Chapter 161
"Boom boom boom..."

The people in the city suddenly heard an extremely deep voice, the frequency of which was extremely low, as if a heart-wrenching pressure came from a distance, and the pressure became heavier and heavier, and in people's hearts, It makes people feel that they can't help but want to escape, which is a sign of some kind of extreme danger!

"Master..." Zhu Houzhao was very lively at first, and when he heard the voice slowly, he frowned, turned his face and looked at Yang Ling with a pale face.

Yang Ling patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid, I have encountered this kind of scene before. That was the sound when the Mongolian cavalry attacked the pass of Qingquan County."

"What? Our family thinks it's just a deep voice. There's nothing scary about it."

Liu Jin's face was pale and his mouth was still stiff, but Ma Binghuang had already taken a team of slingers who defended the city, and they were all in their positions, making all kinds of preparations. Jiang Bin's face was originally pale, and now Like a piece of blue iron, he was also nervous, and the long knife in his hand was slowly pulled out of its sheath!

That is, the sound of large troops of cavalry running wildly outside the city!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

Now the city has already felt the tremor of the earth, and now almost some people in the city can't stand firm!

Standing on the high city wall and looking down under the brilliance of the stars, my God, there are cavalry soldiers all over the mountains and plains, and they are rolling in black!

"There are thousands of people!"

Even Xu Qi, who has always been calm and unrestrained, screamed out. He really didn't expect that the local horse bandits could gather 1000 people, but now he looked down the city and saw that there were more than 1000 people. If there were [-] cavalry Charge, a horse has four legs stepped on once, will Handan City be flattened?
"Don't be afraid, get ready to defend the city, the weapons for defending the city! They came more than expected, but we still proceed as planned!"

"Yes!" Xu Qi looked at Yang Ling with an expression of admiration on his face, because he felt that Yang Ling had fought a big battle and was calmer than him, and he couldn't suppress his temper a little bit. The gap in comparison, he thought of this and hurried down to rectify the formation of the Musketeers!
The large group of cavalry was getting closer to the city wall. All kinds of weapons were ready in the hands of the people, and the cavalry team was really blunt. Want cavalry to attack the city directly!Crackling, crackling, countless flying catching locusts flew up the city wall, and then those cavalrymen started to climb up the city one by one from their horses, like ants!
"Ah!" The little prince and the chief eunuch Liu Jin screamed, and the enemy came to attack the city without even saying hello, "What should we do? What should we do? Or send someone to fight with them?"

"Huh!" Yang Ling and Xu Qi both let out a long breath of turbid air in their chests, "It's a good thing they came, otherwise we would suffer even more."

"Ah..." There were already many people shouting and neighing under the city, and the siege horn sounded from below, but there was no sound at all inside the city.

This, this kind of calm made the besiegers feel strange, but some people were lucky, thinking that they were catching a gap, so the cavalry below had no intention of connecting the formation, and all rushed to the front, for fear of a while. When you broke the city and robbed things, you lost your own share.

"Are you ready?"

Yang Ling glanced down, and suddenly laughed out loud, looking at the people on her side, such a question was just a ritual.


Ma Binghuang's garrison army, Hong Niangzi's Kuaishou team, Xu Qi's musketeers, plus 1000 people from Jinyiwei, plus local garrison soldiers, Yang Ling had already prepared nearly [-] soldiers to stand on the city wall. Resist with all your strength, for the people under the city, they don't know that the city has prepared a big gift for them.

Now everyone looked at each other, nodded, and each had their weapons ready.Although his face was also pale, it was definitely not fear, but excitement.

It is everyone's responsibility to protect the safety of the people. We belong to the Ming Dynasty, and the majestic China wants to let the Quartet come to congratulate. Every time before the battle, Yang Ling's soldiers must do special training for combat brainwashing, and they will definitely regard death as home.




Following the sound of this order, "Puff puff puff!" Countless fires in the city were lit up, and the lights were bright, blinding the opponent's night eyes all at once!
It feels like a person who went to someone’s house to steal things in the dark, and was groping around, and suddenly the owner of the house lit up the lamp, and the eyes of the person who stole the city were suddenly blank, and his mind was also blank at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, "Bang bang bang bang..." In ancient times, firing a bow and arrow was to hit this weird musical instrument. The sound that came out was extremely piercing and piercing, and it was also one of the scariest sounds on the ancient battlefield. But now After the sound of the clapper, the feeling of shooting thousands of arrows, you will never imagine it if you have not experienced it yourself.

"Clap clap clap!"

"Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

"Hmph! Plop!"


This kind of battle scene is really like what is written in the book, "The city began to be silent, and suddenly someone shouted, ambushes broke out everywhere, banners and flags were everywhere on the city, and the autumn torches illuminated the world like daytime, The rolling wood and rocks poured down like rain, and those who rushed to climb the city first were unlucky. They suffered heavy casualties and were beaten up. The plan to attack the city was questioned. .”

"Kill it!"

Round after round of arrow rain, irradiated by strong and bright flames, the throats of the attacking people on the opposite side clearly appeared in the aiming rays of the archers. The lamb, the weapon is such a cold contrast, clearly reflecting the strength:

There were about 2000 bows and arrows in a round, and at least [-] of them were shot. Within a few minutes, with a good sense of geographical orientation, the city shot about ten rounds, a total of [-] arrows. In a short while, [-] opponents were eliminated!

How many people came from the other side!
"Kill!" Seeing that the battle was fought beautifully, too simply and directly, Yang Ling simply took the little prince down from the hidden place. The armed group jointly selected candidates, five hundred armored soldiers, went down to the city, and opened the city to kill the enemy!

"Kill!" Yang Ling held a musket in his hand, and of course gave the little prince a shotgun. The workmanship of this gun is the best. In order to attract the little prince, Yang Ling took him to practice flying every day Marksmanship, now the little prince can even hunt with a musket. You said this training effect.

After rushing out of the city, that was a real big battlefield. It turned out that Ma Binghuang and Hong Niangzi led their own people below, and started a bloody battle with the bandit soldiers of the caravan below the city!
There is no reason why this battle was fought so simply and simply!
"Prince, the people in the caravan are civilians during the day and bandits at night. They have done too many bad things. What we saw along the way, the whole village was looted, and they did it."

"What a bunch of beasts!"

The little prince has long been filled with righteous indignation, and this time he joined such a large-scale battle for the first time, and he really saw the carnage between people with knives and blood. On the ancient battlefield, retreat is death, and advance is also death. die!

"Bang!" Yang Ling raised his hand and shot, knocking down a flying horse and catching up, trying to single-handedly attack the bandit soldiers of the prince's personal guard.

"Ah, master is good at marksmanship." The little prince's affection for Yang Ling deepened again.

"Bang bang bang..." Many soldiers raised their guns in their hands. The arquebus guns were much more powerful in fighting, and they seemed to have a better range than bows and arrows.

"It's just that we fight like this. I don't know if that old opponent Zhu Bin is here. It's not my style to fight like this."

Yang Ling said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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