Anti war ranger

Chapter 589 Fierce Battle

Chapter 589 Fierce Battle

This was the first time for Jin Douhuan to watch Lu Yuan shoot at such a close range. When resisting the Japanese attack outside the building, Jin Douhuan never paid attention to Lu Yuan who was also busy shooting. This time, he finally had a chance, and It's so close.With just one glance, Jin Douhuan immediately recognized the difference in the sniper rifle in Lu Yuan's hand. When Jin Douhuan first sneaked across the border and stayed in Manchuria, he once saw a Kwantung Army lieutenant carrying such a gun across the street. A rifle with a small mirror on his body.

After asking the members of the National Salvation Army lurking in Manchuria, Jin Douhuan learned that the rifle with a small mirror is called a sniper rifle, which is said to be farther and more accurate than ordinary rifles.But the sniper rifles that Jin Douhuan has seen are the same as ordinary rifles, they are all bolt-action rifles that use five-round magazines to feed ammunition, but the sniper rifle in Lu Yuan's hand is completely different. It uses magazines to load, and The bolt is also different, in short the style looks a bit strange.

There is a clear difference between Lu Yuan's self-made sniper rifle and the bolt-action sniper rifle issued by the Japanese army. Not only has the feeding mode changed, but even the bolt has been changed to a horizontal pull type by Lu Yuan.After pulling the trigger to shoot the bullet, Lu Yuan only needs to pull the bolt above the trigger guard horizontally, the bullet casing will jump out of the magazine, and then the bolt will automatically lock back to close the magazine, so that the next round of bullets can be fired. shooting.In fact, Lu Yuan just changed the automatic rifle mode that should have been automatically ejected to the manual eject mode, but Jin Douhuan didn't understand this.

Killing is addictive, Lu Yuan didn't believe this sentence before, but now, he believes it.When he saw the Japanese soldiers from the scope of the sniper rifle, Lu Yuan only felt that his nerves became more sensitive due to the rapid secretion of adrenaline, especially when he caught the target with the cross mark of the scope. when.Jin Douhuan saw Lu Yuan's changes, and couldn't help imitating Lu Yuan's current state, slowly adjusting his breathing, and imagining that he was holding a rifle and observing the Japanese army in the distance through the scope Soldier.

Suddenly, Jin Douhuan, who was stretching out his hands and making gestures, heard a muffled sound like corkscrew coming from the direction of his right hand, poof!Looking at the street outside the building, Jin Douhuan immediately saw that the entire street was in chaos.Under Jin Douhuan's gaze, Lu Yuan, who was lying on the table, fired continuously.The first magazine was quickly emptied, and Lu Yuan, who replaced the magazine again, did not continue to shoot, but firmly locked the muzzle and scope at a certain position, as if waiting for the opponent's reaction.

Lu Yuan stopped shooting. In fact, this pause lasted less than thirty seconds. No one was shot again. The Japanese soldiers who were forced to hide on both sides of the road seemed to have agreed to retreat.Lu Yuan, who was still, saw in the scope that they were trying to retreat, and immediately shot a Japanese soldier's helmet.Because of the shooting angle, the bullet Lu Yuan fired failed to penetrate the opponent's helmet, but the impact of the bullet made the Japanese soldier tilt his body and fall to the side of the street.

With a loud shout, almost all the Japanese soldiers got down on the ground again, because no one wanted to be the next unlucky guy.Many veterans with considerable battlefield experience can judge the ballistic trajectory based on the gunshots, but Lu Yuan installed a silencer on the sniper rifle. With such a distance, the Japanese soldiers in the street could not judge Lu Yuan's exact position at all.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Jin Douhuan was staring at the silencer at the moment, so Lu Yuan turned his head slightly and said to him, "I'm watching here, you take the grenade to the roof and find that the Japanese army is approaching from other directions, you just Throw the grenade, if you can't stand it, call me." Jin Douhuan took half a pack of grenades and went to the roof of the building, and Lu Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was a lot easier to have a guard by his side, but he had too much The secret that cannot be known, the mood of wandering in a dilemma, is really uncomfortable.

After Jin Douhuan left, Lu Yuan immediately felt a lot more relaxed. Looking at the street outside the building, those Japanese soldiers who were forced to hide by the bullets still didn't dare to show their faces, but in a place farther away, there were already Japanese troops forming groups to attack. Move over here.Lu Yuan originally wanted to use a heavy sniper rifle to teach him a lesson, but he turned his head and thought that this would not be a good opportunity to use a heavy sniper rifle. With the shooting range at the moment, the ordinary sniper rifle in his hand was completely out of control. enough.

"The Japanese army is attacking, many Japanese soldiers." Jin Douhuan, who came down from the roof of the building, shouted loudly. Touched from the back of the building.The bank building has only one entrance and exit, so Lu Yuan is not worried about the Japanese soldiers appearing from the back of the building, but he still tells Jin Douhuan to go to the opposite room and pay attention to the movements of the Japanese soldiers on the back of the building.

