Chapter 226 The Man on the Mountain Road

The black Maybach finally stopped at the foot of the mountain.

"Why don't you leave?" Li Zhouzhou stared angrily at the back of "Yin Chen" who had thrown her far away, and turned to ask the driver.

The driver spread his arms and said helplessly, "Miss Lian, the road up here is narrow, and the car can't get on."

Li Zhou Zhou Mo.

A few minutes later, a girl in a red tracksuit got out of the car.

Fearing that he might not catch up with Yin Chen when he went out, Li Zhouzhou just put on his sportswear casually and came out.

Standing in the middle of the road, the girl put her hands in her pockets, her eyes fixed on the winding road ahead, and her hands in her pockets slowly clenched into fists.

Yin Chen.

dog personality.

She lifted her foot and walked slowly up the road.

It's noon now, this road is usually rarely visited by people, and it's even more deserted at this time, Li Zhouzhou was walking on the road, and her anger had already burned her reason to ashes and fed it to the dog. In order to severely drag the person on the little sheep that has driven to another mountain ahead.


Damn child, actually kissed her!

How dare you use that tone of disgust!
Li Zhouzhou, who usually thinks he is rational, suddenly became angry.

Some people are provoked by others, it may be considered unforgivable by others, but he can deal with it indifferently, but when he encounters trivial matters, he has to care about it instead.

This is almost the case with Li Zhouzhou now.

Yin Chen has several personalities, she is not afraid of anything, and she doesn't have much emotion, after all, she, Li Zhouzhou, is also a person who has come through the wind and waves.

But this time "Yin Chen" really pissed her off.

She, a beautiful, kind and gentle little fairy, is fine with being kissed so casually by him, but he still has the face to despise her?
Glancing at the drink cans on the side of the road out of the corner of his eyes, Li Zhouzhou couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked. The aluminum drink can was bounced off the gable wall, bounced off quickly, and rolled down the extremely steep mountain road, sending out a loud noise. The sound of aluminum rubbing against the ground.

Li Zhouzhou looked back, her footsteps paused slightly, she blinked, and just as she was about to turn her head back, a cool silver sheep appeared in her sight. The person on it was wearing a big helmet, and she couldn't tell who it was.

But the figure is a bit familiar.

With slightly raised eyebrows, Li Zhouzhou stood in place and waited for the other party to pass by.

It was only when he got closer that he saw that the man was wearing a black leather jacket. It was not a popular style nowadays, but the one that was popular decades ago.

The little sheep slowly stopped in front of her. The man turned his head, the black helmet covered his face, and he could only see a pair of clean and bright eyes through the front, calm and energetic.

"Are you going up the mountain?" The man's voice came out through the helmet, with the muffled voice in the helmet, but it did not lose its magnetism.

According to the plot, this is either a passer-by npc, or an important character. According to the original owner, who can catch up with the role of the heroine, the other party should be an important character.

Li Zhouzhou's eyes fell to the top of the mountain, thinking that Yin Chen was on it, and then looking at the young man in front of him, he blinked his eyes.

"who are you?"

This sentence, since she came to this world, she didn't know how many times she said it.

Every time it was because of Yin Chen's personality that suddenly appeared, oh, except for the one in front of him.

As soon as she finished speaking, the man on the motorcycle seemed to have a pause, and kept looking in her direction, but he didn't answer immediately. He was still for a while, and when Li Zhouzhou thought he would not answer, the other party seemed to sigh, The voice was flat: "If you don't go up, hurry down."

(End of this chapter)

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