I believe many people will.

But Zeng Yifan was not angry. When Tang Yi knocked down the pill in his hand, he was indeed a little surprised, but he knew that Tang Yi must have his reasons for doing so.

After knocking down the pill, Tang Yi ignored Mo Rufeng's exclamation, and immediately squatted down, picked up the pill, and carefully sniffed it close to the tip of his nose.

"This pill can't be taken." His tone was very certain, like a doctor admonishing a patient who took medicine indiscriminately.

"Why do you say that?" Mo Rufeng looked very surprised, this is the only clue left by Master that has not been broken, and it is also Zeng Yifan's best hope for recovering his ability.

It's not that he doesn't believe Tang Yi, but he's just a little puzzled. How could Tang Yi say with such certainty that he can't take the pill given by Taoist Master Tianji?
Tang Yi didn't open his mouth to explain, but gently pinched the pill with his fingers, and with just that pinch, the silver-gray pill broke into several pieces, and there was a small pale yellow pill in the middle.

The silver-gray drug coat on the outer layer of the pill has a strong smell of medicinal materials, but the small pale yellow pill in the middle has only a strangely faint fragrance.But Mo Rufeng just sniffed it slightly, and a numb itchy feeling came from the tip of his nose.

"This is Dali Pill!" Mo Rufeng stared at the pill, his eyes full of disbelief, "How could Daoist Tianji use this kind of forbidden medicine?!"

"The medicine coat on the outside is just ordinary medicinal spices and will not interact with Daliwan." Tang Yi said coldly, "Obviously it is used to cover up the smell of Daliwan. As for why you do this, you have to ask Taoist Master Tianji himself gone."

When Daoist Tianji took out the pill, Tang Yi could smell the strong smell on the silver-gray medicine coat. He didn't suspect it at the time, but felt that the smell was too strong.Later, Zeng Yifan choked on the pill, and when Xiao Lang tried to make him spit it out, the pill bumped on the ground, and just like that, Tang Yi suddenly smelled a familiar smell.

When Mo Rufeng picked up the pill and handed it to Zeng Yifan, the smell became clearer. Tang Yi immediately realized that the smell that made the tip of his nose itch was the unique fragrance of Dali Pill, so he took the pill in Zeng Yifan's hand. Pills knocked out.

"When Zeng Yifan spit out the pill just now, a seam was knocked into the outer medicine coat." Tang Yi put away the Dali pill carefully, "If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have discovered that it was Dali pill."

"If Dali Pill is activated, even if the three of us take it together, we may not be able to restrain Zeng Yifan." Xiao Lang, who had been thinking at the side, interjected, "Could it be that the Taoist Master Tianji really intended this?"

Perhaps it was a subconscious reaction, Tang Yi and Mo Rufeng each nodded.

Dali Pill, this is an ancient drug that has been circulated in the geomantic circle. After cultivating a variety of special drugs through secret recipes, it can concentrate and stimulate the key parts of the central nervous system of the human body, which is helpful to stimulate and open the "dead door", so Many practitioners have tried Dali Wan.

But Dali Pill is not a panacea for everything. Its main ingredients are Chinese herbal medicines with strong hallucinogenic effects. After taking Dali Pill, many practitioners have uncontrollable crazy behaviors, and some attack and beat them everywhere. Others, some self-mutilation or even suicide, and some became stupid after being crazy.

Although it has such serious consequences, people often try it desperately. In order to avoid the recurrence of tragedies, Dali Pill has always been listed as a banned drug.

Giving Zeng Yifan the disguised Daoliwan, the intention of Taoist Master Tianji is indeed suspicious, but he was arranged by Cai Wen to treat Zeng Yifan, is there another mystery in this?

Mo Rufeng observed secretly, and there were no strange omens around; Xiao Lang, who bowed his head and fiddled with the abacus, had no clues; Tang Yi folded his arms and seemed to be thinking, and it seemed that there was also nothing of value.

"I can't guess, but I can't guess." Zeng Yifan fell down there happily, "If you have time to worry about it, why don't you just ask that Taoist Master Tianji."

Just as he was talking, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, Zeng Yifan rushed to the door to look around, the one in the blue-gray Taoist robe and Hunyuan scarf was none other than Taoist Master Tianji.

"Tell Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. Everyone, sit down first." Zeng Yifan flashed back, "When he comes, take the opportunity to ask, if something feels wrong."

The three of them sounded reasonable, and immediately sat back in their original positions. As soon as they touched the stool, Taoist Master Tianji came in from the door, and the beard on his face seemed to be much less.

"You..." The Taoist priest looked at the four people in the room suspiciously, "Who are they?"

After he entered the door, Zeng Yifan saw clearly that this Taoist leader was not the Taoist priest Tianji just now, not only did he not have so many beards, but he was also much thinner.The priest was very surprised, and Zeng Yifan and the others were even more surprised. They never thought that things would be like this.

"I'm afraid the four of you were deceived." The Taoist priest sighed, "Tianji Taoist priest passed away three days ago, and the poor Taoist came to take over the management of this Taoist temple."

This was undoubtedly quite unexpected news, but it also made the four of them figure out the mystery just now.The so-called "Tianji Daoist" is a fake, and he gave Zeng Yifan Dali pills to drive him crazy.

It seems that the four of them took another step slower this time.It's just that it's not man-made, but God's will.

"Daozhang, I didn't mean to offend." Xiao Lang said with some concern, "But you said that Daoist Tianji passed away three days ago, which is different from the news we got. Do you have anything to prove? where?"

The Taoist priest looked at him, with a comprehension expression on his face, he waved to the crowd, motioning for them to follow, while he walked out the door.

There is another room behind the west wing. The Taoist priest opened the door. Zeng Yifan and the others saw a figure sitting on the bed in the room, dressed like a Taoist priest.

The room was a bit dark, the Taoist priest entered the room and lit the lamp, bowed to the Taoist priest, turned around and said to Zeng Yifan and the others: "This is the body of Taoist priest Tianji."

Big beard, snub nose, that attire... Zeng Yifan looked a little in disbelief, that this already dismembered Taoist priest was exactly the same as the pretended Taoist priest!
(End of this chapter)

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