Anti war ranger

Chapter 559 Change

Chapter 559 Change
Shigeru Oshima escaped because of his family pocket watch, but the huge impact still caused him shortness of breath and severe pain in his chest. Under the forcible dragging of the adjutant, Shigeru Oshima was dragged back to the embankment by the dedicated adjutant Down.Lu Yuan didn't pay much attention to the retreating Japanese soldiers, so he didn't know that he let the Japanese commanders go.The attack did not go well, and the commander was injured again. After the veterans were shot and killed one after another, almost all the Japanese soldiers who were attacking stayed on the ground. They were really scared.

The Japanese soldiers closest to Lu Yuan were also 500 meters away. At such a distance, the Japanese army with all three light machine guns destroyed had no way to restrain their opponents.Lu Yuan, who already had an absolute advantage, gradually accelerated his shooting speed at this moment. Although the Japanese soldiers were lying still, some guys were still exposed in Lu Yuan's sight, and it was this guy who Lu Yuan shot and killed. Some Japanese soldiers.

The crisp gunshots kept ringing, and Shigeru Oshima, who was retreated under the roadbed, could clearly see the blood mist rising with the gunshots through the binoculars in his hand. "Baga, damned attacker." All that he saw in front of him made Shigeru Oshima's teeth itch, and there was blood in his eyes. "Send people back to the city immediately to rescue Da Zuo." In desperation, Shigeru Oshima had no choice but to send people back to the city to rescue him, because he knew that he was no match.

"Ha, I'm going to send someone to find reinforcements now. It's a good idea. I haven't played enough, sir." Lu Yuan has already understood the movement of the Japanese army through the full-view map, and saw a group of Japanese soldiers in the scope. The soldier turned over the embankment and disappeared, and Lu Yuan had already guessed what the other party meant.Lu Yuan had no way to deal with the Japanese army that had already crossed the embankment, but for those Japanese troops that were still on the embankment, Lu Yuan fought whenever he wanted, and there was no need to be polite to them at all.

"Tong" In Oshima Shigeru's eyes, a black spot suddenly flew up in the open field in the distance, and Oshima Shigeru immediately hissed after being stunned. "Mortar, it's a mortar." Shigeru Oshima's voice sounded a bit heartbreaking, and he stared blankly at the mortar shells falling from the sky. Shigeru Oshima didn't understand at the moment, there was obviously only one opponent , How did he carry so much weaponry.

"Boom" The shells that fell from mid-air exploded, and in the cloud of dust rising with the explosion, Shigeru Oshima vaguely saw earth-yellow fragments falling down.Lu Yuan also saw the pieces of cloth that rose and fell with the explosion, and Lu Yuan, who had obvious color in his eyes, fired the second shell without waiting for the dust raised by the explosion to disperse.Half of the Japanese soldiers who fell into Lu Yuan's trap had already retreated to the roadbed, and the remaining half had been killed when they went out, and they all lay there motionless.

Lu Yuan shot and killed all the Japanese soldiers he could see one by one in the field, and the remaining ones who were hiding, Lu Yuan had to use mortars to attack them.The mortar is a curved fire weapon, and its power is far sharper than his own sniper rifle. Anyway, there are a lot of mortar shells in his storage space, so it is not a waste to use them here.Explosions sounded one after another. Oshima Shigeru watched his soldiers being blown away one by one by the explosion, and the corners of his eyes twitched in regret.

It's a pity that he could only watch all this, but there was nothing he could do, because just now, a few soldiers who couldn't bear it stood up and charged forward, but they were all shot to death by the opponent.Relying on his sharp weapons and accurate marksmanship, the opponent kept the safe distance within 500 meters. At 500 meters, apart from machine guns and mortars, Shigeru Oshima couldn't think of any other weapons that could threaten the opponent.In other words, the current situation is that the opponent can immediately hit the person on his side, but his side has nothing to do with the opponent.

Those Japanese soldiers who were exposed to the ground were about to cry at the moment, they were in an embarrassing situation, and the only thing they could do was to pray secretly in their hearts, that the shells fired by their opponents would not fall towards them.There were a lot of shells in Lu Yuan's storage space, and they were tinkling for a while, and the dust rising from the explosion in the field gradually became one piece.Shigeru Oshima under the roadbed has not put down the binoculars, and the opponent's continuous shelling has put Shigeru Oshima on the verge of collapse.

As time passed, the team of soldiers Shigeru Oshima sent to rescue the soldiers finally arrived at the nearest Japanese stronghold. After calling for help in the city, the Japanese army mobilized almost all the troops in the stronghold to come to the rescue. He brought two light machine guns and a light mortar from the stronghold.The arrival of light machine guns and mortars surprised Shigeru Oshima, who was at a loss what to do. In his opinion, the ability of his soldiers to handle artillery was much better than that of the attackers.