Just as Lu Yuan was worried, Jin Douhuan only walked to the window and looked outside, then immediately retreated, "They brought a lot of ladders." Hearing Jin Douhuan's words, Lu Yuan immediately understood those things. The Japanese army was about to attack by force, and the ladder must have been used by the Japanese army to climb the second floor.Lu Yuan didn't dare to waste time, he just got off the table immediately, and then followed Jin Douhuan's movement track just now, quickly ran to the window of the opposite room, and stretched out his hand to open one of the windows.

Before the gunshots rang out, the Japanese soldiers suppressed by Lu Yuan in the front street were at a loss because they heard continuous explosions from the back of the bank building.The explosion came from the grenades that Lu Yuan threw out of the window continuously. Lu Yuan was not Jin Douhuan. Jin Douhuan cared about the few grenades in his hand, but Lu Yuan didn't care. After all, he still had hundreds of such grenades in his storage space.Orange flames, mixed with heat waves, rose continuously at the back of the bank building. Amid the continuous explosions, the Japanese army trying to attack from the back of the building was routed.

Some of the grenades that Lu Yuan brought back to the bank building were quickly used up. The air began to smell of gunpowder smoke. The sound of swishing bullets and the ensuing shouts began to perfectly interpret what is called a battlefield.Just as Lu Yuan pushed back the Japanese army from the back of the building, the Japanese army on the front of the building launched an attack again. The Japanese army moving from a distance rushed towards the bank building under the cover of light machine guns.

Compared to the flustered Jin Douhuan, Lu Yuan seemed much calmer. Back at the table just now, Lu Yuan handed the sniper rifle to Jin Douhuan who was eager to try, and switched to an assault rifle with a faster rate of fire.Lu Yuan didn't tell Jin Douhuan to shoot Japanese officers or other key targets. In his opinion, it was good for Jin Douhuan to use that sniper rifle to fight normally, and he didn't expect Jin Douhuan to perform well.

Lu Yuan gave up that table to Jin Douhuan, and went to another window with his assault rifle in his hand. Before Jin Douhuan could lie down on the table like Lu Yuan just now, Lu Yuan had already shot the first shot into the street outside. one shot.The khaki army uniforms of the Japanese army suddenly burst into blood, and the bullets that hit the Japanese soldiers seemed to have a penetrating power to hit the people behind, causing the Japanese army to be in chaos, and they fired without hesitation when they scattered. fight back.

The assault rifle in Lu Yuan's hand has the same caliber as the [-]th rifle of the Japanese army, and uses the same Tomosaka rifle ammunition, but at this moment, Lu Yuan occupies a condescending advantage. In the continuous gunshots, Lu Yuan's side cannot be heard at all. However, Lu Yuan's rapid shooting slowly gained the upper hand amidst the opponent's random shooting like fried beans.Soon, six or seven Japanese soldiers who were arrogantly protruding were shot, and as a Japanese major was knocked to the ground from a distance, the Japanese army felt a little bit about to die down when they saw the extraordinary attack this time.

The momentum of the Japanese army's attack has weakened, but Lu Yuan still followed the form of two consecutive shots, shooting continuously with one stop and one stop.This can effectively suppress the rising muzzle of the continuous fire, and more importantly, it can slow down the heating time of the barrel and work as long as possible.Lu Yuan's usage is similar to that of the assault rifles of later generations. The flat end is on the shooting line, moving quickly, and firing quickly. As long as the familiar khaki figure of the Japanese army appears in sight, the bullets will rain down.

No matter who it is, the human body can only be as fragile as cooked noodles in the face of high-speed flying bullets.Because Lu Yuan's shooting baseline is relatively high, almost all the impact points are on the opponent's upper body and head, and the death rate is very high. This is also his creed in battle.Once a war starts, kill the opponent as much as possible. That is the best way to protect yourself, and it can also save the opponent from experiencing pain, so why bother.

Lu Yuan's shooting speed is very fast, and the lethality caused to the opponent is also very strong. After several officers were successfully shot and killed by Lu Yuan, the Japanese army, which has been struggling to support, finally collapsed.The Japanese army, which was full of fighting spirit, began to retreat. Kim Doo-hwan, who had never found a chance to shoot, also pulled the trigger of the sniper rifle at this moment. However, compared with Lu Yuan, who was biting his flesh with guns and guns, Jin Dou-hwan, who missed the target continuously, was just like the one who was on the battlefield for the first time. recruits.

The opponent's gunfire gradually weakened, and Lu Yuan had the opportunity to open the chamber to dissipate heat. At the same time, he squatted down and collected the two empty magazines in front of him, and then turned his head to give Jin Douhuan a few meters away. Some hesitated, perhaps because he hadn't fully adapted to the sniper rifle in his hand. He fired three bullets in a row just now, but none of the targets were hit.Seeing Lu Yuan's thumbs up to him at this moment, Jin Douhuan felt a little ashamed in his heart, ashamed that he returned in vain just now.

(End of this chapter)

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