Anti war ranger

Chapter 541

Chapter 541
Lu Yuan fired first, and the lead and deputy shooters of the Japanese heavy machine guns were also shot down one after another. Kazuo Nagano, who had realized that the situation was not good, immediately ordered the mortar to fire.Lu Yuan's position is too far away, the rifles of the Japanese puppet army can't pose a threat to him, and the heavy machine guns are suppressed. At this moment, only the mortar can cause some trouble to Lu Yuan.Kazuo Nagano's order was right on target. After two consecutive explosions, the corrected shells, as if they had eyes, smashed towards Lu Yuan with a howling sound in the air.

The opponent used mortars, so Lu Yuan naturally did not dare to take it lightly. Hearing the screams of the shells in mid-air, Lu Yuan, who was about to pull the trigger, immediately put away the heavy sniper rifle and ran along the ditch to his right. side. "Boom...boom..." The shells fired by the Japanese army exploded on the ground, and the place where Lu Yuan just lay down was instantly submerged in thick smoke and dust.Damn it, the shots were quite accurate! Lu Yuan, who used the storage space to quickly take out the anti-bunker hole and hide in it, was helpless. No matter how powerful the heavy sniper rifle was, it was no match for the mortar. After all, he was only one person.

The assailant was silent, and Kazuo Nagano, proud of himself, grabbed the binoculars hanging on his chest and looked at the dust that hadn't dispersed from a distance. A smile appeared on Kazuo Nagano's face.A dozen soldiers of the Imperial Association Army, led by several Japanese soldiers, rushed towards Lu Yuan in stride and speed according to Kazuo Nagano's order. Their task was to find out whether the attacker was alive or dead.

Lu Yuan was still hiding in the bomb defense hole, but the Japanese and puppet troops coming here did not escape the full-view map. It seemed very troublesome! Lu Yuan began to regret choosing this position as a position. The Japanese army came It was too sudden, and the timing of Lu Yuan's shooting was not right. He didn't have time to arrange a retreat route.The 20 or so Japanese and puppet soldiers who opened the skirmish line walked faster and faster. In just a dozen breaths, there was only less than 200 meters between Lu Yuan and them.

Less than 200 meters, the senior veterans of the Japanese army have been able to focus on the target with more than 100% confidence in this distance.Before Lu Yuan in the artillery hole decided whether to respond, the Japanese soldiers more than [-] meters away suddenly stopped.The Japanese soldiers stopped, but kept yelling, telling the remaining dozen or so soldiers of the Imperial Association Army to move on.As long as you are not a fool, you will know that if you continue to move forward at this time, you are basically going to die, so the dozen or so soldiers of the Imperial Association Army did not retreat or retreat, they just froze in place.

There was a "pop" gunshot, and a column of smoke burst out from under the feet of one of the soldiers of the Imperial Association Army. A Japanese soldier who was more than ten meters away from him waved his hand and shouted in this direction. "Baga, you guys, keep going forward, hurry up, or you'll die." The short and stout Japanese soldier yelled a few words, then pulled the bolt of the gun, and pointed the gun at the ten soldiers. Several soldiers of the Royal Association Army made a shooting motion at once.

Looking at the opponent's leveled rifle and the black muzzle, the soldiers of the Royal Association Army, who were already panicked, continued to move forward reluctantly, like ducks being chased by vicious dogs. .Xu Shi found that the speed of these Imperial Association soldiers was too slow. The Japanese soldiers who had been scattered on the left and right sides immediately pulled the triggers of their rifles alternately, and the bullets fired from the barrels would always hit those Imperial Association soldiers very precisely. Behind the soldiers.

The soldiers of the Imperial Association Army who were forced forward by the bullets walked more and more slowly. This short distance of more than a hundred meters seemed to have exhausted all their physical strength.In the eyes of other people behind them, the dozen or so unlucky ones finally moved tremblingly to the place where there were still fireworks.Unexpectedly, these soldiers of the Imperial Association Army were afraid of death, but after all, they moved to the place where the attacker was hiding. With a face full of disappointment, the damn attacker escaped.

After a dozen soldiers of the Imperial Association Army narrowly escaped death, they searched carefully under their feet and around their sides, but found nothing related to the assailant.The assailant was like a ghost, appearing suddenly and leaving suddenly, causing Nagano Kazuo to have a very bad mood in his heart.After forcing the attackers away, Kazuo Nagano immediately ordered to continue to move towards Chencun. The old uncles who were guarding the entrance of the village had already retreated at this moment, because the people in the village had already withdrawn from the village.

After a lot of hard work, only an empty village was obtained. Nagano Kazuo was very annoyed. The guide who was in charge of leading the way died. A small group of troops searched the earth hills behind Chencun. "Uncle Gui, the little devils from Gou Ri are catching up, and they have a yellow dog to lead the way." The pillar in charge of breaking the back caught up to Uncle Gui panting, and at the same time brought a bad news.

