Chapter 166

It took a long time for the little boy to realize that all his expectations were just a dream.

The moment he was pulled out from the basement, he smiled sweetly at the woman, hoping to win her affection.

What I got was her disgusted eyes. She dragged him to the bathroom, washed him roughly with the shower, and then forced him into a small suit. The black and white tuxedo was handsome and cute. There was no smile in the little boy's eyes.

She pulled him in front of that person and asked him to call the man surnamed Jiang Dad.

Dad, what a strange and hateful word.

He didn't shout, his eyes were hostile to him, and he got her warning and threatening eyes.

He believed that if it wasn't for the presence of the man in front of her, she would be so angry that she would beat him up on the spot.

But he knew that she didn't dare, didn't dare to leave traces of abuse on him, didn't dare to let the man know that she loved her son on the surface, and secretly wanted to bite him to death.

Because of giving birth to him, she was kicked out by her family, and the Jiang family couldn't enter either.

So he vented his anger on him.

These reasons were also said one day later when the woman got drunk and went crazy.

At that moment, his hands and feet felt cold, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an abyss.

He didn't give himself hope anymore, he wouldn't hum nursery rhymes to himself anymore, because he knew that the woman who treated him tenderly and hummed nursery rhymes to him in the first place had disappeared.

Later, that man refused to show up. She made many phone calls. At first, she used his name to say that her son missed him, but all she got was a cold "hang up" from the other party. She still called tirelessly, even Threatened to beat the man's son if he didn't come, and the other party's phone couldn't be reached at all.

The woman was so angry at home that she happened to see Song Qingci who was struggling to scoop the rice out of the pot and put it into a bowl.

The anger accumulated over the years erupted all of a sudden, and she threw everything she could get at the little boy at her side, cursed him with the most vicious words, threw the heaviest object at him, and kicked him with the greatest strength.

The little boy was no match for the tall adults, so he could only dodge, weeping and begging, and shrank under the table in horror. Beside him, the steaming rice mixed with the sharp porcelain bowl shards was all over the floor.

The woman starts to drink, then goes crazy after drinking, and a different man will come to the house every day, and they will drink together, ignore his existence, and then do certain things in various places in the house.

Later, when the woman was drunk again one day, she fell asleep. She was originally sick, and excessive drinking caused alcohol poisoning. If she didn't call a doctor immediately, her life would be in danger at any time.

When she fell, he was on the side. He watched her fall straight. At first, he just thought that she was normal, just fell asleep, and then woke up, yelling at him, but after a long time, she Neither woke up.

He admitted that at a certain moment, he even thought horribly, if only she would sleep like this forever, it would be fine, he would no longer have to be beaten, live in dire straits, and be locked up in a dark basement.

He will be sent to the orphanage later, and live happily like other children, with friends of the same age and gentle and kind elders, he will have a peaceful life...

In the end, he still made a call. The little boy clumsily opened the address book at home and pressed the landlord's number one by one. He looked back at the woman lying on the ground with a calm expression on his face. .

He just paid back what he owed her.

(End of this chapter)

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