In your 20s, you must understand the wisdom of success

Chapter 19 Successful Interpersonal Chapter

Chapter 19: Successful Relationships (8)
"I wish I could be the older brother who gives the car to my younger brother," the boy continued.

Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, and blurted out an invitation: "Would you like to go for a drive in my car?"

The boy happily got into the car, and after walking for a short distance, the boy said with excitement in his eyes: "Sir, can you drive the car to my house?"

Paul smiled, thinking that the boy must be showing off to the neighbors, letting everyone know that he came home in a big car.Unexpectedly, Paul guessed wrong again this time. "Could you park your car in front of those two steps?" the boy asked.

The boy ran up the stairs, and after a while Paul heard him coming back, but the movement seemed slow.It turned out that he came out with his lame brother, set him down on the steps, hugged him tightly, and pointed to the new car.

I only heard the boy tell his brother: "Look, this is the new car I told you about upstairs. It was given to him by Paul's brother! I will also give you a car like this in the future. Then you'll be able to look at the pretty Christmas ornaments hanging in the window."

Paul got out of the car and carried the lame boy to the front seat of the car.The big boy with shining eyes also climbed into the car and sat next to his brother.And so the three of them set off on an unforgettable holiday drive.

On that Christmas Eve, Paul truly realized that as long as there is family affection, there will be happiness.

In the "Happy Bar" in the Animal Kingdom, the one-year-old waiter orangutan asked the little elephant who would come to have two drinks every night: "My child, you come to the bar every night, don't you think about going home to spend a good time with your parents?" Is it late?"

"Accompany them?" the little elephant said with a flick of its trunk, "I really haven't thought about it. Besides, there's no need. They have food and drink at home, so I don't need to worry about it!"

"Although there is food and drink, I think they must hope that you can come home often."

"I give them enough money every month that they don't have to go home so often."

"But money returns to money, can money replace family affection?"

Indeed, money cannot replace family love!
We're sure that parents in the world would rather see their children coming home more often than bills that replace them.

In this world, there is nothing more precious than family affection. Family affection is above everything else and surpasses everything else.There may not be many young people who ignore family affection and do not consider their parents, but we do not want you to be one of them.

Going home often, chatting with parents, washing their feet and pounding their backs, all these are more precious than money to parents, and they can experience the joy and happiness of life.

People need not only wealth, but also family affection and love.People are emotional animals, petty and indifferent, they will only cut off family ties and make themselves lonely.

Money is important, but the satisfaction it brings will never last if family affection is abandoned for asking for it.Only the power endowed by family affection can make people physically and mentally healthy for a long time, and cope with all the challenges in life happily and freely.

Family affection is the greatest wealth, the most powerful support and guarantee.A life without affection is not a real life.With family ties, even poverty and disabilities can be faced with strength.

Home is a warm haven. When encountering bad weather or unexpected blows, we just want to run towards home; when we walk past homeless people, we yearn for the warmth and safety of home even more.

The mutual care, support, and encouragement between relatives enable us to face frustration and misfortune optimistically, enable us to climb the peak of our career bravely, and enable us to enjoy the abundance of life.

Keyword perception: family affection
Home is the most comfortable, safe, stable and happy place, and each of us is happy to have a home.

The warmth of family and the richness of family affection will always be the content of life that we most desire and are most obsessed with.It is very important for anyone who has a family to spend more time with family members, experience and feel the warmth and joy of family affection, give relatives as much love as possible, and let each other's hearts communicate.

(Chapter 15 Friendship——Building a Personal Relationship Account

The most basic principle of establishing a "relationship" with friends is: don't lose touch with your friends.Don't wait until you need help from others to think about others. "Relationship" is like a knife, it will not rust if it is often sharpened.

Add Strangers to Your Relationship Account
Shortly after Deng Chaoming graduated from the Journalism Department of Renmin University of China, he joined the famous Beijing Dadi Advertising Art Company as a salesman.Less than a month after he entered the company, he won a large order of 1500 million yuan.In the first year, the company rewarded him with a house, and he was quickly promoted from a salesman to the position of assistant to the general manager. Three years later, he founded Beijing Hutong United International Advertising Co., Ltd. The turnover in the first year exceeded 3 million yuan. In less than four years, his company stood out from the tens of thousands of advertising companies in China and entered the Chinese advertising company. Top 7000.Mr. Deng Chaoming, who can quickly succeed in both part-time job and self-employment, does not give the impression of his shrewdness, but his sincerity.Good interpersonal communication skills, being good at dealing with strangers, and being considerate of customers in everything are the important secrets of his success.

It was Deng Chaoming's extensive friendship "accounts" that helped him achieve great success in a short period of time.

Life is spent in communication, and every stage of life must be associated with certain interpersonal relationships.In this sense, a good interpersonal relationship is a favorable environment for a person's survival and development. It can enable you to unite and cooperate with others, give full play to the effectiveness of the group, form complementary advantages, form a positive atmosphere, and promote knowledge and information. Communication, continuous improvement and self-development.

Many friends have gradually become acquaintances from strangers who are "unknown once, acquainted twice".Reaching out to strangers and becoming friends who keep in touch is something that many successful people do.They can quickly strike up a conversation with strangers within three to five minutes, and as the communication deepens, they seem to have become good friends who talk about everything.

Successful people have a broad social circle and exert influence in it.