The reinforcements from the Japanese army under the roadbed did not escape Lu Yuan's full-view map, but the full-view map did not show the weapons and equipment owned by the enemy.When he saw the Japanese soldiers emerging from behind the roadbed in the scope, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Yuan's mouth, but after seeing the light machine guns of the Japanese soldiers on the roadbed, Lu Yuan shouted Too bad, once the opponent has a light machine gun, he will be in danger.

"Da da da da da da" the two light machine guns erected by the Japanese army on the roadbed fired at the same time, and the barrage shot across the open ground, hitting a large column of smoke around Lu Yuan's side. The mortar also fired instantly.Lu Yuan, who retreated into the earth cave, suddenly heard a scream coming from mid-air, and a cloud of dust rose a few meters away from the left side of the earth cave. Although Lu Yuan was not hit by the splashed shrapnel, he was still horrified The Japanese mortars were too accurate.

The Japanese army now has not only light machine guns, but also mortars that can pose a greater danger to themselves. In a situation where most of their advantages have been lost, Lu Yuan does not intend to continue to entangle with this Japanese army.With storage space in hand, Lu Yuan, who was at least a kilometer away from the Japanese army, wanted to leave very easily.He didn't need to be directly exposed to the sight of the Japanese army at all. He only needed to turn around in the soil hole, and then use the storage space to dig a trench behind him, and he could leave safely.

The machine gun rang, and the mortars kept firing shells, but there was no movement from the opponent's side. Shigeru Oshima felt very comfortable at the moment, and he felt that he had reversed the unfavorable situation.A quarter of an hour later, Shigeru Oshima began to gather his soldiers to cross the embankment and attack the open land completely submerged by fireworks in the distance.But what Shigeru Oshima didn't expect was that after his soldiers rushed all the way for a distance of a thousand meters, in the place full of bomb craters, the mysterious man who once suppressed them miraculously disappeared. .

"Impossible, it's impossible, even if you dig three feet into the ground, I have to find him." Standing on the edge of a bomb crater, Shigeru Oshima, whose face was pale, was furious. In the end, he couldn't find the shadow of the attacker, how could he be satisfied.A large group of Japanese soldiers searched the open land carefully according to Shigeru Oshima's order, but the final result failed as Shigeru Oshima wished. The attackers indeed disappeared miraculously.

Naturally, Lu Yuan had already left safely, but he did not stay in the distance to watch Shigeru Oshima and the others. Instead, after finding another Japanese army arriving on the full-view map, Lu Yuan immediately turned around and went straight to Baoding.The large number of Japanese troops that appeared at this time could only come from Baoding, attracting two batches of Japanese troops that should have been stationed in Baoding City. In other words, there would be a lot fewer Japanese troops in Baoding City. Lu Yuan suddenly wanted to go to Baoding Go and have a look at the Japanese army's goods yard in the city.

Shigeru Oshima came for reinforcements, but they still had to collect the corpses and bandage the wounded, so there was no way to return to the city for a while, so Lu Yuan seized this gap and immediately moved towards Baoding City.Lu Yuan moved along the railway to Baoding City. When approaching Baoding, Lu Yuan suddenly turned and followed the route he left when he came to Baoding last time, disguised as ordinary people, and entered Baoding among the crowds.

Compared with Lu Yuan's last visit to Baoding, Baoding is obviously much more depressed now, but there are many more suspicious people in the streets and alleys. Lu Yuan opened the full-view map and searched around, and found a lot of red dots .Lu Yuan knew that most of these suspicious people were plainclothes spies of the Japanese military intelligence agency, but Lu Yuan didn't care about these, because he had killed many traitor spies like this in Shanghai who were willing to be dogs.

However, Lu Yuan did not take the initiative to provoke these plainclothes spies. After entering the city, Lu Yuan first found a restaurant to have a big meal, and then went to the donkey meat restaurant that he visited last time, where he bought a large package of donkey meat and roasted meat. .After a full meal, he had enough food, so Lu Yuan found a hotel to take a shower and sleep. When Lu Yuan woke up, it was already dinner time.After dinner, Baoding City was another scene. Lu Yuan was not used to the lifeless Baoding City after he was used to the bright lights of Shanghai at night.

Walking out of the restaurant where he was eating, Lu Yuan found that there would be teams of Japanese soldiers appearing on the street from time to time. After asking someone, Lu Yuan suddenly realized that since he left Baoding last time, the Japanese soldiers here in Baoding implemented a curfew system.The Japanese army implemented a curfew system at night. Lu Yuan, who originally wanted to break into the railway station freight yard at night, began to consider the possibility of implementing the operation. After some thinking, Lu Yuan decided to change his plan and temporarily abandon the night attack plan.

The Japanese army implemented a curfew system, so if you go out at night, you might run into a Japanese patrol.It was easy to get rid of the Japanese army's pursuit with the help of the night, but Lu Yuan was worried that this would cause a frantic search by the Baoding Japanese army, which would affect the night attack he wanted to carry out.Back at the hotel, Lu Yuan decided to rest at ease tonight, and wait until tomorrow morning before sending a big gift to the Japanese army, but he didn't know whether the Japanese army expected his appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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