Anti war ranger

Chapter 569 Make persistent efforts

Chapter 569 Make persistent efforts
How much explosive would it take to blow down a three-story building?This is not a problem that can be easily explained, especially for those guys like Noma who are not engineers.Lu Yuan used the method of directional blasting, and when many Japanese troops were trying to rush into the headquarters building, he suddenly detonated the explosives, and the entire headquarters building collapsed under the eyes of Noma and others. Authentic, no one will know.

Pressing the handle of the detonator, Lu Yuan, who heard the sound of the explosion, quickly tore off the wires on the detonator stake, turned around and evacuated along the tunnel. When the building collapsed, Lu Yuan had already moved along the tunnel to In the woods on the left side of the headquarters building.The forest side is also within the control of the Japanese army, but the density and vigilance of the Japanese army here are much looser than that of the headquarters compound.

Lu Yuan, who had already moved to the end of the tunnel, did not come out of the tunnel immediately, because not far from the end of the tunnel, two Japanese soldiers were smoking together.On the left side of the two Japanese soldiers, Lu Yuan also found more than a dozen Japanese soldiers. Of course, these are all thanks to the full-view map.It seems impossible to leave quietly, but Lu Yuan has no intention of lurking in the tunnel for a long time

The deafening sound of the huge explosion in the headquarters compound was also heard by the Japanese soldiers who were deployed here, so Lu Yuan found out that the Japanese soldiers here were chatting.Lu Yuan squatted at the exit of the tunnel and waited for a long time, but he did not see the two Japanese soldiers leaving. He was worried that the tunnel would be discovered by the Japanese soldiers on the other side of the compound. After a little thought, Lu Yuan decided to take the initiative because he did not have too many Time continued to wait.

The tunnel dug by Lu Yuan is 2 meters below the soil layer. He can use the storage space at will, and he can open the tunnel exit under the soil layer in the blink of an eye, and it is silent.Lu Yuan stretched out his right hand and gently attached it to the soil above his head. In the blink of an eye, the 2-meter-thick layer of soil on top of Lu Yuan's head suddenly disappeared, and a starry night sky appeared in Lu Yuan's sight among.

The two Japanese soldiers who were smoking and chatting secretly never imagined that just a few meters behind him, a hole in the earth appeared silently, and after a few breaths, a skeleton face of that person slowly emerged from the hole. rising.Lu Yuan in the tunnel didn't need to dig a hole on the soil wall and then climb up. He only needed to release the soil collected in the storage space under his feet.The whole person was instantly pushed out of the tunnel by the sudden appearance of mud. This feeling of being an elevator made Lu Yuan suddenly think of his family and friends, as well as the era when he came.

Lu Yuan came out of the tunnel, but the two smoking Japanese soldiers didn't notice, so Lu Yuan immediately lowered his figure and slowly backed away.There are a lot of dry branches in the woods, no matter if people or animals step on them, they will definitely make noise, so Lu Yuan's moving speed is not very fast.After slowly backing away for a while, Lu Yuan, who had been pointing his gun forward, turned around and started running, and the speed was not very fast.

Almost at the same time that Lu Yuan started to run, the two Japanese soldiers who were smoking secretly heard the sound of branches breaking in the woods behind them. They looked at each other, and then grabbed their respective rifles.Lu Yuan's move was of course intentional. He just wanted to make some noise to let the Japanese soldiers in the woods know that only by making the Japanese soldiers in the woods move could he find a real chance to leave.Immediately there were shouts in the woods, and more Japanese soldiers chased after hearing the shouts, and Lu Yuan had moved to a place less than 30 meters from the western edge of the woods at this moment.

Not all the Japanese soldiers chased into the woods after hearing the shouts. At the edge of the woods, under the eyes of Lu Yuan, there were more than a dozen Japanese soldiers ready to take precautions.Lu Yuan was helpless. In the situation in front of him, if he wanted to leave quickly, he might only be able to work hard. However, Lu Yuan secretly rejoiced that among the dozen or so Japanese soldiers he saw, there was no chance. Gunner or Grenadier.

Lu Yuan lowered his figure, and slowly moved forward with the assault rifle equipped with a silencer. When he was less than 20 meters away from the enemy, Lu Yuan suddenly took out a grenade from the storage space, opened the safety After the tie, throw it hard to your left side. With a bang, a ball of flames burst out from Lu Yuan's left side. The dozen or so Japanese soldiers outside the woods subconsciously turned their heads to look at the position of the flames, but Lu Yuan, who had been keeping his body down, suddenly stood up. .

"Puff...Puff...Puff..." The assault rifle in Lu Yuan's hand burst into flames continuously, and the sound of the gunfire weakened by the silencer sounded a little erratic, but the target hit by the bullet immediately fell to the ground.Lu Yuan's shooting speed was so fast that he didn't give the dozen or so Japanese soldiers at the edge of the woodland any time or opportunity to react. Half a box of bullets was fired, and all the dozen or so Japanese soldiers at the edge of the woodland fell to the ground.Lu Yuan, who stopped shooting, immediately moved forward quickly, but the assault rifle in his hand did not hang down.The unexpected attack allowed Lu Yuan to take advantage of it. After quickly refilling the dozen or so Japanese soldiers who had been shot and fell down, Lu Yuan, who had already walked out of the woods, immediately turned and moved towards his right hand.