One of the main differences between successful people and average people is that successful people know more people than average people.From this point of view, being a successful person is not very difficult, as long as you can actively extend your hand to strangers.In fact, there is no obstacle to talking with strangers. As long as you recall the excitement in your heart when someone took the initiative to talk to you, you will know that it is a pleasant thing to know or be known.When you try to reach out to strangers and exchange names, you will feel that it is much easier than standing passively alone.

Of course, the real acquaintance does not just rely on this simple handshake. After the first meeting, you must also take the initiative to write letters or call those new friends who need to know more, which is very important.Every handshake with a stranger is like planting a seed of friendship, but whether it germinates, blossoms, and bears fruit depends entirely on your cultivation in the future.

Many young people may mistakenly think that Bill Gates seems to be not good at interacting with people since he was a child, and his achievements today depend entirely on his ability in computer and software design.In fact, Bill Gates attaches great importance to the cultivation of interpersonal relationship and communication skills, and he has also gained huge benefits from his abilities as an adult.Because of his good interpersonal, communication and sales skills, Bill Gates got an opportunity to cooperate with the world-famous IBM after a few years of starting his business, which made his company's sales performance increase within one year. Dozens of times, laid an important foundation for the rapid growth of the industry leader.

A friend is someone you can trust and who understands you.Friends can share the joy of our success without being jealous; they can listen to our troubles and give us helpful suggestions without revealing our privacy; they can give us appropriate help when we need it without asking for anything in return.

No one needs friends.Friends you need to play with when you are young; friends you need to work with when you grow up; friends you need to talk to when you are old.People need friends like fish need water and life needs oxygen.Bacon said: "Lack of true friends is the purest and most pitiful loneliness, without friendship, the world is just a wilderness."

Don't forget to keep in touch with friends

On the weekend, Yue Ning rode a newly bought bicycle and was going to go on an outing with a few friends.Seeing him, Jianhong asked puzzledly: "You often hang out with them, what's the point! Why don't you take a good rest, sleep in at home, or watch TV or something."

"Hey, you don't understand this. Gathering often with friends can strengthen the connection between each other and enhance friendship! Look at you, you are alone all day, how can there be any fun in such a life " After Yue Ning finished speaking, she rode her bicycle and left.

Get together with friends often, they will regard you as a confidant, and you will also gain excellent popularity.

In social life, one's success is inseparable from the support of others, and one's nature needs the appreciation of others.Without good popularity, even if you have a good opportunity, you will miss it; even if you have fame and fortune, you will only be a rich and poor man.

Therefore, instead of staying at home as a "lonely person" and enjoying the fun of being alone, it is better to go out of the house, invite friends and friends to have a good gathering, and share each other's happiness and sorrow with friends.

Modern people live a busy life and spend little time with friends. As time goes on, many originally solid relationships will become loose, and friends will gradually become indifferent to each other. This is a pity.Therefore, you must cherish the friendship with your friends, and don't forget to communicate your feelings no matter how busy you are.

There are many ways for former German Chancellor Kohl and his friends to contact each other, the most common and humane one is to go to a friend's house when you have time.When he said goodbye to his friends in a ceremonial manner, he never forgot to add the sentence "Come and play when you have time". You can also realize that I am accepted by people and I am a popular person.

In fact, Cole didn't do much, but when he had time, he went to a friend's house with a heart, maybe just a few casual greetings, maybe a long talk.In short, Cole is trying to deepen the other party's impression of himself, making each other more and more familiar and the relationship more and more harmonious.This is also an important reason why Cole has been able to gallop in German politics for more than ten years.

There is such a fable:

The wasp and the partridge, being thirsty, asked the farmer for a drink, and promised to pay the farmer handsomely in return.The partridge promises to the farmer that it can loosen the soil for the vines, so that the grapes grow better and bear more fruit; the wasp promises that it can guard the vineyard for the farmer, and that if anyone comes to steal it, it will prick it with a poisonous needle. .The farmer was not interested, and said to the wasp and the partridge, "Why didn't you think of doing something for me when you were not thirsty?"

This fable tells us the truth: if you don't pay attention to being convenient to others, it is too late to offer to help others when you need them.

Have you ever experienced such an experience: When you encounter some kind of difficulty and want to find a friend to help you solve it, you suddenly remember that there were many times in the past when you should have gone to see him, but you didn’t go, and now you have something to ask for Wouldn't it be too abrupt for people to just look for it?Will it be rejected by him? In this case, you will inevitably regret "not usually burning incense".

You may say, I'm busy and tired, and I don't have time to spend time with friends, but we want to emphasize this: No matter you have a million reasons to excuse yourself, you should find time to hang out with friends For a moment, listen to your friends' happy stories, talk about your current job, or chat all over the world. These are good opportunities to enhance friendship.

Sometimes, if you don't contact a certain friend for more than half a year, you may lose this friend.So, call a friend or go to a friend's house when you have time.

Have you not been with friends for a long time?If not, arrange it now.It is best to choose a free day, have a long talk, tell your friends about the success or frustration in your life, or listen to your friend's "story", or help him untie some "knots".In this way, I not only get happiness, but also enhance the friendship between each other, why not do it?

Keyword insights: friendship
It is easy to find a helper, but it is difficult to get a friend. The value of the two is not the same.Living in a brand new society, although the connotation of friendship has become rich and profound, the importance of friends is still very obvious.Keep in touch with friends regularly and never lose a friend who makes your life better.

(End of this chapter)

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