Urban Feng Shui Master

Chapter 401 Ask Mi Po

Chapter 401 Ask Mi Po

The corpse is scattered!This was the first thing Cai Wen came up with.

"Look up Maya's background." Cai Wen immediately ordered a supervisor.

However, after looking through all the registration files of the divination contest, only Maya's is missing.Not only that, when Cai Wen checked the database of the entire divination contest, the same situation happened again.

"Maya doesn't have any records." Cai Wen didn't know whether to be surprised or worried.

A man who is completely unrecorded, who perhaps does not belong to the world of geomanticism at all, is involved in this global competition.Whichever way you look at it, it doesn't bode well.

However, the clues were cut off, and even Cai Wen was helpless.

Continue to return to the scene of the Global Divination Competition.

The rematch seemed much simpler than the initial match.There are no complicated mysteries, and there seems to be no danger.Each contestant received a red envelope containing ten yuan.It's simple, use it to make money, the one with the most wins.

That sounds pretty good.Because divination can predict many things, as long as you seize the opportunity, it will definitely not be difficult to earn a vote.

Zeng Yifan doesn't find it difficult either, it's nothing more than not speculating, breaking the law, harming others, taking advantage of the fire, not...

"Life lies in movement, and capital lies in flow." Zeng Yifan leisurely walked on the side of the road, "If you want to make money, you can't wait for the pie to fall from the sky."

He didn't walk around aimlessly, Zeng Yifan was heading towards the west, and the west was for position exchange, the five elements belonged to gold, so it was suitable to seek wealth.Of course, if you can make money just by walking around, the Pacific Ocean should be filled with millionaires in this world.

There is a bustling commercial area nearby, and the streets are as lively at night.It's just that there are often many types of excitement, some are common and some are unusual, just like the one on the corner of the street ahead, it is unusual.

For Zeng Yifan, it has always been a boring thing to join in the excitement and watch something new, but now he just has to care about this unusual excitement.

A group of people gathered around the street corner, pointing and discussing, and some of them sighed with emotion.

Surrounded by it was an old lady with gray hair, wearing a black double-breasted padded jacket, half lying and half leaning against the foot of the wall, counting something with tears and snot in her nose.There were some strange objects around her, including a square wooden board, a small bamboo basket, wooden slippers, a few rough porcelain bottles and jars, and a huge cloth bag.What's even more outrageous is that there is a pool of rice turned upside down on the ground, which is dazzling to the eye.

"What's wrong with the old lady?"

"I don't know. It may be that I lost the money, or it may be that the child was unfilial and ran away by himself."

"It's hard to say, you heard her cry, why shouldn't you ask the sky, shouldn't break the taboo, maybe it's a lunatic."

There are more and more people pointing and commenting, but none of them are willing to help, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Also, who knows what's going on, if the old lady is a liar, you kindly step forward to help her, and she will immediately beat you up and ask for some medical expenses, wouldn't that be making yourself uncomfortable?

Zeng Yifan glanced at the old lady, then turned his gaze to the white rice on the ground, paused for a moment, and immediately pushed through the crowd and walked forward.

"Hey, I'm really nosy."

"Is that the old lady's son?"

"It's okay to look for trouble, just wait to be hacked."

In the gloating words, Zeng Yifan neatly packed up the objects on the ground and put them all in the big cloth bag, but he was careful not to touch the piece of white rice on the ground.

After tidying up, he carried the cloth bag on his back, and helped up the old lady who was still crying wildly, but his way of helping her was very special, he pinched the old lady's pulse gate with his left hand, and put his right hand on the back of her neck .Seeing that there was nothing lively to watch, the crowd of onlookers immediately dispersed. Zeng Yifan helped the old lady stride towards the side street.

Strange to say, with Zeng Yifan's support, the old lady's crying was actually much weaker, and after Zeng Yifan walked a few steps, she was completely silent.It was silent, but the old lady didn't leave, stopped to look around, then stared at Zeng Yifan with indescribable suspicion on her face.

"Boy, who are you?!" The old lady said full of hostility, "How did you get me here?!"

The old lady was completely different from the front to the back, as if the one crying on the ground just now was not her at all, and what she said obviously meant that Zeng Yifan wanted to harm her.

Zeng Yifan didn't explain, didn't speak, took out a small bamboo basket from the cloth bag, swung down and patted hard, a few grains of rice caught in the gaps of the bamboo sticks fell to the ground.

The old lady seemed to be very concerned about the rice grains, and when she saw the ground, she quickly knelt down to pick them up, but as soon as her fingers touched the rice grains, her body shook immediately.

"This rice grain should not belong to you." Zeng Yifan cheerfully handed over the big cloth bag, "This time the divination competition is full of good and evil people, you old man should be careful."

The old lady ferociously picked up the few rice grains, as if she had figured out something, she nodded gratefully at Zeng Yifan, and reached out to take the cloth bag.

"Young man, thank you for your kindness." The old lady said in a quack tone, "If there is a chance, I will definitely repay you."

"Respect the old and love the young, this is a normal thing, don't worry about it when you are old." Zeng Yifan scratched his head.

"I didn't expect such a cruel competition to have such a kind-hearted person." The old lady said with emotion, "It's no wonder that three people in the first group will win."

Generally speaking, when the old lady opened her chatter box, she must be rambling on and on. Zeng Yifan is still in the process of the competition, which sounds like a waste of precious time.

But he listened, and was quite patient.

Like Zeng Yifan, this old lady was also a participant in the divination competition and was assigned to the second group of the preliminary examination.Zeng Yifan didn't know her name, he only knew that others called her "Ask Mi Po".For her, the opponents in this group are not too strong, at least, there is no problem in winning.

The problem lies in the divination that Wenpo is best at - Wenmi.

A common method is to sprinkle a handful of white rice on the table, and then the operator will pat the white rice and say some godly words in his mouth.It is said that it is possible to talk to dead relatives in this way, so some people who believe in this thing will ask the questioner to ask their relatives in the so-called "underworld" about unfinished business.

In fact, most of those who ask for rice are liars. Asking for rice is actually divination, a method of diviners.The rice questioner uses a seven-inch-square wooden board, on which the rice questioner grows himself, and even the bamboo baskets for the rice are woven by the rice questioner himself.

There is a special point here, the wooden board is made of peach wood, because peach wood can help the person who asks the rice to gather "quantity" and improve the accuracy of divination; when growing rice, the person who asks the rice will input his own energy into the rice at each growth stage Some "quantity", the white rice obtained in this way has become a special divination tool; as for the bamboo baskets used to weave purple bamboo, it can form a certain protective effect on the white rice contained in it after special weaving. It can ensure that the "quantity" contained in the white rice will not be easily lost, and it can also prevent the white rice from being disturbed by the external "quantity".

What Po asked Mi Po never expected was that it was the white rice that almost turned her into a crazy woman living on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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