Persuaded by the guerrillas to evacuate the village, the villagers of Chen Village did not carry much, but even so, the old and weak women and children among the villagers were already panting from exhaustion.Under such circumstances, if the guerrillas wanted the villagers to continue retreating into the mountains, these old and weak women and children would be the first to fall behind due to lack of energy. This was absolutely unacceptable to the guerrillas.After thinking about it for a while, Uncle Gui had no choice but to grit his teeth and order half of the manpower to be responsible for sniping and chasing soldiers to buy time for the villagers' cars.

Zhu Zi was not among the people left behind. Even though he begged repeatedly, the old uncle still ordered him and a few young team members to lead the villagers back. "Put them closer and then shoot. Don't worry about saving bullets. The longer we stay here, the safer the folks will be." When the enemy came, the old uncle was very indifferent , took the remaining people to hide on a dirt hill, he just asked the remaining people to be calm and calm.

After a sound of pulling the bolt of the gun, Uncle Gui and the others pushed and loaded the bullets, ready to fire at any time.Uncle Gui and the others chose this location ingeniously. The Japanese and puppet troops were chasing them all the way. If they wanted to catch up with the retreating villagers, they had to pass under this dirt mountain.This is a typical terrain between two mountains and one basin. Old Guishu and the others only occupy the earth mountain on the left, but even so, the condescending Old Guishu and the others can block the bottom of the earth mountain with firepower as long as they shoot. of this open land.

After only one cigarette, the figures of the Japanese and puppet soldiers appeared in the sight of the old uncle. Although the number of the first wave of enemy troops was not large, there was a Japanese second lieutenant and two sergeants among them.It is naturally different to have an officer command and not to command a battle. Seeing that the chasing enemy army has entered the open field at the foot of the mountain, the old uncle's right index finger rested on the trigger of the rifle. "Fire!" With a roar, the guerrillas hidden on the dirt hill pulled the triggers one after another, and dense gunshots followed.

To be honest, the marksmanship of the guerrillas was really not very good. The volley of guns fired by more than a dozen people only hit two Japanese and four Imperial Association troops, and all the other bullets were blown away. "Don't stop, keep shooting, keep shooting." Uncle Gui quickly pulled the bolt, and at the same time shouted loudly to encourage the guerrillas around him.Just because of the difference in personal proficiency, from the second shot, the gunshots on the dirt hill became scattered.

The Japanese second lieutenant in the Japanese and puppet army at the foot of the mountain had just pulled out the command knife on his waist when he heard a puff, and a cloud of blood shot out from the head of the Japanese second lieutenant.Seeing this, a Japanese soldier next to him immediately rushed forward to check, and with another pop, the Japanese soldier also fell down in the field.Two people were shot in a row, and now no one approached recklessly. One of the two sergeants suddenly turned his head to look at his right flank, but he didn't notice anything.

The old uncle Gui who was on the dirt hill didn't know that someone was secretly helping them, and he didn't even know that it was Lu Yuan who was hiding on the right side of the dirt hill at this moment.Lu Yuan, who was hiding in the earth cave, escaped the search of the dozen or so soldiers of the Imperial Association Army. Later, when he saw that the Japanese and puppet troops were focusing on the guerrillas, he went around in circles and followed him from a distance. .The Japanese and puppet soldiers who were chasing them were fully armed and needed to beware of possible sneak attacks while walking. Their speed was definitely not as fast as that of Lu Yuan, who was running with all his strength empty-handed.

The people who confirmed that the guerrillas occupied the hill on the left, and Lu Yuan, who was wearing a camouflage net, quietly climbed to the hill on the right, so that he and the guerrillas could form crossfire.On the battlefield full of gunfire, Lu Yuan's sniper rifle equipped with a silencer would not notice the sound of shooting.After shooting down several Japanese soldiers in a row, Lu Yuan changed his shooting position with a sniper rifle. Looking at the situation of the guerrillas, he should be able to hold on for a while.

With Lu Yuan's help, the pressure on the guerrillas was immediately reduced. After losing the commander and many Japanese veterans in succession, the first wave of Japanese and puppet troops left more than a dozen corpses, and finally chose to retreat and escape for their lives. "Great, we won." Seeing the retreat of the Japanese and puppet troops, the guerrillas on the earth mountain cheered in unison, and even the old uncle had a deep smile on his face.Lu Yuan, on the opposite side of the dirt hill, not only took it lightly, he knew the nature of the Japanese, but also knew that these Japanese and puppet troops would never let it go.

Naturally, Lu Yuan's judgment was correct, it was only a matter of smoking a cigarette, and the Japanese and puppet troops who came later immediately launched an attack on the earth mountain occupied by the guerrillas.The guerrillas hadn't been established for a long time. Although each of them was equipped with a rifle because of Lu Yuan, they lacked the necessary training. Let alone the Japanese army, it might not be as good even if they bumped into the Imperial Association army with an equal number.Accompanied by the roar of the Japanese army's light and heavy machine guns, the Japanese and puppet troops who pulled out the skirmish formation and attacked towards the dirt hill.

(End of this chapter)

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