Chapter 412
The air strike has been made, and it is too late for Matsumoto Kameda to change his moves, and according to the agreement, he can only attack once, but he cannot let go of this opportunity.

"Ding!" Matsumoto Kameda clenched his wrist, and a rib (a kind of short knife carried by Japanese samurai) popped out from his sleeve, and the sharp edge was facing Zeng Yifan's chest.Judging by the speed of Matsumoto Kameda's downward rush, this rib can completely disembowel Zeng Yifan.

But this was already expected by Zeng Yifan, his feet had already moved half an inch like a shadow, and he would be able to barely avoid the knife.

"Maybe it will take a few more rounds to tell the winner." This idea appeared in the minds of Matsumoto Kameda and Zeng Yifan at the same time.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

At the moment when the ribs brushed Zeng Yifan's chest, Matsumoto Kameda suddenly caught a glimpse of two delicate silver needles shooting into Zeng Yifan's shoulders, and a blue light shone faintly on them.

Zeng Yifan's body shook, and he fell forward slightly. With this leaning, his chest and abdomen were immediately exposed to Matsumoto Kameda's attack.

Seeing that Richa was about to disembowel Zeng Yifan, Matsumoto Kameda suddenly made a strange movement - he punched his right arm with his left hand.With a soft sound of bones, Matsumoto Kameda's right arm was folded and twisted out strangely.In this way, Li Cha could not hurt Zeng Yifan at all.

But Matsumoto Kameda's movements in mid-air were completely out of shape, his body twisted and fell to the ground, his head turned to Zeng Yifan's right side.

However, Zeng Yifan, who escaped from the ribs, suddenly burst out with wild power, and punched Matsumoto Kameda's head with his fist.

"Is it really that extravagant to have a fair fight?" Matsumoto Kameda smiled wryly, and the fists in his eyes gradually enlarged.

In the high-rise building, many sleeping residents were awakened by a beast-like roar.

Some people said that the night wind that night was mixed with a faint fishy smell.

It is also said that the moon that night was red.

There are many kinds of busyness, some busyness will make people feel full, some busyness will make people feel confused, and some busyness will make people feel bored.

Ding Zhengtao doesn't dislike being busy, but the premise is that the result of being busy must bring him some kind of benefit. If not, he will never let himself get caught up in being busy.

But the busyness he faced now not only did not bring benefits, but on the contrary brought him a lot of trouble, and he couldn't get rid of it at all.

In the meeting room of the organizing committee of the conference, a dozen or so supervisors were constantly busy. Computers, telephones, mobile phones...all the communication equipment that can convey information were all in use.Of course, they are not the only ones who are busy, and more supervisors are also busy in various parts of the city at the moment.

"Cai Wen, it must be Cai Wen!" Ding Zhengtao gritted his teeth and hated.

An hour ago, Ding Zhengtao was leisurely watching the information screen sent back by the executive supervisor. It was a wonderful scene of the confrontation between Matsumoto Kameda and Zeng Yifan on the rooftop of a high-rise building.

He didn't care about how the two of them would attack or how to deal with it. In fact, the result of this competition had already been arranged.Zeng Yifan had to lose, because only in this way could Ding Zhengtao explain to those outside dealers.

Only in this way can Ding Zhengtao explain to himself.

What's more, he didn't need to deal with the tricky and rebellious Yi Boer at all, because the game time was about to expire, and he was still sleeping in the room.

Ding Zhengtao smiled triumphantly when he saw that Matsumoto Kameda's rib was close to Zeng Yifan's arm. He knew that this was a crucial opportunity, and Yuan Gang, Yunsan and the others who were ambushing nearby must have also noticed this opportunity.

When it comes to feng shui formations and divination, Yuan Gang is no longer the opponent of Zeng Yifan who has obtained the true teaching of the great way of divination.But when it comes to killing people, Zeng Yifan is far behind.

What's more, Zeng Yifan was still facing a formidable opponent like Matsumoto Kameda, and the timing was so close.

Zeng Yifan is doomed!
Ding Zhengtao took the phone, ready to notify those who were looking forward to the news like him.

But what he never expected was that Matsumoto Kameda gave up this excellent opportunity, and did not hesitate to break off his right hand to avoid Zeng Yifan who was completely defenseless.

"Stupid! Stupid!" Ding Zhengtao slapped the table angrily, and his phone was thrown flying, "This is the spirit of the son of a bitch!"

Blood spattered on the screen, Zeng Yifan's fist hit Matsumoto Kameda's head, the latter was killed on the spot, but Zeng Yifan did not stop, and continued to wave his fist like crazy.The corpse was blown away, Zeng Yifan had no target to attack, he let out a roar, and stared around with eyes that were gradually turning red.

At this time, the screen shakes. It is obvious that the supervisor in charge of monitoring is about to evacuate. Facing the crazy divination master, who dares to stay by his side for a moment longer?

But he was still a step too late, because Ding Zhengtao had already seen Zeng Yifan's expression on the screen, a frenzied expression of finding a prey.

After a messy and disorderly shaking, the picture disappeared, and Ding Zhengtao froze the screen on the last shot - it was an indescribably thick red.

Matsumoto Kameda died and Ebor became the winner.Ding Zhengtao scratched his scalp anxiously, what should we do?If those backstage bosses pursue it, if the Japanese ask the teacher to blame, if...

Ding Dang, following Ding Zhengtao's fidgety movements, there was the sound of metal and jade colliding in his suit pocket. He was taken aback, and subconsciously touched his pocket, it was the key.

Although Ding Zhengtao never knew what kind of treasure this jade key was used to unlock, he did know that it represented the highest power in the divination competition, just like the emperor's jade seal.

Holding the key, Ding Zhengtao's face calmed down, but his eyes kept rolling.

"Power, why did I forget such a good thing?" A sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the following ten minutes, Ding Zhengtao made three calls, three calls that were enough for him to reverse the current situation. He even admired himself a little for being able to come up with such a perfect solution under such circumstances.

The first call was to Xiao Jia, asking him to inform that Zeng Yifan seriously violated the rules in the semi-finals and maliciously killed the Japanese representative, so he was ruled out, and all the supervisors were required to round up with all their strength.Ebor was not eligible for the win due to taking no action during the game.

The second call was to the Japanese Onitsuka faction. Ding Zhengtao heartbrokenly stated how Zeng Yifan despicably framed him and how Matsumoto Kameda was murdered.He apologized on behalf of the divination contest, and reiterated again and again that he will use all his strength to arrest the murderer Zeng Yifan and send him to the headquarters of the Onizuka faction.

The third call was to the top agent of the external gambling bureau. As the general manager of the Global Divination Competition, he announced that Zeng Yifan and Matsumoto Kameda were out of the game, and the gambling game should be operated according to the established odds.

(End of this chapter)

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