The moon is dark and the wind is high and the murderous night is high. Before dawn, the light mist shrouds the central government, and the night is as dark as stagnant water.Two shrill screams pierced the sky, and the screams pierced the hearts of every Japanese soldier like a sharp sword. At this moment, they finally remembered who the enemy they were going to face tonight was.Ogasawara can be regarded as a veteran who has gone through hundreds of battles, and it is said that he has countless lives in his hands, but the two consecutive screams just now made him feel the same creepy-.

Ogasawara stopped suddenly, the scream just now made him more vigilant, paying attention to the front, back, left, and right with high nervousness.The night was very dark, and there was mist again, but for the attacker hiding in the dark, it was an excellent opportunity. Even Ogasawara himself didn't notice that right in front of him, a man whose whole body was covered in a piece of The pitch-black shadow crouched at the street corner.Lu Yuan was dressed in black, squatting motionless on the side of the street, as if he had merged with the night.

Ogasawara, who was also alone, was actually very careful, but when he walked across the street and suddenly saw the man in black in front of him, he was still taken aback.Then he twisted his waist subconsciously, and at the same time took a quick step forward with his left foot, stabbing the bayonet at Lu Yuan fiercely.Lu Yuan, who was already prepared, just flashed his body, and the bayonet stabbed by Ogasawara fell into the air, and a series of sparks splashed on the concrete wall. The strong shock force made his own jaw go numb.

Before Ogasawara retracted the stabbing rifle, Lu Yuan had firmly grasped the right wrist holding the gun. After pushing, pulling, pulling, and folding a series of pulling movements that were dazzling enough, the rifle in Ogasawara's hand came out. .How could Ogasawara dare to hesitate at all, and immediately roared, a head hammer hit Lu Yuan's face, but he didn't even touch the corner of Lu Yuan's clothes, and Lu Yuan stretched out his hand to grab his neck.

Immediately afterwards, Ogasawara's neck felt cold for no reason, and with a muffled groan, he woke up suddenly, but the carotid artery had been cut by a sharp knife, and he could even hear the hissing sound of blood spurting out of his neck.After finishing Ogasawara, Lu Yuan waited for the blood spurt to weaken, then let go of Ogasawara's body, and then quickly turned around and left.In the dark, everyone is a hunter, and everyone may become a target.Soon there were three more tragic sounds, including Ogasawara, Lu Yuan had already killed six Japanese soldiers in half a cup of tea.

Of course, Lu Yuan didn't come to trouble these Japanese soldiers because he was bored. In fact, the Japanese soldiers captured and killed by him at this moment were all guard soldiers outside Baoding Railway Station.Lu Yuan made such a big commotion at the Baoding Japanese Army Headquarters, definitely not just for the sake of killing the man, he also wanted to take the opportunity to attract more Japanese soldiers' attention and create opportunities for himself to sneak attack on the cargo yard of Baoding Railway Station. At this moment, he It is located on the outskirts of Baoding Railway Station Freight Yard.

Lu Yuan looked at his watch and knew that it was less than an hour before dawn. If he wanted to complete the sneak attack on the Japanese army's freight yard, he had to sneak into the railway station freight yard within half an hour. Otherwise, even if the sneak attack was successful after dawn, he would It will also be surrounded by a large number of Japanese troops.Naturally, Lu Yuan didn't want to fall into the large-scale siege of the Japanese army, so he chose to clear the Japanese patrols outside the train station first, at least to reduce the danger for himself to leave after the attack.

Walking back and forth on the streets outside the train station, Lu Yuan relied on the guidance of the full-view map to send those Japanese soldiers who were scattered everywhere by his own disrupted rhythm to hell one by one, and finally sneaked into the train station before dawn.The freight yard is at the southeast corner of the railway station. The Japanese soldiers stationed in the freight yard heard gunshots and shouts from outside the train station, but they also knew the importance of their duties. When Lu Yuan approached the freight yard, they found that The Japanese army has already made preparations.

The other party had already guessed that there might be a sneak attack, so they were ready to fight. The Japanese soldiers Lu Yuan saw at this moment were all loaded with bullets.It is not the first time that Lu Yuan has come to Baoding Railway Station. He found that the Japanese army here was ready to fight. Lu Yuan immediately crossed two railroad tracks, and quickly moved from the blind spot of the Japanese searchlights to the place where he sneaked into the cargo yard last time. That secret path.

It is said to be a secret passage, but it is actually just a drainage ditch here, but when Lu Yuan sneaked in and left last time, he intentionally deepened this drainage ditch.I haven't been here for a while, the gutter is full of weeds, and the smell is still extremely bad, but Lu Yuan ignores these things. What he cares most now is whether it can be safely embedded in the cargo yard.

(End of this chapter)

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