Chapter 405 Investigation
Because she was afraid of pain, tears filled her eyes at the moment of being burned. Li Zhouzhou looked at Luo Chengyin eagerly. Under the firelight, her delicate face was stained with a yellow layer. Luo Chengyin noticed that she was Watched, looked up at her, and explained: "My body is cold all year round."

It was an explanation of why he directly wrapped his hand around hers.

Li Zhouzhou is not hypocritical, there is nothing to cool down in the yellow sand land, even the water was boiled by her, if she is still hypocritical at this time, she is a fool.

The temperature had almost dropped, Li Zhouzhou immediately pulled out his hand, "Thank you."

Luo Chengyin shook her head: "It's a small matter."

After Luo Chengyin left, Li Zhouzhou poured one tablespoonful of boiled water into the wooden barrel, and when it was finished, he knocked on the door of each room and asked them to take a bath in the bathroom with hot water.

The bathroom sounds nice, but it’s actually just a big shed built on a piece of deserted land and separated by a few boards. Because most of the people who come to this place are men, there’s actually no such thing as a bathroom in the beginning. But later the government developed the tourism industry, which attracted a group of young people who love to play. Wei Min set up a bathroom for business.

But Li Zhouzhou never went to the bathroom, it was dangerous and terrifying, just an ordinary desert whirlwind would blow him away.

Of course, those big and three rough men don't care, but girls can't help worrying.

Because only the original owner's room has a large bathtub, every time a female customer comes, they always take a bath in the original owner's room.

After Li Zhouzhou called out a few men, he went to knock on the room of the two girls. The door opened quickly, and a delicate face that had obviously been put on makeup appeared in front of her. ...I will take hot water and take a shower in my room later."

Xiao Xi'er noticed Li Zhouzhou's pause, her face was a little embarrassed, and she also stammered back: "Okay, I will tell Li Mu."

After Li Zhouzhou left, Li Mu glanced at Xiao Xi'er who came back from the door, and noticed that her expression was not right, and immediately asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Xier sat down at the table, shook her head, and asked after a moment of silence: "What do you think... of that long wine?"

"How is it?" Li Mu mused, "She looks pretty..." She quickly noticed that Xiao Xi'er's expression changed, and she smiled again, "No matter how good-looking she is, she's just a little girl from the countryside, don't you care? What is she doing?"

That's right, she's just a little girl in the countryside... Thinking about it, Xiao Xi'er smiled in relief, as if she was helpless because of her concern.

Li Zhouzhou didn't know that the two female guests were discussing her. She came to Wei Min's room and found that Wei Min was not there.

Strange, usually at this time, Wei Min is looking through her account books to see how much money she has earned today.

Thinking of this, Li Zhouzhou's eyes lit up, Wei Min's absence, wouldn't that just give her a chance to go out and investigate?

Li Zhouzhou sneaked out.

Although this piece of yellow sand seems to be sparsely populated, there is a small shop here, and there will be people who can't stay in other places living here. These people are either criminals who were wanted for tomb robbery in previous years, or they were murdered when they were young. The wandering backpacker.

The original owner had known these people since childhood, but never knew their identities, but Li Zhouzhou knew, not only did she know, she also relied on these people to find out her identities.

This time, she has only one task, which is to find out the identity of Changjiu.

(End of this chapter)

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