My ugly concubine is super cute

Chapter 71 Two Beautiful Boys Compete in the Restaurant

Chapter 71

People in the world only know that Prince Anding and General Dingguo are generally good generals who are rare in a century. In the first few years when General Feng was at home, the security of the frontier was always under the command of the prince himself. The foreign enemies who committed the attack were all perfectly repulsed. The young Prince Anding was so quick that he quickly became the number one enemy of all countries, while General Feng ranked second.

But he didn't want to, standing on the podium with a calm and melodious voice talking about Chinese studies, Jun Huoshi was actually so charming.

Jun Huoshi spoke casually on the stage, and the students in the audience listened fascinatedly. Afterwards, under the strong request of each class, Jun Huoshi's Chinese studies class was expanded to one lecture per class. This is a later story.

After Jun Huoshi's lecture, this morning is over. During lunch, the dining room is even more crowded, and people flock to the same direction at the same time. There are two beautiful figures there.

One is the unparalleled handsome Prince Anding, and the other is the spring-like grandson Wuhuan. The two are standing quietly with their own dinner plates in hand.

Feng Qiye buried her head in her mouth and didn't feel the slightest sense of the two eyes that fell on her head, but Hua Xunhuan felt embarrassed, pulled Ye Nishang up, and then came out with two empty seats.

The two handsome men sat down naturally and gracefully, one on the left and the other on the right, in the posture of guardians of flowers.

Gao Yirou gritted her teeth with hatred, stretched out her foot under the table and kicked Feng Qiye, Feng Qiye was eating happily, when suddenly someone attacked her calf, she immediately jumped up: "Who kicked me?!"

Looking up, he saw Jun Huoshi looking at her with heavy eyes and not saying a word, while on the other side, Changsun Wuhuan smiled gently and also remained silent.

"Uh, Master Changhuan, why did you come here?" Doesn't Master have a special canteen?And they all have cooks in their yards!
"A student reported that the food in the student canteen has become worse. Let me take a look." The eldest grandson Wuhuan ate a few mouthfuls, frowning slightly, "The taste is indeed a bit bad. I will ask the General Affairs Office to pay attention later."

"Then what about you, my lord?" Feng Qiye raised her eyebrows, "Are you here to see Miss Gao? Here, there is still a vacant seat next to Miss Gao. You may as well sit there, and then have a drink with Miss Gao!"

Jun Huoshi continued to look at her deeply, and soon burst into a smile: "You are jealous." Ah, what an affirmative tone, Feng Qiye almost spit out a mouthful of food, just thinking that Gao Yirou was still sitting opposite , she held back in a daze, because Gao Yirou got nervous, and she couldn't sleep well all night.

"I'm full, master grandson take it easy!" After speaking, Feng Qiye walked away without even looking at Jun Huoshi. profound.

People were fascinated to see the two handsome men sitting together looking at each other, and they just felt that the time is really good.

In the afternoon, a few students from the Muggle class came back one after another. Everyone's face was frosty, as if they hadn't slept or eaten for several days. As soon as they came back, other students immediately handed them food and drinks , and the meaningful look when their eyes met made Feng Qiye feel weird.

She knew that the Muggle class was weird, but she took the homework before she got along with these students for a day. It's the third day now, and she still can't figure it out, but she has some clues.

(End of this chapter)

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